The definitive list of things this sub loves/hates

48  2014-08-19 by aftershave


  • "Opie"
  • Roland "Fat fuck" Campos
  • Sam "The Shitshow" Roberts
  • Gregg Hughes
  • Keith "The" "Cop"
  • Joseph "Coattails" Cumia
  • Truckers
  • The Cronut Guy
  • The Philly Crew™
  • Viral Spiral
  • Serious/AA Jimmy
  • Tom Papa
  • Bobby "Shitball of Comedy" Slayton
  • The manner in which The Philly Crew does it
  • The pieces of shit who keep buying Opie's clipart T-Shirts and wear them in public
  • Gregg "Opie" Hughes


  • Patrice O'Neal [Sainthood]
  • Lyle "Chip" Chipperson
  • Denny "Piss Christ" Falcone
  • The plaque that's currently clogging Roland's arteries
  • Colin Quinn
  • Vos
  • E-Rock
  • The rats that shut down the Cronut store
  • Kevin "Sam Destroyer" Pollack
  • Dr. Steve
  • Jim Jefferies
  • Ron Bennington

It's Complicated

  • Anthony Cumia
  • Dan Soder [new]
  • Bailey "Yup, that's a penis" Jay

Let me know if I missed anything big


Erock belongs in the Loves category . Erock Army Niggaz!


The Hawk!

Belongs in Loves category.


Soder is great

Belongs in It's Complicated.

Love Scott


Jim Jefferies belongs in Loves category.

Love? I'm not six.

Are you under 18 :-)?

Oh, Ant.

HATE: Phone Calls

I think everyone can agree on that

I would say Soder goes under "It's Complicated"

I love his appearances. It's the only time I listen now

Hates: Sal, Joe Derosa

Loves: Uncle Paul..Suuuure

Can you PLEASE add "The OpieRadio - FunnyMofos Daily" shit. Please god, add it to the list.


Yet he ducking tweets it out like its fucking hilarious shit. The wot mofos alone is so douchy I don't know how else it could be worse.


Some phones prefer ducking over fucking for some reason. I get way to upset when my phone pulls that ducking shit.

Not to mention it confused the fucks I want to duck.

Hate - Loves the internet guy

Is it even hateable? It's not even worth mentioning. Opie has used that laugh before, it's not even original.

He's ripping himself off, hoohoo.

Ron Bennington under Loves


We also hate @Opieradio on twitter and @Opieradio on Youtube.

Don't forget /r/OpieRadio

Love: Edgar Mellencamp and Cregg Schinkel.

You just gotta Schinkel bout it

Bailey Jay is fantastic. I don't know where the hate comes from.

What is so fantastic about him/her? Let me in on it, because I seriously don't get it. The whole appeal seems to be that this tranny actually manages to look like a hot woman. Is there something more there? No cock jokes please.

Shes pretty laid back I think thats why people like her, like if you called her "him" she wont go all tumblr butthurt on you. Thats all I really know I think.

"She isn't a complete cunt" is not reason enough for me to like that dull mutant.

I dislike her, I'm glad Jim hasn't made her come on the show.

And yet we got Patty to come on the show. Hottest moment ever.


Ya who hates Bailey Jay, I haven't seen major negative stuff about her on here. Someone link if I'm wrong.

Ever seen Somik Chan? The only time I've ever been fooled. I'm not even sure if that's the right name.



Yeah I don't know. I had a hard time with that one.

She stirs up some weird feelings in straight guys.


His/her awful voice that sounds like a drunk bitch who's just been punched square in the nose is enough.

That and the deep seated confusion s/he clearly stirs in some folk.

Real men are man enough to admit they let Bailey Jay make them her bitch.

You mean real faggots

I think she is interesting, funny, and a great representative for the trans community.

If you hate her, it's probably because of your own insecurities.

If you hate her, it's probably because of your own insecurities.

ur an idiot

AA Jimmy is more hated than serious Jim.

You forgot Opie

We also hate Gregg Hughes the actor that plays Opie

How could we forget our hatred for...

The Reverend Bob Levy

He should go on the Pay No Mind list

Patrice O'Neal [Sainthood] Has made me laugh so hard I thought I would choke or have a heart attack.

Yeah but it's not really exclusive to us.

I love the Philly Crew and how they do it. You might be confusing hate with envy because I just want to learn how they do it so I can be as cool as them.

Also under "It's complicated" should be "this sub".

ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ Ughhh I can't do it as well as the crew.

I love how the Philly Crew does it. I'm very upset that we will never know the true whereabouts of Father Doris.

Where's Father Doris? Is he coming?

Hates: Hipster Louis CK fans.

But his show transcends regular TV. Its an art, bro.


Tom Papa. Tom Papa. Tom Papa. Tom. Papa. Tom Papa.

Jesus Christ how did I forget that abortion?

I should know this one probably... What happened?

Wait..I just actually looked at the Philly Crew video, in the past I always just saw .gifs... and thought it was a goof, this is like THE real Philly Crew? Jesus Christ.......

Glorious, isn't it!? How much do you wish you could hang with that crew?

If by hang you mean hanging them with a leather belt than I really wish I could.

Are you a David Carradine fan?

I believe he used a closet door


Where does Louie fit?

Also, what's the general opinion on Bill Burr?

Bill burr is the fucking man and belongs on the love list. There were a few autistics criticizing him for not speaking about Anthony's situation, but those guys are all creepy neo nazis that probably don't listen to the show anymore. Seriously, who gives a fuck if burr made a public comment

Anyone who hates bill burr belongs on the hate list. Burr is awesome.

Yeah he didn't give in to the internet haters

I don't think he is was on theformer show enough to go either way. His old appearances more than make up for it, though.

"It's complicated" - tons of his older shows (suck cock for k-rock) are gold status, but the last few years of appearances have been a bore-fest.

He's on the hate list these days.

What happened?


So because those stories were boring or what?

I loved the yacht stories, I think it has to do with how after his show blew up Opie and Anthony treated him more like a 'celebrity' and not a regular guest. That's not Louies fault though, he's as good as ever.

I think I heard he had a boat.

Went all feminist social justicey.

Tiny ex-producers: Hate Salad bars: Hate Red headed weirdos: Love Hate: Love

Loves: to hate

Hates: to love

I love the philly crew.

We also hate Wackbag.

I hate the sentiment that continually comes up that this place is "Wackbag-lite" or "Wackbag 2.0" because of the negativity. Maybe Wackbag used to be different, but I've been to Wackbag these days, and it's overall far more negative here. I'll be diplomatic and say Wackbag has a noticeable presence of superfans.


Yeah they do, and a lot of them don't like this place.

Fuck 'em.

Fuck you!

I wonder if they bring up this sub like people here bring up that site.

go back to wackbag faggot!

I don't like Wackbag, I've just lurked it to see what it's all about after seeing people talk about it here.


I mostly agree with the sub then. I'm in the minority that wouldn't have Sam on the hate list, although I love Pollack and his attack. Also Roland is the undisputed, true heavyweight champ of my personal list.

Has there ever been someone close to Anthony that the fans have liked? Danny, his girlfriends, Keith the Cop, and Brother Joe. Its always the same. The more public their relationship with Anthony becomes the more the fans hate them and call them leeches and hanger-ons. Combine that with the almost worship he gets from a lot of people here, and someone could make the argument that we're jealous.

Danny and Brother Joe are shitheads though. I have nothing against KTC.


  • talking like Jimmy (I hope he/she gets [something violent])

  • making the same "What am I, six years old?" Florentine joke



I love that Guinea Fuck Cumia!

Hates: Danny, Jimmy's hair, callers.

He only had a shitty hand in the O&J show travel to Montreal but anyone who listens to Ron and Fez knows why the boys hate Jeffrey Gurian.

I don't really like Roland but he did call out Gurian on air after the Montreal trip. douchebag

I don't listen to Ron & Fez. Why don't people like Gurian? Not that he deserves to be liked, but Patrice approved of him so he gets a "it's complicated' vote from me no matter what anybody says. At least i'm pretty sure that's how sainthood works.

Love - regular joe

What a well thought out list. You deserve an applause.

Piss lord not piss Christ


Why is Ant in 'It's complicated@? Nothing but love for the guy

Don't forget Howard Stern.

He invented making lists so he should be on top out of respect hoo hoo.

Oh and add RotGut to the love list because it's better than any band that's ever existed.

That's Gregg with two Gs goddamnit!

bobo is 50/50 lady di is hated Marion is despised Burr is loved

I love Marion. She wears Bob Levy's scrotum around her neck like John Redcorn's spirit pouch


Tippy Tom does deserve to be in the Loves category, he did so much good for the show.

Sam has some redeeming qualities. He does a good job with jocktober.

I like Tom Papa and the shit show /shrug.


Hate: Callers (especially Sam's "super fans"), Danny

Love: DJ Whoo Kid, Intern David

Great call on Intern David but Whoo Kid? YUCK. HES BLACK AND COOL BECAUSE HE CLAIMS TO SLEEP WITH A LOT OF WOMEN!! GET IT?!?! He isn't funny and most of his stories are BS

Easy there shouty. So you don't like black people, that's cool.

Loves ted sheckler bill tetley and Edgar mellencamp

That fucking Steiner dude who comes in and hawks his fucking dirt and they let him ramble for a fucking hour or longer.

I kind of like Opie and Sam. I guess this sub-reddit has passed me by.

What's everyone's problem with Keith the Cop?

Man-servant. Pion. House-boi. The help etc

He's the white house-nigger of The Compound.

He's Keith the Cuck and don't let him forget it.

Yeah, seems like a good enough guy.


I think you got one thing wrong but I FTFY

It's Complicated

Anthony Cumia

Bailey "Yup, that's a penis" Jay

edit: I was actually jerking off to random porn and watching a "girl" blow a guy and realized the face looked familiar and well a shot later... yep.

Yeah.. "Random."

If you watch as much porn as I do nothing is ever 'random'

It actually was. But when I saw "her" penis I stopped stroking and had to think for a few seconds if I am cool with this since it looks like a woman and the tits look good and skin is smooth but I made myself click off cause I knew after I blew my load I am gonna feel really weird about this.

Loves: /u/opiesucks

I think people are split on him. I like him ocassionally.

A user that should be added though:



I saw someone say "I would like dan soder if his voice matched his face"

It's radio you fucking clowns.

Going off this place's history, For the hate you forgot Louie for going Hollywood and his show not being funny anymore. And if I remember correctly add Jim Jefferies because his show was trying to be like Louie's.

"Let me know if I missed anything big"

Nope, you got Bailey Jay's penis

Soder doesn't go in the "Love" category? I'm not as head over heels about him as everyone else here and I thought for sure he'd be in the Love category

while i don't agree with the opie and tom papa labeling, I soundly agree that this is the consensus of this forum.

second where's the longterm hate:

Joe DeRosa

Joe PisCapo

Joe ...


Loves him norton

Love: The Consumer.

Where does Robert Kelly go?



The opster

Loves: Fat Bob Kelly.

Hates: Thin modeling Bob Kelly. Ants hairplugs should also be under the love category.

I love the manner in which the Philly Crew does it, very auspicious

FUCK ROLAND. He should be harpooned and have his blubber put to good use.

People here love Ant (unless they're liberal faggots obsessed with social politics, then they literally can't enjoy anything in life unless there's a preamble where all their beliefs are affirmed).


  • ALL of Jimmy's characters,

  • Penn Jillette,

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson,

  • Ron Bennington,

  • Stupid Fat Blobby,

  • Billy Burr,

  • Louis CK,

  • Tippy Tom,

  • Steve C,

  • Intern David.

  • Executive Intern Oscar,

  • Joe Derosa.

It's Complicated:

  • Michio Kaku,

  • His Highness Ian Halperin,

  • The Iron Sheik,

  • Bobby Lee,

  • Stalker Patti,

  • Bobo.


  • Andy Kindler,

  • Intern "Julian Lover" Noah,

  • Danny,

  • Troy Quan,

  • Fez,

  • Lady Di(e).

Vic Henley is in the complicated, Pollack is in the Love

Lady Trucker.

Sounds about right, but you forgot EROCK! under loves. Coke floats 4 lyfe yo.

What about Travis, Troy Quan, Erock, Joe DeRosa?

Don't care, Hate, Love, is okay.

Travis is kind of like those shitty snack pack puddings. You never really search it out and buy it, but if it's in the fridge you'll eat it once in a while. You never really enjoy eating it, but you don't hate it either.



Like them all

Damn good list but...

Love: Sam "The Shitshow" Roberts Tom Papa


  • Anthony

  • Conservative talking points

  • Free Speech


  • Opie

  • Everything Jimmy loves and holds near to his heart

  • Everybody associated with Anthony

  • Niggers

  • Nigger Culture

  • Humor

why do people hate roland?

He is a pompous, disgusting pig with radio cancer voice that never gets shit on the way every other staff members do.

He is nowhere as awful as sam. Roland is just one of those guys who should be hated, but somehow aren't. I don't hate the lad.


You can put brother joe and femmy Stevey Knight on the same line. One is an awkward 57 year old man trying to get into podcasting maaaan, and the other is an effeminate journalism major from buttfuck De Montfort University who licks his dogs tongue (I would link to that vid but he seems to have taken it down).

Someone has a crush. I don't blame you though, he's adorable.

Stevey Knight is a good egg

The content he has provided is great, but he himself is a pissy hipster, look at his twitter.

There's no pleasing you cunts is there?

Brother Bore on the other hand...

Yeah, seems like a good enough guy.

Man-servant. Pion. House-boi. The help etc

Are you under 18 :-)?

I should know this one probably... What happened?

If you hate her, it's probably because of your own insecurities.

ur an idiot

He's the white house-nigger of The Compound.

He's Keith the Cuck and don't let him forget it.

He's ripping himself off, hoohoo.