Someone please rationally explain the Sam hate

0  2014-08-19 by [deleted]

OK I do partially understand the recent Sam hate, but I've been listening to special delivery with Sam and Dave recently and they were a phenomenal combo... Can someone lay out a logical argument for why he sucks now? or maybe has always sucked?


Sam worked hard behind the scenes to climb the ladder from intern to employee to executive producer. Good for him, but that doesn't mean he should be on-air.

He back-doored his way to the air-waves because he worked hard and kissed the right asses, with no actual talent. Sam has a nasally voice and a horrendous cackle for a laugh. He has been given several shows on the O&A channel that have gone nowhere, but I don't tune in so it doesn't bother me that they throw him a bone for his hard work.

What bothers me is when he talks or laughs during the O&A show and acts like he belongs in the presence of those guys. He cackles when Erock or Denny is being picked on, because he is a bandwagon bully. He will only go after people who he knows the big boys will back him up, which is weak and cowardly. When someone goes after him (Kevin Pollak) he can't take the criticism and pouts like a little bitch

All he does now is Google & YouTube videos of whatever the boys are talking about and laugh at Opie's jokes. When Kevin called him out, he acted like he was as untouchable as Opie or Jim. He sat there quietly because he had no rebuttal. Sam is entirely replaceable. He doesn't get shit on enough so he has developed feelings of superiority, when he's just a producer that Opie liked and gave air-time. Sam has a higher opinion of himself then he should. It irritates me

Just a few reasons

Sam fake laughs at everything. Remember when Opie used to say Sam would never laugh, even when guys like Louie or Gervais were killing? Well now they need fake laughter to pump up the lame jokes, and now Sam has his fake cackle at shit that's not even funny.

Not even stuff that is intended to be a joke. Just banal statement of fact. If it came out Opie's mouth, Sam sells it like a Pryor bit. He is so firmly entrenched in Opie's ass that he mails rent checks to Lynsi.


he is a bandwagon bully

And we're all totally not bandwagon bullies ourselves.

I pay for a product called SiriusXM and don't like it when I hear some voice and laugh that makes you want to punch something coming through my speakers. I also pay for the O&A or whatever it is called now show. Not "The Sam Roberts Show". It isn't bullying, it is product feedback.


I mean we're bandwagon bullies cause we have a whole month dedicated to relentlessly bashing whatever radio djs sam decided he doesn't like. I don't really care whether or not you get to complain about your product that has nothing to do with me.

Maybe you are, but I don't think I am.

I've always felt this way about Sam, I'm not just joining the mob. Same thing with Opie. I post things that I believe, whether they are popular opinions or not

Sam takes bashings. You're wrong. If he was sensitive or "above it" you really think he woulda let his parents come on the air and defend him? Sam isn't above insults, they've bashed him a million times, he's just good at letting shit roll off his shoulders

And yes it's true he's a bandwagon bully but that stuff brings some of the funniest moments on the show. The recent discovery that Denny's mouth is for sale was probably my favorite moment since ant left. Sam also is just about as good as ant at going back and forth with chip

As far as his voice. Who the fuck cares? It's not THAT bad. And I don't Mind his laugh cuz he always laughs at the weirdest things and when you hear his laugh it's actually contagious. I enjoy his strange sense of humor.

Is this Sam's mommy? Oh no, even worse, you are just another grown man-child that loves wrestling. No wonder you like Sam so much. He gets to see all their sweaty leotard-bulges up close

Sam also is just about as good as ant at going back and forth with chip

You like how he says, "No that's stupid Chip.....That doesn't make sense Chip". Really? You enjoy his witty banter...Holy shit

his laugh it's actually contagious

Yeah, the same way AIDs is contagious. I can't agree with one thing you've said.

Anyone who is a fan of Sam, sees a little bit of their-weaselly-self in him.

AIDS should have a capital "S" you heathen.


First off his voice is extremely annoying so he is starting off behind the 8 ball for a radio career. Secondly, he is so far up Opie's ass that he has no real opinion when Opie is around - he just agrees with Opie. And lastly, he plays this stupid on air persona character where he is a snarky sarcastic shit-stirrer. That isn't interesting because it isn't real. That's why I think he stinks.

I'd also add that the things he likes are just infuriatingly uninteresting. He cannot hold any show on his own; he needs someone in studio to bounce shit off of. He doesn't have the skill/personality/talent to carry a radio show. He's been given plenty of opportunities to prove himself and all he's been able to muster in 9 years is a shitty pre/post show and a Make A Wish Foundation 3 hour Friday afternoon show (when people are already out doing interesting things). He was denied a gig on E! Radio - that should have been the biggest red flag for anyone.

Well said sir. Cutting and on-point. His character has been awful from day one.


I believe it's very real. Over the years there's probably been a hundred fun or funny bits that came from the staff fighting off air and getting brought on air, and SAMs always in the middle of it

Sam has a terrible voice and has refused to work on it and an immature appearance that he thinks is his "look."

Sam cannot use the internet or produce bits. Sam does no preparation besides local newspapers, Gawker websites (they were the chief agent in firing Ant) and looking at Reddit's front page. Sam is the executive producer for lapping Opie's balls with astonishing frequency and thoroughness. If you hated Danny/Ant, you've got to hate Sam/Opie, since Sam has less talent than Danny.

This ugly, nasal-voiced twit with a deformed dick is the number one trash talker. Being Opie's bootlick keeps him from taking a beating, but every time he takes his once yearly beating he acts like a total cunt about it for a week. See Kevin Pollak.

His after show and pre show/post show are awful. Sam is given chance after chance to carry a radio show but he can't do it. He can only work the smarmy "shit stirrer" gimmick with Opie's blessing and protection. He acts like a co-host when he's not even adequate as a producer.


I was just going to put...well cause it's Sam. I like your explanation better.

an immature appearance that he thinks is his "look."

He thinks if he grows his hair out long and wild, people won't notice that his hairline has receded half way back his head.

That's the only reason he won't cut it. Look at pictures. If he had short hair, he'd be almost horse shoe bald.

He's a fucking faggot.

Well-said. Concise and accurate.

This is really disturbing.

hes not funny interesting or entertaining

His similarities to Danny have become more evident/stronger as he's gotten older and less excited about the business, but he's not hated enough by other staffers for it to result in on-air fights. Zero entertainment value for the listeners.


He just has one of those faces you want to punch.


He isn't interesting at all. Opie when he talks about his past at least has some interesting shit when he tells the truth. Ant also has an interesting history. Sam is just a pampered mamma's boy with a dick story about how his penis filled up like a balloon with piss and smega. His voice is annoying anything he talks about or brings up even on his own shows isn't interesting. On his Friday show he needs 2 other co hosts the nig nog and the hole to help fill in otherwise it'll be another stinker.

He jumps on Opie's dick at every opportunity. He just needs to sit in the back room do the producing and shut up. He has no fans of his own just people that listen from O&A. Ask yourself this question without O&A what would he be doing and how his career would be shaping up.

He's never had a real ass beating. I can't respect anyone who hasn't been in at least one fist fight.


I don't hate Sam. He bores me and I tune out when he speaks.

He doesn't suck but there's a double standard with him that pisses people off. He's the biggest instigator and general shit stirrer on the show, he loves dishing it out but when he starts taking it back he gets all pissed off.

I think he's at his best interacting with the people of lower stock that come onto the show, he was great with Lady Di when she was an intern.

His interviews are actually pretty good except when it involves someone who's been coming on the show for a while, then it turns into "hey you remember when I was an intern. Can you believe how important I am now? Lets talk about my rise here". See; Jericho, Bubba Ray Dudley interviews.

Completely agree, he has his good moments but can be annoying as fuck at times.

Why do people keep saying he gets pissed off when he's in the barrel? He seems to always take it well, laugh at it, and never show any anger. In fact he's so good at taking it that they never bash him anymore

Did you miss the Pollak thing from the other day? He took that terribly.

Side note: I don't know if it's a bit but given Pollak was trashing him over a year ago on podcasts I'd lean towards it being real-ish.

I dunno I thought he took it well. He obviously defended himself but he let the jokes fly and even allowed his parents to call. He didn't freak out and get all pissy like Danny used to


I'd rather hear danny get pissy, than hear sam everyday.

He is Opie's bootlicker. Wow, he works sooo hard. He doesn't have 1/10 the talent he thinks he does, but he acts like he is the talent.

Also, compare with Erock who is actually talented and isn't so needy that he needs to constantly insert himself in everything.

Don't cha have eyes or don't cha have ears or sumptin? Chippa 5:21

sams voice is radio cancer death, dj hoonig every fucking show talks about cheating on his wife every fucking show, eating like a 3 year old, wrestling for fucks sake, his annoying hair, his radio cancer death voice.

someone else put it perfectly, "id rather listen to the wind whistle through my slit neck than his voice."

This place a year ago fucking loved Sam Roberts. I don't really care for him. He isn't funny but his voice doesn't annoy me.

It's clearly not the popular opinion around here, but Sam is great. I relate to his warped sense of humor and I'm in his age range. Plus, I grew up on pro wrestling and rap music. He's always going to be in the host/straight-man role but I think he does that better than Opie these days. Sam is very underrated as an interviewer. He gets stuck with so many reject interview guests, but really tries to get something interesting out of them. Also, I think he shines when paired with the super show crew (Bobo, Lady Di, etc.) A reunited "Special Delivery" show would be better than O&J or TACS.

If it wasn't for Sam we wouldn't know that Denny is the self sucking piss god and most importantly his Mouth is for sale

My only hate for sam is the fucking wrestling nonsense. You're a goddamn adult sam, stop playing pretend already.

I've been meaning to ask a similar question for a while but I didn't want to clutter the subreddit with my stupid shitty submissions so I'll piggyback on this thread.

Can someone explain the hate for Roland? The guy has his faults but you guys seem vehement and passionate in your hatred for the guy. I honestly don't get it.


I like Sam.

Sam rules, faggots.