Jim Norton Stories > Jim Norton Jokes

0  2014-08-19 by majestik6

About thirteen years ago I was listening to the radio when I heard a guest on a radio show talk about his deranged life. He'd talk about paying for prostitutes, and his lame attempts at dating, and really twisted scatalogical stuff.

That's what hooked me on the O&A show.

It occurred to me that at some point Jimmy stopped telling stories and focused on the jokes.

Some of Jim's stories were so compelling, I would sit in my car transfixed. You KNOW a story is good when you literally can't step away from the radio. Here's a few:

5) Jim Norton has a crush on Kate Beckinsale

4) KISS beats up Jim Norton

3) Jim Norton's mom wants Jimmy to work out more

2) An intern on the show is dating one of Jimmy's prostitutes

1) Monster Rain

Can anyone speculate on why the stories stopped? Jimmy is a great storyteller. Heck, I think he's better at telling stories than writing jokes. Remember the time he tried to get Donna Summers to give him an autograph? He took two minutes of his life and spun it into ninety minutes of radio gold.


Just the other day he was talking about dating through newspaper ads and almost fucking some woman who wanted him to fake rape her.

Jimmy talks about the mundane things in his life - like his CPAP machine and his live gigs. But he rarely talks about his sex life, and that's been the source of most of his great stories.

Does he think he's boring people? Or is he trying to cultivate a different image?

It's odd; it used to be something he'd talk about every week, but at some point it just petered out.

He still tells stories. One of the best 40 mins or so last week was him telling stories about all his sexual deviancy growing up. And of course Opie responded with several, gutteral-voiced "See, that is just CRAZY to meee..." which is his go-to when anyone says anything out of the ordinary. He just did it yesterday with Nikki Glaser.

He ran out of stories to tell.

So tell 'em again! Ant has told the story of the threesome he had with his wife at least fifty times, and it always makes for good radio.

The other one he said the other day about his imaginary friend hating Jim norton. Fuck that was hysterical, I wish he went on about that more.

What a great point!

Some of the most interesting stories Jimmy has told are about how he torments people IRL with Chip and Edgar. The split personality thing is fascinating.

He has talked about it a lot in the past. His imaginary friend's name was Jimmy Robinson and there was also an imaginary older woman named Helen.

Ok I found it. You're welcome. http://youtu.be/b4iehtJzlQk

Dude I've listened a lot and I dont know how I've missed this. But thanks!!

Somehow we need to pin this on opie.

The stories he was telling toward the end of the show today about all the deranged shit he and his friends used to do as teenagers was hilarious.

He begins to tell good stories on almost a daily basis. The problem is, have you ever tried to tell stories around someone who constantly interrupted you and tried to make the story about them?

It's not that hard to pin on Opie because he does it every day. Literally every day. Yet there are still so many deniers.

This is easily my favourite of Jim's stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lukWj68hyIs

Do you have links to any of these stories?