Well, at least they no longer do the Apology Clock Bit.

33  2014-08-18 by [deleted]

That really was more often than not just a drain on the show, thank fuck that's over.


Opie should be apologizing at the end of every show.

Fuckin home run

I found it weird that they didn't highlight their own companies statements following Ants departure...seemed like the perfect opportunity to close the 'bit'

Also, can I just say What the fuck! I've been travelling...so haven't been able to keep up with the show..what a surprise it was to find out what a clusterfuck it has became. I've just listened to my first onj shows..and while there was a chuckle or two...reading this sub it's hard to be very optimistic.

Is there anything I might have missed from Twitter and other social outlets? How's ants show coming along? What's been going on on twitter?

Yes the show without Anthony is pretty terrible, the chemistry between Jim & Opie is awful and Opie is in full douche-chill mode constantly. Ant's show is pretty good though.

Fucking LOL

They can't do it anymore because that means Jimmy would have to make fun of Gene Simmons for his apology, and Jimmy would never do that.

And now we have nothing.

What's wrong with the show we got? It bores pretty good.

anorexia... was da name some a dem otha bits

Uh... Fluke... Floundah...

...uh...(time) Filluh...

Apology clock could've went viral.

It had legs.

At least Ant didn't reset it.

They can't do Apology clock bit anymore because it would throw fuel onto a slowly dim fire. One of the things they used to say was no one would stand up to these companies when people got fired or had to say sorry. When Ant was fired people did stand up canceled subs then attacked the XM website in the end it made no difference at all.

Because 4 people did it.

Sirius should apologize for firing the only one capible of being funny and speaking on news stories with knowledge.

No Danny sucked at news too.

It was a good way to burn 30 minutes to an hour, everyday

It was a good way

Was it?

Some of them weren't bad. I liked the KFC controversy and the radio duo that were fired for saying stuff about transsexuals.

No, no it wasn't. My point was just that it was a way for them to burn 30+ minutes a day. I hated the apology bit.

Fuck me for trying to be funny

Next stop they should stop doing the opie and jimmy bit.

Of course they don't, little Jimmy would have to make fun of his idols........

I liked the apology clock thing. It wasn't a "bit", because it wasn't meant to be funny. It was just a segment that is pretty relevant, because it reveals a huge problem with political correctness that has infected the culture and is actively destroying free speech and expression.

The fact that Anthony ultimately got fired shows how relevant the segment really was.

Yes, it was a segment that was commenting on the state of our society, but it didn't go anywhere.

Every day they spent an hour or two on the latest apology and restating the same points as the day before. Three weeks of Jimmy calling people "BABIEEEES"

The Apology Clock was only interesting if they had a guest in to give a fresh view on the subject. Otherwise it was like Opie's studio rants or Anthony's gun/race/Obama rants: A chunk of airtime they can phone in

It certainly did go somewhere. Ant was fired and the show forever changed for exactly what the bit incessantly railed against. It was the ultimate ending to the bit. Almost poetic.

Some Spanish magazine was spotlighted in the abortion of a bit. Most days I'm just glad the show went away. They got real old and real lazy.

I didn't mind it either.

I agree.

But it was every fucking day.

But it was every fucking day.

That's the point.

Maybe if they wanted to do the bit, they should have just VERY briefly given a list of the new apologies each day, because they had nothing new to say about them. Eating up an hour or so each day on it was not good.

...uh...(time) Filluh...

It certainly did go somewhere. Ant was fired and the show forever changed for exactly what the bit incessantly railed against. It was the ultimate ending to the bit. Almost poetic.

Some Spanish magazine was spotlighted in the abortion of a bit. Most days I'm just glad the show went away. They got real old and real lazy.