Kevin pollock talking shit about sam

7  2014-08-17 by carrara9000

anyone have any links?


I really hope this wasn't a bit planned in advance. It's funny in its own right - but knowing that someone like Kevin Pollack hates Sam with a sociopathic passion makes me happy.

Sam's an entitled douche - and he got everything he deserved in that smashing.

The whole premise was that Pollack has been saying how much he dislikes Sam whenever the O&A show comes up on other platforms, ranging from other podcasts to his AMA. I don't think it is a bit.

Sam's comebacks were awfully pathetic for something scripted too. He had absolutely nothing witty to say.

It was pretty clear listening to it that it was a bit. Sam was basically laughing the entire time.

I think it was more uncomfortable laughter because no one in the studio was siding with him.

I think people are thinking that because itsstillrealtothem.damnit.

If it is a bit, it's a bit with a ridiculously long set-up. He was shitting on Sam on podacasts dating back over a year.

IMO, it's busting balls which everyone does to Sam, and they saw a spot where he could call in and make a bit of it with Sam's parents.

ugh. it isn't a bit

If you listen to past interviews/podcasts, you would know that Kevin doesn't like Sam on a personal level. He didn't call in to confront Sam. Jimmy is the one who brings it up and Kevin was caught off guard.

If it was a prepared bit Kevin would have had better lines and wouldn't have stumbled through his reasons for hating Sam.

You're correct. Sam plays heel great. As does his parents.

It's somewhere in this clip: You'd think I would know more since I uploaded the damn thing but I forgot the timestamp and I'm too lazy to look for it.

It is about 45 minutes in.

45 minutes in

For some reason I seem to think that it's about 45 minutes in.

Sam is a cunt, and thank you Bonnie for stirring the shit, and to that useless deadweight Opie for shutting the fuck (for once) up during it.

Sam thinks he is hot shit because he gets all the fucking D listers O and A turn(turned) down.

He has nothing on Steve C when it comes to actual producing, I fucking loved Steve C's over the top promos.

I think you should change that to "Thank you Bonnie for constantly stepping all over and interrupting everyone, and changing the topic or screwing up the flow of any conversation on a whim, because you're a self entitled twat."

"Na na na....Kevin got a little bit out of line himself, he insulted Sam a little bit, he got a little out of order himself. He insulted him a little bit."

I'm breaking your balls, and right away your getting fucking fresh!

Fuckin break up my party...

"Don't get nervous..."

I love that he mocked Sam's cunty attitude towards music. Like what you like, that's your choice, but don't act like your opinion is objectively correct and everyone else's taste in music is dogshit, especially if you're a grown man who listens to Beyonce.

Or any male who considered himself an "Avril Lavigne Fan" for any reason but her appearance.

I'm 6 or 7 years younger than him and even I know the greatness of Hall and Oates

Kevin hates Sam as a fan, not on a personal or even professional level. He listens to the show himself regularly so it's really no surprise he'd hate Sam anyways.

The esteemed mr pollock started talking shit about Sammy on his podcast with Jim Norton, and continued here... and everything he said is correct!

He started a lot longer ago than that - he said in his Ask Me Anything last year "I can't stand the sound of his voice".

He looked like a Pollock after Pollak was through with him.

She wanted 'Austin Powers'...


I'm a big fan of wordplay humor.

Who isn't?


you fuckin' burrrried that cocksucka

I agree with Kevin. Sam's voice is annoying as fuck, probably more so because I also agree that there's no good reason we should ever be hearing it.

I'm sure Sam is playing up his faggot character a bit, but he's still radio death when he's on air. Actually, if that is the case, then that just makes Sam and everyone else even bigger queers, since they know that the majority of fans hate Sam, so instead of firing him, they give him MORE time. They WANT you to cancel your subscriptions. They are DARING you to do it. They're basically saying "That's right, Sam's abysmal and he ain't going NOWHERE! Take it and like it, fuckers!"

Bit ir not, that whoke segment summed up what a lot of people have bee thinking for years. Who is Sam? Why is he here? Why does he have a mic? What does he bring to the table besides little girl shit? What value does he offer? Does he really work that hard? Really? Harder than maybe their lazy, incompetent staff...but I doubt he works harder than any other hack disc jockey out there who has to do all those side gigs just to stay afloat. They have no talent either, so I don't think Sam should get a pass for supposedly working hard.

Do a YouTube search for "Opie and Anthony Kevin Pollak vs Sam". I'd be willing to bet it's the first result.

It seems like a work. I don't buy it. Jim's shitty acting gives it away and Rich's shitty acting gives it away.

That's not a bad point.

i'm convinced Kevin Pollack posts on this subreddit.

I think you should change that to "Thank you Bonnie for constantly stepping all over and interrupting everyone, and changing the topic or screwing up the flow of any conversation on a whim, because you're a self entitled twat."