Opie and Jim have been amazing IMO, but enough of Dan Soder.

0  2014-08-19 by Mass_Hole

We get, girls voice, etc.


i think soder is a great addition to the show. you don't have to agree with me, and i respect your opinions, but i think he's definitely a fresh perspective on the show. he's no anthony, and his voices are a bit stale, but i like what he brings to the table. the way he played off of ant near the end was awesome, and was right up there with the lady di segments as my favorites. plus, the man does an impressive macho man. so thats always nice.

Dan Soder is hilarious, you guys are just miserable fucking cunts.

I'm a totally fanboy, not miserable at all. Hope he does the same girl voice every time.


This is the dead horse word of the O&J show.

It actually was douchey when Soder said on his show that Robin Williams got him into "doing voices". He has two voices that he uses for like ten characters, yet he compares himself to Robin Williams.

Iron sheik needs to break his fucking back.

Like Denny, there was always a chance of overkill. Still like both though.