Man, this place turned on Dan Soder

10  2014-08-19 by BeerCanThick

Not even 3 weeks ago this place was all Boner 4 Soder and every other post was about him being third mic. Now he's getting trashed by half the people here for being a poor impressionist who works poorly with the show. Strange.


The Soder hate is unwarranted. His woman/deep voice guy impressions get annoying but the Soder shows are usually the better ones

He is entertaining, has funny lines, and brings a fresh perspective to news stories. Everyone is looking for things to hate, which is easy to do with the quality of the shows. But Dan Soder isn't one of the people that deserves it

I agree i liked him today (jesse too)

I love Dan and his standup is hilarious, too, I think. His woman voice can be a little grating but then again it's supposed to be. But I will say he's at his best on the show riffing with Ant (like most)

I hate this place, nothing works here, the medicines don't work, I've been here for 7 years.

Soder raised his stock on the show with one appearance--going back and forth with Ant on a"sympathetic to the poor misunderstood pitbulls" segment. At least that's the one I found funny.

Soder is always funny on the show. That being said he's even better on Ron and Fez.

Soder is the best new regular comedian on the show in years. The show has needed new regulars for a while now. Their rotation has diminished considerably..patrice is dead, Otto is dead, louie got too famous, burr got too famous and seems to be distant with the show, derosa is out LA and bawby is too busy being a dad. The only regulars that have stayed consistent are colin and vos. The last time someone new vibed with the show as good as soder was when joe derosa first came on so it's been a long time coming.

He's great because he rips bong hits.

He's entertaining, but fresh perspective? He just adapts to the attitude of the room, that's part of his likability but it certainly isn't a new perspective.

He adapts to the attitude, but he actually has a point of view on subjects.

Jim has the same view on everything: "They are jizzbags...fucking babieeees"

Opie will fold into whatever everyone else thinks, so he never has a real opinion on anything

So yes, Soder brings his own perspective. I believe that comes off fresh with the forever stagnate thought-process of O&J

The Nighttime Attitude, you mean?

He sounds funny to me. I think this subreddit's just in a bitch spiral.

If you must know we've been recruited by a company in the UK called bitch spirals.

Time for an IPO!

His name is like fawkin Pepsi or sumphin. Tsss

I pretty much epitomise this place: my opinions can shift 180 degrees at the drop of a hat, I'm always searching for something to hate and I'm a 480lbs schizophrenic shut in with countless hours to invest in petty hatred.

Thank you for your service

Pretty much how I imagine every Opie and Anthony fan.

In Boston we call him Dan Soda

Carl Sodaberg

I still like Dan Soder. Hes one of the few reasons I would ever tune into the show these days.

I still think So der should be 3rd mic

Soder is love. Soder is... awforgetit.

I like Soder. It's you miserable fucks I hate.

It's the same with everyone here. It will eventually be trashed, usually sooner rather than later. It's fucking shite.

You're fucking shite. Just giving you your turn.

Thank you sir!

Boner 4 Soder!

What a fickle bunch. Soder is hilarious.

This place turned on it self welcome back to wackbag

Exactly. I think this place is a younger generation of fans, but oddly enough they're a carbon copy.


Was never a fan of Soder.

That doesn't mean he sucks and I don't hate him. His "humor" simply doesn't appeal to me.

Build em up to tear em down when they get their own show. We do it with our athletes, entertainers, everyone... its the twitter generation! I enjoy Soder, but his fake laugh has gotten worse each month.

That is because 90% of the people on this sub reddit are retarded, attention craving dumbasses, to put it mildly.

Soder hate? REALLY?

You guys really do deserve Vos, Bonnie, and Florentine.

This place turned on Opie too. Every thread in here used to be how great his characters were. Now they hate them.

My favorite Opie character was "whiny voiced above it all guy."

Opie turned on everyone.

What characters?

That must have been a short week.

It was opposite day lul

does he have to fuckin deliver every line in a stupid voice?

A lot of the young comedians learned from Regan that a well placed "dumb guy" voice goes a long way toward laughs.

Also from Ronald Reagan, except in that case it goes a long way towards fooling people.

And dementia.

I still would love to listen to Dan more often than not.

Soder is great on the show every time. I like the voices he does.. If someone could fill me in on the turning point that made so many of the people here hate him that'd be cool

I just never commented on Sodor before, my opinion hasn't changed. The voices and the "yes man" personality is what gets me.

Dan Soder is great on the show. His appearances have been the best since it's just been O&J, sans that Vos+Bobby appearance.

He fits the dynamic of the show very well, I don't see how anyone can say otherwise. He's funny off the cuff, can just hang and shoot the shit and he has a similar sense of humor to the boys.

People here just love to hate things.

Brown nosers, that is all.

Soder plz thx

I completely disagree, dude had a great appearance last show.

I sense the Philly crew in all of this.


I like Soder; he isn't the funniest out of the comedians I support but you can tell he is excited to be there (whether it's O&J, Ron and Fez, his own show) and really trying to make the best out of the opportunity he's made for himself.

I was like, he's doin' the ice bucket challenge, and like, you put some ice on ya Soder, err sumpfin. Tsss tssss. Just riffin'.

I do like Dan Soder a lot but I feel like he tries to force his impressions into everything he does. I wouldn't mind just listening to him talk like a normal person for a little while not everything has to be done in a whacky voice.

It's over-exposure I think, I don't listen to the show anymore but it seems he has been on a lot lately. I loved the Lady Di calls, but eventually they became really fucking boring, it was too much.

I'm still team Soder. He's the shows last hope.

Dan is great. He offers a fresh young point of view to the show. I get people being sick of his high pitched impression voice. He does so many other great impressions on Bobby' podcast. His Dangerfield am Indian chief and Chicago native impressions are great.

I never thought he was very funny, especially on the show. The number of Soder for 3rd mic posts? ... most of them were making fun of the pro-soder people,

i like dan soder plus he is very attractive

I'm the opposite. I despised him because of the voice from when he was on ykwd, but I'm liking him more and more. I think at some point over the last 2-3 weeks my ears adjusted and now the voice gets tuned right out.

It's like a really terrible smell. You get used to it if you're around it enough.

This place is full of retards that's why. The same people bitching about the show now were probably the same people in '08 saying the show sucked then and Patrice was over exposed. Go fuck yourselves wackbag-lite.

i hated soder from day one and criticised him for his randomly placed garbage impressions. i also knew, the same fags, that'll give me -27 on such comment 5 weeks ago, will soon or later repeat my points verbatim. this forum is fucked in the head.

This sub is full of people who want to like something before it's cool to do so. Once everyone was onboard with Soder it wasn't cool anymore.

thats because reddit o and j fans are idiots

(insert overused but fitting spiderman quote)

He stinks and I dont like him.

I've never liked him, he annoys the shit out of me. He's not funny and I hate his voice. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? FUCK YOU, go home and play with your kids.

You wanna work here? Close! You hear me, you fuckin' faggots?!

You, Soder. What's your problem, pal.

You see this watch? This watch costs more than your podcast.

I told him 'fire your fuckin ass,' because a boring comic is a boring comic.

Too much of a good thing. Eat a dozen donuts and you get a stomach ache.

Dan soder = Faggot Mustard Voice.

His southern voice schtick gets old quick

That's better than you all sound.

Soder is love. Soder is... awforgetit.

You wanna work here? Close! You hear me, you fuckin' faggots?!