Ideas For New Opie Characters.

17  2014-08-17 by Punkazzbioch

I love movies guy. Hehehe I love movies. I love books guy. Hehehe I love books. I love radio guy. Hehehe I love radio. I love cats guy. Hehehehe I love cats except for when they scratch me. I love the I love guy. Hehehe I love the love guy.


Non interrupting guy would be a good character to give a whirl some time.

i'd love to see self inflicted gunshot wound opie

Overnight DJ in Syracuse Guy

Billy the Mute

spuds buckley, rollerblading opie, mafia opie, numbers runner opie, model opie...

Don't forget thinking about getting back into weed opie.

Where's body language expert Opie?

Don't forget candy kid opie

My personal favorite opie



I was about to post this and looked down. God dammit.

  1. play along with jimmy guy
  2. instead of "hold up hold up guy" opie takes "go on, go on" for a spin.
  1. Bring the show to a grinding hault guy
  2. Have literally zero sense of humor guy
  3. Be completely unaware of what everyone else on the show is talking about guy
  4. Overly confident that you can have a successful career outside of radio guy

How about I love suicide guy.


Sorry to be a bother, but I believe you spelled shotgun wrong.

Thank you for your time my dear friend and colleague.

We in acadamia prefer people to die in an AIDS fire, a shot gun, and especially a puddle of AIDS is too harsh, and not humane.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to more correspondence in the future.


How do you feel about white people?

Wait for someone to tell an interesting story, then cut them off and say you did the same thing guy.

Be totally unaware of a movie's existence one minute and then talking about how it changed your life a minute later guy

when did he do that?


I like it. But he should also post serious videos once in a while, just so you know he's real. It adds dimension to his character. Like, we can laugh at his new character, Loves to Laugh Guy, but then he can keep it real by posting pictures of dying cancer patients set to melodramatic music.

  1. Maudlin Backpeddling Faggot Guy
  2. 10 Standups on Speed Dial Guy
  3. Multimillionaire in Sweatpants Guy

His characters need to be more physical/active first of all, then he will go viral for sure.

'Gregg, the Subway Surfer' will take everybody by surprise and the web by storm.

My nomination: "The cat has my tongue" guy.

Robin Williams Impersonator.

You know how they bring in a comic to fill a seat when one of them is missing?

I'd be okay with Opie taking some sick days. We'd get a couple episodes of The Jim Show and just pull in Colin, Bobby, and Vos and basically do Tough Crowd on the air.

Oh. My. GOD. You have NAILED him!

I'm sure his one entertainment contact, Kirk Fox, has all sorts of zany gigs lined up for the Opster come winter. I think South Park already covered a couple with Rob Schneider but theres a never ending well of potential topics to be pitched and developed.

It annoys me that he uses the improper placement of a comma in "I love the internet, Guy." It's like he's saying, "Hey, I love the internet, Guy..." rather then "I'm 'I love the internet' guy."

Something minuscule and stupid, yes. But still annoys my OCD.

Hahaha holy shit, did he really do this?

goes back and double checks video

Jesus Christ, he did! What the fuck? How dumb is he? He can't even get that right!

You're right. Its a small thing, but fuckin come on, dude. It shouldn't be that hard for a guy who went to college and talks for a living to understand basic grammar rules.

Opie Chipperson




2006 Opie would be a good start.

How about retire and go away guy?

Unfunny-Faggot-Who-Kills-Himself guy.

Continues To Streamroll His Legacy, Guy

how about "Been doing doing radio for over 40 years and can't even finish a complete sentence w/o stammering and stuttering like a motherfucker" guy?

1) unemployed in October with no prospects guy

2) record spinnin' oblivious idiot guy

"Tweet me what songs you want me to play on the show into break but keep in mind I could a lot of other things too in case I quit or ever get fired despite what Ant said in that one on-air fight" guy

Gregg "Chip" Hughes

Hmmmm, how about the character "I'm a multimillionaire and people are obsessed with me on reddit." Do you think that'll make a good character? lol you neckbeards, obsessed with Opie. It's cute.

i don't think that would be a good character sir.

And you're obsessed with sucking his pecker.

This is the Opie subreddit, jackass.
