Davey Mac is fucking killin it on TACS

58  2014-08-20 by EskimoEscrow

This is by far my favorite episode. Davey Mac and Ant bounce off each other really well, and Dave definitely keeps the energy up.


Hire Davey Mac. Pay him 50-60k which is more than what he is getting and what he kinda wanted from Sirius. I will then add 1 year onto my subscription.

I could see Davey Mac in a "producer" type position (like Sam) where Ant could go to him whenever he wanted, but he wouldn't be strictly a co-host.



Anthony is killing with his new show.

I am really happy for him.

Dave is a good radio man, him and Ant have great rapport with one another.

I second the motion to bring on Davey Mac, The commute might be a bit much, doesn't he live in Jersey? Those bridges/tunnels to NY are fucking murder. Plus the fuckheaded LIE, what a fuckhole of a road.

He can get a shit place in Bayshore or something and afford it.

Might be better, property taxes in Jersey are off the fucking charts, I know I live here. Housing is overinflated, and our politicians love raising taxes.

Long Island isn't far behind. Taxes in NY are brutal. Plus, the places Dave could afford...yeah, you don't want to live there, or it's waaaaaay on the eastern end.

Wasn't that where they could buy a house for like $200? I remember they did a segment on it with Dipaolo, I think.

Far behind? Nassau county has the highest taxes in the country.

Or just the east wing in the compound

He's got kids. That commute is doable considering the paybump (I'm assuming). Let's be realistic though, Ant doesn't view his new project as a show in the same vein as O&A or R&F... I don't know how Dave fits in longterm.


Dave doesn't, and the commute would kill him, my point, sir.

Just getting into NY from Jersey is a problem, then the ride across another bridge or tunnel to LI.

He would be commuting during NON Peak times.. As a "regular" it would work.. We need Friday night/ weekend drunk shows.


Have you done it? The idea of doing that twice daily is absurd. It would be similar to commuting to Manhattan from Philly on the bus.

to commute to a 8h workday in LI would kill, but working on TACS may take half of that, so 5-6h commute + 4h workday = 9-10h not bad, but dave is not a trucker either, it would wear me down

Do we have any idea what Dave's "day job" is? He has one. I know he worked for some website he plugged for a short time, but I'm assuming that is over.

Just theorizing what it would take to get him to do the job. Can't imagine he makes a lot at whatever job he does have, seeing they let him cut out to do TACS and WRAT appearances.

I was completely sold when I saw that giant black dick in that whore's mouth.

Porn has become such a normal part of life for adult men, and this is the first time it seems to be acknowledged in programming aimed at that demographic.

It would be entirely appropriate and ironic that giant black cock becomes the trademark and stable of TACS.

TACS > O&J and it's not even close.

I was wondering which way it would tip. O&J is nearly unbearable. I had initial doubts about Anthony, but wow, Sirius fucked up.

Couldn't even get through the first 30 minutes of today's O&J. Jimmy sounded totally uninterested in Opie and Opie seemed to be trying to hard to keep spirits high. Even Florentine was lack luster... Maybe it built of steam, but I just went to Ron & Fez and Cumia.

I saw a LOT of comments about it. I actually am always split. I feel bad for Jimmy AND Opie that this thing of theirs is taking a nose dive, but at the same time they are well paid and completely phoning it in. I don't know if that's the plan, or they really do think they are doing a good show, but they are not. I feel the same about Fez. It sucks because he is mentally ill, but on the other hand, he's getting paid ungodly amounts of money to sit there and not contribute.


How much do you think Fez is paid?

You know, I couldn't venture a guess. I mean, I don't think he's getting paid a ton, but it's enough to live in NYC comfortably, so I'd say.... mid to high six figures...


How fucking hard is it to do podcasts, have a visual element, and do remote broadcasts statically and by bus for a multi-million dollar media company? The only thing I could decide over the years is that management hated O+A, and Ron and Fez by proxy, and have taken any opportunity to veto any good ideas. Then the boys would complain, and the circle of hate continued to go nowhere. It's a shame, because all of those things could have been done relatively cheap and given the show a massive new life. Look at Stern's birthday bash. The sheer amount of money and talent there was unbelievable for a guy that dealt in shock-jockery for most of his career.

Suck and Fuck, dawgsies!

Davey Mac impersonating a Sirius programming exec was priceless.

"I know, let's do a ROLLING STONES CHANNEL!!"

"I cant give you more money....I need it."

Every single day I find new reasons to appreciate the video element.

Ant has always said Dave was a genius.

I don't know if he's a genius, per se, but he is a funny motherfucker. I loved him on R&F, when he'd go after Black Earl. The Midnight Rider stuff wasn't as great - I get why they had to do it, but it got old, fast. And, I'm just not a fan of the shit stunts, like when he did it in front of Duff. Otherwise, he's just funny, because he's insane.

Midnight Rider was the shit. Come on Saphy.


East Side Dave is the future and Sirius XM shit on him. I loved one of the last dmsp on Sirius where he just called them out for throwing him away when he was obviously valuable.

Yet Sam Roberts and his awful voice and cackle will be broadcasting on channel 103 this Friday during PM drive.

I mean really, did Sirius just plan to phase out talk shows once Howard and O&A retired? Covino and Rich aren't very good and certainly not a headliner. Sam Roberts definitely isn't going to keep O&A subscribers. Howard doesn't really have a "protege" in the studio with him.

Terrestrial got rid of any shows with any sort of a pulse, so those guys are all on the sidelines these days instead of developing their show and paying their dues.

It's a better show... My show. - Gregg "Maxwell" Hughes

And punt...


And this is just the beginning. So Genuine and natural.

Hold on to your hats folks its only going to get better as the waters get tested.

Now, Fix the technical bullshit issues!

That would take KTC learning the technical stuff first so he would know how to fix them. That's the price you pay for hiring your buddies.


Best show thus far and its not close. When Ant is in funny mode he is still the Willie Mays and ESD brings it out

Don't think Ant would like the Willie Mays comparison. How about Joe Dimaggio? You know why...

Because he wants Pete Rose to give him a shower?

ESD in the studio with clips and calls... As as (not everyday) regular = gold

I predict: "Davey Mac, comment?"

It was a brilliant show. Davey Mac uncensored is brilliant.

You have to wonder if this kind of performance sends shockwaves through the industry and gets a ton of pub for Davey Mac... maybe even a job. These clips will be ALL over the net tomorrow.

Davey Mac = Fucks Dan Soder in his ass with a sandpaper dildo. And he wasnt even drinking!


link to show for the poor

davey mac is so "zanny." the kids love him. he just gets us, sorry parents, you'll never understand!


What does zanny mean?

Zanny the nanny

Now if only he'll kill himself when it's over.

Why can't TACS posts be made in the TACS subreddit? Lots of people here don't subscribe to TACS

Should I say TACS again

Because it was always o&A.

no. go post your drivel to /r/opieandjimmyshow

Die choking on cocks

It's because these jackasses think there's still some connection between the two shows.

They can't let it go.

Because there isn't enough people over there to listen to them circle jerk as much.

Bullshit. I hate this turd. I shut it off after seeing this would not get better.

You lose.. Gd sir

Find a gun. Any gun.. Load it, put the buisiness end of the barrel in your mouth, pull the trigger... Hopfully you will leave NO note for the family.

Holy shit that was terrible.

But effective, I just killed myself


Because he wants Pete Rose to give him a shower?