Opie tried to relate to the Sandusky scandal by comparing himself and his own son's bathing habits to that incident..

22  2014-08-20 by [deleted]

Welcome to your daily Opie is delusional discussion...

Did you hear the utter stupidity spoken by Opie regarding the Sandusky incident?

While talking about the sandusky rape that took place in the LOCKEROOM WITH 14 SHOWER HEADS where public bathing occurs on a regular basis, Opie stated the following to make a connection:

Opie: "I don't know man, it's just weird to be bathing with another kid that age. I mean, I shower with my 4 year old son and it's weird to me, I've recently stopped."

Everyone else on the show: "It's a lockeroom, lots of people shower in there at the same time, etc. etc. etc."

Opie: Instead of agreeing that he's wrong, he talks over people and says: "I don't know it's weird, it's weird, it's weird.."

What the fuck? It's a collegiate locker room, not your own personal bathroom at home. Can he really be this delusional, or was he just trying to make a "personal" connection to the story to feel involved in the discussion?



This. At least take a break. Life without Opie is pretty good.

Come nestle in Ronny B's warm bosom, bask in the D.A.

The show is getting bad quick. This might be good advice.

This and old shows on YouTube. The good old days with comedians destroying each other. A good show would change the atmosphere around you as a listener. You were drawn in to their world of no boundaries or fake-tact.

That's why it hurts so much to see what happened.

Yep, just stop. I listened for 5 years and have stopped completely. I don't even get the channel anymore. I have a Sirius radio and a basic internet only package so I can hear Ron and Fez. Life's better when you just cut the cord, my friend.

Sadly, I started to only listen when the guest is someone that I like. I used to listen every day, no matter what. For me, the show is slowly bleeding out.

ron and fez has been excellent this week

and last week. Ronny's Jeffrey Gurian had me howling.

this is the first time fez has ever improved after a surgery. a minor improvement but still

I haven listened in over a week. Its hilarious.


It was a Lady Di level question.

No hold on

Opie is retarded & as he is a special needs interviewer, he has people feeding him comments and questions to ask on his screen & so you get the delays and that idiot jumping in with comments or questions sometimes minutes after the moment has passed.

How important is the board?

Bored you'll never be, and you'll never need a gun if you're with An-tho-nee

He's so nervous about molestation that when he gets a baby sitter they just stay home.

Yeah I know it's like why is every one talking about molestation and making up these lies and tall tales. Everybody just has to start yellin at ya. "Ooooh Paul." "Get that outta there from between the crib bars Paul!" "Why was you two takin a bath togetha Mr. Harghis?"

I WAS WASHIN HIM! Your little sammy got dirty is all and I had to wash him off. We was havin a bath and we thought we would play the old frickle frackel. I was showin him you just get the soapy suds on your penis and your shakin it around like the hoola hoop and everybody is playin frickel frackle. Nothin wrong with teaching a kid now is there?

10/10 made my skin crawl.


Do you think Opie would let Jimmy babysit?

Do you think jimmy would want to?

I love when Opie says he can identify when creeps are ogling his baby. Seriously, the guy thinks that people want to molest his dumb kids on a regular basis. He has no awareness that that kind of pedophilia is very rare. Yes, it happens and it's horrible. But you don't go for a walk in the city and pass numerous pedophiles leering at your 10-month-old. I have two kids, around the same age as his. I can think of one experience/person who I felt might have creepy tendencies like that. It's just not something you are faced with very regularly.

I can only think of a few creeps myself, but again, I don't bring my kids to Central Park to hang out.

Opie's the one who wants to molest his kid. That's why he's so worried about it.

Dunno about that. Seems like every celebrity from the 70s in the UK is a child molester.

Opie is completely delusional and insane. Like that wife of his brainwashed him.

I've said this for years. Marrying his wife was about the time he devolved into this deluded, viral video obsessed, fame whore moron that we now have. He's also seemingly quite pussy-whipped.

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get home from work, but... for a guy that lives 10-20 minutes away from where he lives, works from 6am to about 11am, he often rushes right out of the studio to go home to "babysit" his kids. His wife doesn't fucking work, let her do it for a few minutes. He used to sit in studio and hang out with Ron and Fez and other shows but that shit stopped as soon as he got married and had kids. It's also been long rumored that one of the big reasons they don't do more appearances and events is that Opie demands an appearance fee, like he's a Kardashian or something. He also flies home immediately following the event (Cleveland, Chicago, and last year Montreal) so his wife doesn't have to be alone with the kids.

That said, I understand the desire to be home with your wife and kids, but does one who works such short hours so close to home need to run home immediately, especially when it's affecting the show (planning, production, etc)

Opie is horrified that his wife is getting 30 year old cock on the side. I cannot imagine marrying somebody twenty years younger than me and then living with her in Manhattan when she doesn't have a job and is surrounded by wealthy side-cock all day long.

Especially since his wife used to be quite popular in the philly area. The overreaction to the whole Bam affair was quite telling in that regard.

Never thought of that. His obsession with assholes and shitting must also horrify his wife whenever he gets "in the mood."

Shut the fuck up, he demands an appearance fee for a live event like Chicago?

That was the rumor awhile back. I think Danny said it, so take it for what it's worth.

Eh, I just listened to the bra bombing the other day and even with that he admitted he's always been obsessed with having a "catch phrase" of his catch on. He thought he'd see people walking around Boston with a shirt that said "brother man."

Charging an appearance fee is the zenith point of douchebaggery.

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get home from work,

Ew. Faggot.

Faggot for wanting to go home from work? Ok, regular joe.

Eh you know what, you listen to your shock jocks in your living room at home. I'll stick with my Q104.3 on the boombox and my buttered roll.


Opie has also talked about causing his kids to have sexual fetishes..

HE seems like the sick fuck.

Even if you think it, you don't say it. Opie is an ass

Seriously. I've always held my tongue when it came to The Opster; I've always felt that he was playing the character of "the straight man" or "dumb guy" to Ant's/Jim's humor. But, the show has simply become unlistenable.

Opie is genuinely stupid. Just dumb.

No hate- just facts.


He's crazy to compare bathing with his four yr old son to a stranger bathing with young teens.

I really don't understand his personal hang ups with his own kids.

He thinks he's giving his daughter future foot fetishes because he tickles her feet. He made references to disciplining his son - and how that will give him some S&M fetish.

What's next, Opster? Does feeding them give them a food fetish?

He really is unlistenable.

I am not trying to stand up for Opie, but I do find giant open shower rooms to be weird. Just put some fucking dividers up. I would never want to use a changing room that had no dividers nor do I want to shit in an open room with other people around.

Though him comparing it to him showering with his kid is just nutty. But I get that we live in a world where anything deemed as weird usually blows up Into sensationalism. Like the family that stayed away from his kid when he got lost in the apartment, because they feared being labeled as kid touchers.

Then don't!

Dont tell me what to do. You arent my real mom. Though she was a galavanting whore, so maybe you are.

he could have related his ''raping the listener's ears'' habit with the sandusky incident and who wouldn't agree then?

How many times did the opster say "right" during the interview? At least 20

I remember making a documentary in college and my professor overheard me saying "right" "gotcha" while I was conducting an interview. She promptly stopped me and had me do it over. I was in college, what's this jerk offs excuse!!

He's good with numbers man. He does sodoku puzzles during the show! It is usually at the point where the "other guy" says stuff he's just too busy as dad to care about! Dads don't have time to look at the moon! He just isn't good at the verbal side of radio! He steers the ship! He has viral videos in England! His mom is a cunt! You're just a hater! Aids and twitter voice!


Not only a cunt, not only a hilarity stomping bore, not only a liar, but also a potential child molester. This cunt truly has nothing going for him.

I still listen to archives when the live show isn't on. I'm somewhere around Jan 30 2013 right now. It's crazy now that I'm more aware if how much I hate Opie to see how much he fucked the show up.

Every chip joke is amped up bc Ant egged it on. Opie really does ignore them almost 99% of time. And when Op starts with his stupid shit, Ant and Jimmy could divert.

It's just amazing how bad the show got. So quickly. Best show on earth to pure shit overnight.

Opie did make me laugh yesterday, though. Robin Williams challenge. Soder liked it.

I'm surprised he didn't say it 4 more times. Wait, I'm not done listening to that show, maybe he did.

things I do now instead:

  1. Listen to Jim's advice show
  2. Watch Anthony's podcast
  3. You Know What Dude podcast ...Puerto Rican Rattlesnake
  4. My Wife Hates Me podcast
  5. SiriusXM Fantasy Sports channel
  6. Dan and Jay show
  7. Ron and Fez

Fellow Gomite?

Just enough that I enjoy him on the podcast shakes the rattle

No R&F?

pfft.. they are #7.... what? I swear i didnt forget about Ronny B.. sounds like a million bucks

Million bucks.

I don't care where it is, a 70 year old man and a 12 year old boy showering in the same shower alone is weird, doesn't mean something is happening but without a doubt it is weird. I know it's not popular ut I 100% agree with Opie on this.


Sounds hot

C'mon man, at this point, all we are listening for is to point out the Opie delusional fuck ups. Keep it up, I appreciate focusing on things that I'm about to hear since I usually listen a day late.

I listen pretty early but I admit I listen because whenever theres a juicy fuckup I think to myself "Can't wait to read about this on reddit"

That's all the joy I get out of the show now.

How important are the showerheads?

Comment Mr Paterno?

Sounds like I am not missing much since I cancelled my sub. Op would be great as a consultant to a show. His days as a host sadly sounds like they are over.


I can't believe Paterno's fucking son was so delusional that he actually offered the open-ended question of "maybe it was Sandusky showering with one of his adopted kids," like it wasn't something devious.

Are you fucking kidding me? 1/2 of what this dude said or offered was a spin attempt to make his father look better. I wanted to strangle him a few times.

Why the fuck was Paterno's kid on?

Opie never played sports or showered with other boys?

I though he played on the basketball team?

Or is that bullshit too?

Now wonder he is so socially inept, he never saw another mans penis in a non sexual context. Just when he was sucking one, or doing gay shit on the show as an excuse to see one.

He's saying he can't even have a shower with his own son, so how can it be so comfortable/normal showering with others. I understand his point, it's a good one to make.

Do you all sit there listening to jump on the poor fuck over every tiny little thing.

He is uncomfortable showering with his own son because he has a full erection the whole time.


He's good with numbers man. He does sodoku puzzles during the show! It is usually at the point where the "other guy" says stuff he's just too busy as dad to care about! Dads don't have time to look at the moon! He just isn't good at the verbal side of radio! He steers the ship! He has viral videos in England! His mom is a cunt! You're just a hater! Aids and twitter voice!