Colin Quinn on TACS was Amazing

49  2014-08-20 by NiggaInABuick

A nearly perfect episode. Learned a ton of stuff about CQ that I've never heard elsewhere. CQ was in the mood to talk, and Anthony just let him go -- no stupid interruptions, and Anthony knew when to throw in a funny or important point.

This episode was worth the monthly subscription price alone.


haha thats a great screen cap

Sidebar nomination right there. His face is great.

Good Guy Ant knows when to STFU and not step all over the guests.

"HOLD ON HOLD OOOOOOOOOOON!" or "... and I went to the ..." -Guest. interrupts "Yeah, I did..." -Opie

I gotta setup the bit!


I'll say this, it was the first time I've seen a grown man get drunk off of diet coke and knock shit over "Stop, you're spilling it..."

You've seen adolescent men get drunk on diet coke?

Well to be fair, it's the roofies he puts in their diet coke, not the soda itself.

The Dice and Colin interviews were both great.

Definitely, the show is a lot better with a guest on obviously.

The Gavin one was great too. Not just the interview but also the retards in cinema bit. Even if O&A did it in the past, Ant made it funny.

Didn't hear it yet. . .let's get consensus here. Was it better than an average CQ visit to O&A&J?

In some ways, yes. CQ had a different disposition with Ant, since it was just the two of them. He talked about himself more than he does in O&A (in a good way), yet he still had no problem smashing Ant for being an ass. He seemed to be really enjoying himself and it was a great 2 hour show.

Better than O&A&J. His chemistry with Jim isn't that great, imo. Jim's trashing of him is always simple and repetitive. Ant was always the real catalyst for good Colin appearances. With just Ant, it was pretty fucking good.

The full 2 hours of the show was dedicated to the two of them just talking in Ant's bar, and it was hilarious. It was much more interesting and revealing than hearing him on O & J.

Not as funny as some of the classic CQ appearances on O&A... mainly because CQ is at his funniest when he's bashing Jimmy.

It was probably more interesting than any of CQ's past appearances on O&A because it didn't have Opie flying through a series of pre-planned radio bits.

No but still very good. I think you need Jimmy on there too to get to the levels of the days when they discussed "Hodgepodge" by Colin Quinn.

I would like to listen to this.

The episode was great because there was no format to it. Most of his shows so far have been planned out segmented and too radio sounding. If you listen to the good nopie shows from xm they were best when he stayed away from the phones , for the most part steered clear of ranting about the you know who's and just shot the shit with comedians.

So did Opie get Bobo on the phone to babble for 30 minutes?


What a great interview. As much as I love Colin just stands back and mocks the others, its pretty cool when he talks about stuff in his life. That fucker has some great stories, and I like that Ant just kind of let him just talk instead of directing the conversation.


Whhaaaattttt he got Colin?

Why didn't that half a shrimp Norton get him for his vice show? He only put on Vos when someone canceled


Fuck, I want to hear this.

Said it before.

Was never much of a Colin fan on O&A but I gotta tell ya, He was great on Ants show today.

Colin was very natural,genuine and likeable, no over the top put on for the show.

Great appearence.

I disagree. There are no regular guests better than Colin Quinn. Hopefully, that record continues on TACS. But he was much better for this appearance than usual because he was so honest and forthcoming about his younger days. Probably didn't hurt that he knew he wouldn't get run over by something stupid Opie decides to interject.

Sometimes the colin phone ins on O&A didn't really work but but that fuckwit opester 'steering the boat' all over callers including 'friends of the show' is mosty to blame.



"Amazing"????? really life changing "Amazing"? good interview but I think you may be a bit overwrought. Not a waste of 2 hours but I am done after August. Sorry, I'm at work and this is not worth a listen and really not worth 2 evening hours to watch. I have a wife and children in my life. I can't really see coming home at night and watching this shit. It's not that interesting, important or entertaing. If I want to watch sad old racists I'll but on O'Reilly


I have a wife and children in my life.

I'm so sorry

Sounds like a noose is right around the corner for ya! Please ustream it for us.. Thanks

I can't tell if you're trolling or actually this stupid.


Come on dude. It's $7 a month. Just pay.


You can listen for free.

You a kike?


Just buy a fucking subscription.

Talk like a pirate if you're gay



