O&A fans are known by other comics as "lunatics/crazy". What gives?

0  2014-08-17 by alexgough12

What makes us that? Is it because of the constant shitting on other comics or the hosts themselves on twitter or other forums? Do you heckle at the clubs? Are you a creep at the meet & greets after the shows? Have you ever been a guest on To Catch a Predator? What gives O&A fans that stigma?


I pinned Bonny against a wall once, but then when Rich started kissing the back of my neck, I knew I made a mistake and left.

Did he leave any spit on the back of your neck?


I first read that as Bobby and chuckled pretty good. Then I realized you wrote Bonnie and it wasn't as good

I'm a big a-hole to these telemarketers! I curse and scream and tell em to never call me a again. And I am not exaggerating these people call me 4 times every day! SO I SAID FINE... these guys wanna plaaaay. Do you wanna plaaay Mr. Telemarketer? You wanna mess with me, a PSYCHO?!?

The fans are assholes.

I've never heckled at a club. I have no interest in meeting the talent. I'm an asshole not because I listen to the show, rather I'm an asshole because I like the show.

Interesting point.

Maybe because you send women rape threats all the time. What the fuck is wrong with yall. Poor Lindy.

I remember going to see Vos at Harrah's in Las Vegas a few years ago. The club was about half full. After the show Rich saw my O&A shirt, came right up to me, and asked how the show (O&A) had been that week. We talked for a minute, I bought a CD, thanked him for the show and left.

Rich has shit on O&A fans multiple times, but from the way he was with me in Vegas (and the other encounters I have had with him) I have to believe that he's just fucking around. These guys appreciate every ticket they sell.

Do you listen to the show a lot/are you a newer fan? If you have listened to some older shows, for example, you'd find your answer.

Been listening since like 09 so I guess kind of newer. I just don't get it I guess. I love the show and the comics that it brings in, but I don't consider myself nor do I act like a lunatic. What do you mean from the older shows? I've tried going back and listening to earlier bits. There are some legendary moments in the show before 09 I know. I think I just prefer the hang/comedians rather than say a goofy bit, or like strippers or a porn chick. Don't get me wrong, who doesn't like a porn chick but it's radio, and I can't really beat off in my car or at work.


I think what he is getting at is during the WNEW and XM/CBS days the boys were a lot more encouraging to the listeners to be involved like the WoW promotion, Assault on the media, Radio wars where Pests would attack etc.

So take the amount of people who try to emulate the show nowadays and multiply it by 5 as part of the listener base and pack them all into the same part of the country.

Oh, yeah man.. I agree with a lot of that. I wasn't trying to be condescending in my comment but it looks like other people already got back to you on this just as good as I could. You have to listen back to the early "pest" days and definitely listen to the comedy show where Bill Burr lambasted the entire audience for 15 minutes. The show encouraged horrible behavior out of their fans but then, at some point, realized that it will eventually be turned against them.

Nobody involved can take criticism. Fans hear O&A or O&J shooting the shit with comedians and bashing each other for four hours and want to join in. But when the sensitive, depressed alcoholic drug-addicted comedians hear anything that sounds like criticism, even ball busting, they accuse them of being haters and trolls.

If it weren't for the block button, more comedians would hang themselves.

You def touched on listeners trying to join in; there was a time Patrice was in and broke it down perfectly, saying the guys on the show talk to each other they way they do because they've all be friends for 20 years. Listeners do it because the boys do it, but listeners don't know how to do it.

Check any social media for anyone on the show, or comic friends of the show. The shit people write is just nasty, rotten stuff. I think they're trying to be funny/keep in 'the spirit' of the show, but I can't even tell. (I never understand why people can't come up with their own ideas; they have to shoe horn in a show reference somehow, not matter how far of a reach it is) So if people say this shit to them in real life too, I can see how they think the fans are dicks.

Idk but what went on with the traveling virus was fucking embarrassing.

I think the stigma is well-deserved.

We're all scumbags.

i'm not gonna lie, i have a fetish of getting my dick sucked after shows by the comedians. so far no luck, but jimmy said he would, if i dressed differently and vos quickly changed the topic because his wife randomly joined our conversation. if i'm wrecking it for everybody else, i'm sorry.

Everyone's gotta cum. Thank you for your service.

The facebook attacks during Jocktober.


That's only the opinion of west coast liberal comedians and hacks.

Real comedians like Dipaolo, Burr, Stanhope and others love O&A fans and recognize that we're truely fans of comedy. We're savage animals though.

You chose two guys who are left coast likely left leaning. Good call.

My examples were REAL COMEDIANS.

I don't care about left coast liberal fags or unfunny hacks.

Name me 1 REAL COMEDIAN who thinks negatively of O&A fans?

Mike Birbiglia is the best example I can think of, and he's a left coast liberal fag.

Birbiglia said he felt bad after he attacked Vos on the show. The fans wanting to be part of the show boo they guy, he's done with the show what's wrong with that.
Few more mouth breathers ask burr why he's hasn't supported ant and you'll have one.

I agree.

I remember listening to them talking about the traveling virus tour, specifically Mike Birbiglia and him being boo'd off stage and I couldn't imagine booing a guy off stage. I've done stand up, it makes you want to kill yourself with pills when you bomb, can't imagine what it feels like being boo'd off stage by thousands of people. And I thought Birbiglia was funny. The sleepwalk with me album is a pretty flawless recording, funny from beginning to end.

I guess he might not fit with the crowd, but a lot of O&A fans even blast the ones that do.

Is it a feeling of thinking your in on the joke and they don't really mean to hurt or disrupt the show ? Or maybe just the easy access to being shitty to a guest/host within an instant on twitter or Facebook or message board?

Looking for the psychology of it, writing a thesis paper.

I think Birbiglia just doesn't mesh well with the show so the fans could give a shit about him and they won't hold back if they don't respect you.

As far as other comedians go, I remember Amy Schumer specifically saying that the O and A fans are great at stand up events because we're used to hearing comedy so we understand what we're there to see and aren't causing disruptions or trying to make themselves part of the show.

Obviously there's always exceptions but that's what I've seen as well, O and A fans usually know how to conduct themselves at stand up events, it's the drunk Bachelorette parties that ruin it because they're completely unaware of how much they're interfering with the comedy.

Yeah they are the worst. Dave Attell said on Jim's vice show that O&A fans go see comedy, that's good.

I'm going to see Jim next week Last time the O&A fans I casually met seemed cool. I tend to go to comedy shows alone though, I guess that looks kinda weird on my part.

This is a show that ridiculed the Drunk Uncle guy for bombing.



I think the pests are the main reason all O&A fans are seen in that light, even though the pests and mentally stable O&A fans are completely different. Non-pests are less militant for example.


Assault on the Media

It's pretty simple really. The fans are cunts, Sir.

Talking about more recently, I think it's the fact that we've bombarded endless targets with life changing, earth-shattering pictures of scat porn, infected prolapses, racism in action, and use of every offensive term imaginable.

There also is usually a little threatening, insulting of the target's appearance and family life (especially children and wife), and the complete belittling of one's entirety. This can sometimes go on for months.

That kind of stuff can probably get you a reputation...

Spend 5 minutes in this sub. It is filled with angry, delusional people.