Anthony Cumia Show RSS feed

0  2014-08-18 by Puhfjc

Is Anothony's RSS feed working for anyone? I got it to open in the Podcast app on my iphone but none of the shows will play or download.

Am I doing it wrong?


It seems to be working now. Thanks for the replies.

I noticed that the rest of my podcast also just updated so it may have just have been an issue with my app itself.

working fine for me on iphone podcast app

Same here. It seems like a total cluster fuck to prevent pirating. But in the end its only going to push away paying listeners.

I was really pleased to hear I could download the episodes at home through wifi. I listened to the first two at work and it drained my battery down to 50% by 12 o'clock, and that was just the audio only version!

do u actually see his show listed in your podcast list now? and if so what are your settings? should have download episodes ON etc.

Yes it was showing, but when I clicked to download it came up with a message that it wasn't available just now. It seems to be working now tho.

It did seem like I had to wait for the show to download completely before I could start listening but other than that it looks just like my other podcasts now. Exactly what I have been waiting for.

Exactly. Me too.

works perfectly, but why is the Big Jay show cut retarded with an extra hour of silence at the end?

I've pasted the link I got off my Account Page into the Apple Podcast and RSSRadio apps, and both say they can't find it. I guess I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens.

Confirmed okay in my BeyondPod Android app.

DoggCatcher confirmed a-ok.