Anthony is consciously refraining from Ferguson and race talks on TACS

76  2014-08-21 by EskimoEscrow

He talked about Ferguson for the first 30 minutes and then moved on.
He said, "I don't think people enjoy when a show just pounds on one thing"
He was complaining about news and other political talk shows, saying they are "short on material but long on delivery"
For me that was great to hear, I was worried TACS would be a LFTC 2, but it's a totally different show.
If you still haven't subbed, do it already.


Anthony is self aware of his criticism.


During today's show, he briefly mentioned a job interview Dave had, and said something like, "I hope the interview goes well, if it doesn't I should get him a job here".

Never heard ESD's stuff prior to this. He would be a great regular as with Sean Bergin. Side Note: Bergin looks like the kind of guy being arrested for a despicable white collar crime :) I have no idea why, but just does.

Bergin looks like a pedo you'd see ironically on news12.

I have been shocked at how customer focused he is. He never had that attitude on shitius (understandably)

How could he? He was about as far from customer service as the listeners are, it's not like he could walk down to the cube farm where they do it, and say "Hey, could we fix something?" The managers of support would have a fit if he did that - corporations have "approved" methods of getting things done, and it's a turf war the whole way. If I remember right, they said they were not allowed to speak to other departments, because one of their friend's free radio got turned off, and they were told to "go through channels" over it.

(Speaking of, remember when they used to give XMs to everyone in the studio, when's the last time Sirius gave anything away free?)

They, as a show, couldn't even get a definitive answer on why the app is such a piece of shit, or get an office chair fixed or replaced. There's no way they could act on listener's complaints.

Now, if there's a problem, he just has to look at Keith, and raise his eyebrows.

Keith's been really on top of things ...have to say. I'm definitely in subscriber for the next year based on their effort and the show quality.

Really? What else would you expect? If he doesn't satisfy his customers he'll lose them much more directly than when he was at SXM. I would be shocked if he didn't focus on his customers.

Yes really eat a dick. Really.

*HIGH 5*

Ant is the most honest and relate-able media person I've ever experienced.

No hyperbole there. What about R. Budd Dwyer?

He knew how to play to the camera.

He was a politician not a media personality.

Considering I don't plan on blasting my head off: no.

Holy shit!


being self aware is being aware of yourself. he is aware of his criticism, and hopefully also self aware. god bless

And he works to improve himself instead of spiting and punishing his critics ("Hi who's this?" "Hi Opie it's me Lady Di!") That's..whoa, that's fucking weird.


It's probably got something to do with the fact that he now has complete creative control over what he talks about, so he knows he can get his point across on a subject and then move on to something else he's equally interested in, whereas before he had less control on the overall schedule so he dived in whenever a topic that he felt strongly about came up.

So he was scheduled to make the same arguments over and over again about Zimmerman every day?

Well, now I'm tempted to subscribe....

It's seven fucking dollars.


Support a dude that brings joy to your otherwise miserable existence

I paid for a full year. The show just keeps getting better and has me excited for what's still to come.

On O&J I'm not excited. I just keep thinking what bit will they kill next?

Plus every one is on YouTube the day after

I paid for a full year.

Is this a brag? I see a lot of people saying this. You're spending less by paying for a year up front than a monthly subscription which automatically renews. If your paying for a year is supposed to be a claim to support the show then the monthly subscribers are doing more than you are.

It's more I have faith in the show. Thus far it has not let me down.

I think he's going.... all in.


"Anthony is consciously refraining from Ferguson and race talks"

"He talked about Ferguson for the first 30 minutes "

Baby steps

To be fair if he was still with Opie it would have been half the show.


Eh, id say collectively, 70% of his show has been about race and free speech. Hes definitely moving away from it with these newer shows. The last 3 shows have been great.

I see enough of this story in the shitty media already. I go to Anthony for laughs. Not to say I don't want him talking news at all, just don't need hours of discussion on a racially charged media storyline that already has too much coverage. We know where he stands on it.

True, but I wonder what else is there for him to talk about. On SXM he had people that would reign him in and change the subject if he ranted too much. There's no one now but him. I wonder if he'll be able to stay away from his favorite subject.

well spoken and good point, have an upvote you fucker :)

I come across people on here who say, "The Anthony Cumia Show is nothing but a KKK show!"

I say to them NAY!!! Have a listen, will ya!

I have. It's already getting too repetitive to keep listening to. And since Anthony installed the compressor to "fix" the audio problems you can hear room echo, which makes the set sound even more barren and lonely than it did before.

Just my 2 cents.

You sure have a lot of feedback to give for someone who "skimmed through the first few episodes".

2 cents worth.

The show is on his own shoulders and he seems to really give a care. Very encouraging.

last week was a 7/10, this week was a solid 8.5.

Even today's solo show was quite good.

Today's show made me laugh out loud more than any other solo tacs show so far. Hilarious

Seriously, his Mr. Magoo shit get's me howling!

TACS going places while Opie going down in flames. There's no telling how happy this makes me in my pants. I just hope Yimmy pulls the eject button in time.

pulls a button?

sorry i am just a drunk slav piece of shit from Bumfuck, Eastern Yurop

you're trying your best and that's all that matters

/u/116289 speaks the truth.


I think it's funny that a good portion of the enthusiasm for ACS is due to hatred of Opie. A fair number of ACS fans sound just like drunken Moldovan goat herders like you. Once Opie disappears from the scene I prophesy that ACS subscribers are going to sick their goats on Anthony.

That's something I like to hear. Hearing that he said that, and that there's been awesome guests on lately makes me want to subscribe a little more. I've heard the audio quality has also been sorted out much better.

Yep. I think I will pay the 6 month fee after this month's sub. Also might cancel the XM sub I have for my stupid sirius radio in the car. Opie just pisses me off with his interruptions. He is pissing his pants right now and poor Jimmy has to endure it. It really sucks getting old because the older you get, the more you miss the past.

do it. There are easily 20 great podcasts you can download at him to fill up your commute.

I listened to florentine s podcast about his gf and robin Williams committing suicide. Real compelling and interesting fifty minutes

I think it's because he's been recently told by his dentist that they gave him ghetto gums, some black donor teef. Would be hypocritical to insult your fellow salamaLAYkum brethren.

Nice Oz reference.


U tote dat barge U liff dat bale u's his house NIGGER!

This is another Oz reference. James Robson, once proprietor of said ghetto gums, does a fun little shuffle and delivers a classic

Great show.

Classic, I understand why people won't watch it like Ant, but it has so many hilarious racist moments I'm sure he would laugh and they outweigh the presence of peckers.

Ant has made Oz references several times.

i've only heard the oz theme music when rape or prison rape comes up, never a direct quote or character. i have heard him say he can't watch it because of the plain view cocks.

I bought a year sub but haven't really gotten to listen yet because I can't listen live, and the downloads don't seem to play properly in iTunes. It'll play the first 30 minutes or so of the show and then it just stops and goes to the next track or restarts, even though the duration says 2 hours and the size of the file matches up and everything. Their files are fucked up somehow.

I just want to be able to download the shows to listen to them on my fucking ipod and i can't. Waste of money for me so far. When is the app supposed to be out?

Why would people downvote this?

I'm in the same boat, and there's no reason for you to be downvoted because it's a legitimate complaint!

If you use the iOS podcast app it works fine, I just followed the instructions from the FAQ and haven't had a problem except when they had the problem loading the archives two days ago

Good to hear. I might sub

Eh, just torrent it. He won't mind.

Other than calling you a faggot.

He's the confirmed bachelor.


Stupid question, but what's it on?


Duh, thank you. I was searching podcasts. From what I've found on YouTube I'm gonna subscribe


I'm hoping someone had a word in his ear regarding what he talks about. I know he wants to be uncensored but hearing about racial shit each and every day would grow old very fast.



Makes me wonder if the neverending tirades during the trayvon shitstorm were (in part) a fuck you to Sirius.

It's like,"we can't do bits,live shows,travel tour, have a live audience or do anything that can make the show grow? You want to turn O&A into a talk show,well here's some talk for you fuckheads". Another instance is a period,early 2014,where he refused to comment about anything race related on the show,even when Opie was baiting him with news stories.


This is what I've been saying about the guy. If someone dislikes him, it's because of his beliefs. If someone says they haven't liked TACS because race is discussed too much....they haven't listened very much.

Ant is a good entertainer no matter if you agree with the guy or not.

It's entirely possible that he learned something from all of this. That the line of racial comedy and racism was getting a bit blurred with some of his commentary. Plus, if there's any hope of a full reunion of the show, and commercial sponsors, Ant needs to reign a lot of that shit in. Maybe he's laying the foundation for what happens after October.

I think everyone can agree that neither half is doing exceedingly well without the other. People want 'The Opie & Anthony Show' back beneath all this other shit.

I think he just knows how to do good radio....and a lot of idiots (probably you) never gave him enough credit for that. He's more aware than you are believe it or not.

I would love to re-subscribe next month, but there's still no easy way for me to download and listen to episodes on my phone. His RSS feed doesn't work unless you're authenticated, and doesn't work in my podcast app. If he fixes that by making an app or something, then I'll give it another chance.

I'll say it again: Anthony Cumia is the best entertainer I've ever known. Intelligence, humor, timing. The guy is a fucking juggernaut.

Hopefully he realizes that people appreciate his honest discussions on race but it gets boring when he starts actually spewing racist shit.

The reason he went on so long on O&A was because he had Opie (occasionally), Jimmy, other comics, and callers to debate this stuff with. Not as easy to do when most of your subscribers probably agree with you, or don't care enough to call and argue.

Rereading what you described, OP, it sounds like at most Anthony is going to try for a political talk show. There is nothing about comedy in what you wrote, and in fact you quote him complaining specifically about what other political talk shows do wrong.

Assuming that Anthony does make ACS into a political talk show, what about that will people find interesting or funny? This is exactly what people were worried would happen before the launch.

If people want the show to be funny they should petition Anthony to hire Steven Knight as his co-host via Skype. Let's see how serious he is about being uncensored.

No, you misunderstood. He said the opposite, "I'm not a political talk show". You are correct, I didn't mention comedy, I should have. I laughed many times yesterday, he definitely keeps it funny. My main point was - If you are worried that your're signing up for an agenda driven political show, this isn't it.

How can he say that he's not a political talk show after spending half an hour on Ferguson? He spent 3/4's of the show with Colin complaining about black people and how people shouldn't care about police dept.s with military gear and the image it projects. If that's not a political talk show then what is? The only funny part of that show was when Colin accidentally spilled his soda. Let me repeat: The only funny part of the show was accidental.

If you are worried that your're signing up for an agenda driven political show, this isn't it.

I've heard the show. You're either crazy or you're an outright liar if it doesn't change radically.

Ob dot loying

Why the fuck couldnt he get the hint on SirusXM through? But good for him even through I still couldn't get into it with ESD.

But I wish him the best.

My guess would be that the O&A show had to fill more than twice as much airtime each week. Stifling any discussion, no matter how repetitive, meant that they would have to find something else to talk about.

Two hours has been a good length for TACS. No need to beat every topic into the ground.

I'm sure part of the reason is the majority of this month's subs expire on the fourth and he'd like them to renew. It's not like at SXM where he was assured a paycheck for 2 years.

In any case, he's much better and he takes constructive criticism from fans to make the show a quality product.

While he's remained defiant through the whole firing situation - and rightfully so - he's probably grown a little too. He's not a dumb guy, and not all the criticisms against him in the situation were baseless.

Probably because on Sirius XM the captain of the ship would leave Anthony and Jim to talk about whatever topic was at hand to eat up air time. Now Ant has a show prepared and knows what he wants to do with his time so he doesn't have to just sit there and babble about stuff past the point of it being interesting/entertaining.

I wonder if this is because Colin seemed exhausted by Anthony's obsession with black people when he was there. A good 3/4's of that episode was spent with Anthony trying to get Colin to agree with him over and over.

Like others have said, he must be listening to the criticism, but I wonder where it's coming from. I watch the show's twitter occasionally and I haven't see much on that topic from the fans.

I'm not going to pay for what I've heard so far. It'll be interesting to hear the best-of's when they start to come out.

Imo colin was the one bringing racial topics up.

You honestly thought that? He was being polite to Anthony. He's a guest on his show, what else could he do? Colin reminded me of someone who was stuck on an airplane next to someone who wouldn't shut up.

Isn't Colins upcoming book about racial stuff, like, hardcore into it. It's been a couple of days since i listened to the particular episode but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Pretty sure you didn't even listen.

Isn't Colins upcoming book about racial stuff, like, hardcore into it.

I'm sure it'll be a funny comedic book, not humorless complaining.

It's been a couple of days since i listened to the particular episode but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Listen again when you get a chance and pay particular attention to Colin's laugh in response to Anthony. It was mostly a polite laugh. He sounded exhausted by the end of the show.

Pretty sure you didn't even listen.

No, I listened, but I'll give you that I skimmed through most of it, listening a minute skipping a minute, etc. It was enough to get the gist. I even heard the part where Colin spilled his soda on Anthony's "Cafone cream-colored rug" like you see in the Sopranos.


Guess I'm the only one who loved Anthony's rants. Ant's self censored podcast is boring. How long can one guy sit there and talk about being a rich shut-in?

It's a good show. I will continue to steal it

Perhaps one day you'll suck enough cocks to afford the sub fee.

5cents per cock, means 139 cocks per month.

That's actually quite a lot when you have a repellent personality like that tedious cunt.

He did once try to go 6cents, but no-one was putting up with that nonsense, so back to a nickel per dirty cock he sadly went.


Where do you steal it?

A guy here PM's them to me.

I would say that Anthony hasn't been digging deeper on the Ferguson because there is probably a chance that it turns out to be a racially driven homicide.

He doesn't know all the facts.

One thing that I have usually liked about Anthony is that he will not deny facts when they are presented.

The discussions that are happening around the Ferguson shit is where he's in his element of racial discussion. To each his own.

LOL, "turns out to be a racially driven homicide". Stupid nigger.

The only racist was Mike "the only white guys I like are on dollar bills" Brown


Eh, just torrent it. He won't mind.