Is the show dead?

0  2014-08-19 by knotsam

And if not, what percentage of fans are we down to from a year ago? What about from five years ago?


Yes, the show is dead.

The fanbase is fractured. Some have stuck with Opie and Jim. Some have bought subs to Ant's new endeavor. More than either of those groups have drifted away to other radio shows and podcasts.

There's no hope of the show getting back together, and without all 3 of the boys together, it just doesn't work.

If Ant and Jimmy do something together, I would get back on board and actually pay the subscription

After 3 weeks of Opie...I just can't hear anymore

Maybe you could get a hearin aid uh sumthin, tss tss

Stop god damn saying that! No one wants to hear Opie, dont let him fucking ruin the AC show as well, ya dink.

This show is so bad I cancelled my Sirius service and I have absolutely no desire to listen to pirated replays on youtube. On the plus side I discovered Jim Florentine's podcast and am enjoying that greatly.

I don't listen to podcasts! Why would I? I'm not eight!

Nailed it!


I've replaced some O&J listening with Florentine too. My SXM subs are coming up for renewal and if I keep one, it will be some music variety and that is it. One is definitely being cancelled.

5 Minutes of Dan Soder and Jim having fun back and forth just made me realised it's pretty much done unless they bring someone like Dan or get back together. I hate to jump on the "hate" opie bandwagon but they need another mic. I'm listening to both shows and it's really weird.

I was done when they stopped being the O&A show. Haven't listened in weeks.


The show has been dying slowly throughout the year.

Prior to July 2nd it was a bleeding out kinda ordeal after July 2nd it was full on shotgun haircut.

I tapped out in April.

I stopped listening after they came back from vacation and Opie bitched about his plane trip. I listened to the first show back without Ant mainly to hear Ron.

Pre-Anthony's firing. Most were slowly tapping out but were still coming back in hopes of some improvement. With Anthony gone, Opie cannot carry it on his own.

It's been dying for a while even before Anthony got fired. It's like that sick relative that has "good days" where you can't tell they're sick. I don't even hate the show like 99% of the people here. At this point I just don't really care. I haven't listened in probably two weeks? Except for a few youtube clips like the Kevin/Sam thing and the british Chip clip. I haven't watched but 1 and a half episodes of Anthony's show either though.

The show is dead, and I highly doubt it will have a second (technically, fourth) life in the future.

Opie can say whatever he likes - the truth is he seems like he is growing to resent Anthony. He no longer talks about Anthony, bashes callers who critique the new OJ show and does not mention the future of O&A.

Also, look at it this way. Opie has done radio with Anthony for 20 years. Who called in to Ant's show the first day? Jimmy. Opie has been AWOL while his "friend" is starting a new venture. That indicates there is ZERO solidarity between the two.

tl;dr - Opie is a man child that is pouting in a corner and will purposely avoid Anthony to prove the point that he can do it by himself.

Ant out of the picture obviously casts a major spotlight on Opie and it has his complete lack of chemistry with everyone except Sam on display. Opie strikes me as the kind of guy egotistical enough to hold a grudge against someone for that.

It's on life support til October, when the plug is pulled.

If the show was a 65yo traumatized veteran with a peg leg, Anthony's actions on July 3 were a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the remaining good leg. Jimmy was the crutch infested with termites, and the peg leg is Opie. The one part with the most structural integrity was victimized, and destroyed the entire being by letting the other two weak parts attempt to stand on its own. But the crutch knew its issues with termites, and never wanted to be part of the body. And the peg leg has been incomplete so long, it has deluded itself into thinking it could have carried the body by itself, or by leaning on the termite crutch, and 100 different walking sticks (3rd mic comedians) As long as you don't compare it to a ship, your take is probably similar to this.

I try to listen but it's just not very good radio anymore. Opie with his fake stories about hooking up with black girls and his constant interruptions of people. I think him butting in and interrupting people is one of the worst things about the show. I just think here we go again old Opie steam rolling over people again

He's Opie the destroyer all right the destroyer of jokes butting in half way through.



That's it, I just can't make myself listen to it anymore, I gave it a good shot. It's just so bad, with no future because Mr. I'm the ship captain doesn't want to do a small amount of work. Good job fucko.

I thought the show could make it, some of the shows right after Ant was removed were good. But after listening to 8/20 show, I think the show is done. It was so mindnumbingly bad, I dont know when I will listen again. I dont think I am alone.

Nope. Trolling has intensified universally. Everywhere you look, not just in the O&A universe. The appearance of a major breakdown - some major catastrophic event - is symptomatic of this bizarre new cultural disease.

Is the Opie & Anthony Show dead? Yes. It's been dead since July 2, 2014, and it's never coming back in any form.

Now, is the show that Opie and Jim are doing for SiriusXM Talk dead? No. That show is very much alive and will continue on past October and probably for as many years as Opie and Jim want to do it.

I just wouldn't recommend it to any fans of the Opie & Anthony show or anybody looking for Comedy. They won't find it. It's a straight, morning radio talk show now, and that's how it will stay.

I just wouldn't recommend it to any fans of the Opie & Anthony show or anybody looking for Comedy. They won't find it. It's a straight, morning radio talk show now, and that's how it will stay.

"YUCK" was my only thought.

That's what I always think when I see his user name.

That's a nice way of saying that the show is a piece of shit.

That's 'cause I'm a nice guy.

Probably the best response on here


The way the show is going right now, I don't see Jimmy hanging around past October.

And where will he go to promote his gigs?

He wants a show with national exposure, and right now, this is the only one conceivably available to him.

That's what I always think when I see his user name.