YouTube star Gavin McInnes and friend of TACS fired for transphobic article.

0  2014-08-16 by snoopkhat


I see what Jimmy wouldn't let him go on o@J now. He would prolly get laid less.

To go on a broader rant here: I hate what our country has become.

We have all of the hyper-sensitivity and speech restriction of our European cousins, with none of the benefits of humane labor laws or vigorous consumer protections. It goes without saying that there are MANY worse places to be, but we aren't even close to top-of-the-heap anymore. America is a raw deal, folks.

I have no issue with what Gavin said, and if I publicly said so, I could lose my livelihood. Could you imagine the uproar if someone was fired for disagreeing with him?

I hope you fellow O&A fans will forgive my self-indulgence in this instance. I'm drunk in my office on a Saturday night, for Christ sake.

I do agree with us Europeans being much more speech restricted than you Americans, but I don't think I agree with us being more sensitive. If anything, you can get away with more in Europe. People are casually-racist much more often than in the US and it's something you can get away with more easily. Not to mention having more open broadcast laws (especially nudity related).

with none of the benefits of humane labor laws or vigorous consumer protections.


Have a look at this. We're at the bottom of the list there. This is indisputable. I have friends in Switzerland who couldn't believe that I DON'T get five weeks of paid vacation from the job I've been at for nine years.

Also as a basic anecdotal example of consumer protection we don't get here, have a look at this. Who isn't getting fucked by their ISP or cable company?

Of course, this is part of a broader debate that wouldn't be appropriate here. So I'm kind of sorry I brought it up.

You do know the Swiss have a much higher per-capita income? Pretty much everyone there is middle class.

This is a very stark contrast to the socio-economics of America, or even most of Europe. So comparing them is pretty useless.

If you clicked the link on paid leave time I provided, you'd see that virtually every other country in the world has mandated paid vacation. Here is the link again:

A huge number of those countries are far poorer than us. We are the only nation on that list with no paid leave law.

The mention I made of the Swiss was a personal anecdote from my life, people I know who said things directly to me. The crux of the argument was not specific to the Swiss.

Yes, you seem overworked sitting in your office drunk and posting on reddit on a Saturday. As for issues regarding cable/internet providers, I would argue that the answer does not lie in more governmental regulation, but less. And if you don't like your provider, you're perfectly within your rights to find a better one. Surely the free market works better than the people who run the DMV, no? Also, the UK is less than the size of Oregon, so providing a larger percentage of people with faster internet is much easier than doing so in the US. The stats don't take into account the massive amounts of land without the infrastructure to support broadband access.

No need to be sorry about bringing it up; I doubt the mods mind us having a discussion/disagreement.

Wait you can just decide to switch cable/internet providers? It which magic place where these companies don't have monopolies is this?

That was a funny article, and there was nothing wrong with it; all he did was honestly break it down to the mechanics and plumbing of it. Yeah, he did it a bit crudely, but we're all adults here, no?

That's the problem with pc-retards; they want to gloss over and glorify the process, and keep icky reality out of the equation.

I don't know how anybody could be against the butchering of animals, but think the self-butchering of human genitals is ok; a brave choice rather than a sign of serious mental illness.

Those gawker comments are nauseating.

The question is how did Gavin's own ad agency become overrun with "PC retards?"

The Gawker article literally classifies Thought Catalog as "a white supremacist publication".

What is wrong with our society that these people aren't ignored as irrelevant idiots?

Yeah, I caught that, too, and not having heard of the site before, it almost scared me away from it.

It's like a false rape accusation.

It's ironic how infantile and hysterical the self-proclaimed "more intelligent" side becomes towards views they don't agree with; don't actually debate the points raised, just try to name-call and "I"m completely mortified, and you should be, too!" them out of existence.

It's the pseudo-journalistic equivalent of covering their ears and yelling "LALALALALALALA!".

I'm waiting for the "I'm rubber, you're glue!" think-piece.

Thought Catalog is mostly lists like "15 things you should do with silly putty" or whatever. I just made that specific headline up but you get the idea.

Thought Catalog's stated goal is freedom of speech. That's going to cause a lot of problems.

Anyway, I've seen Gawker articles that were literally just a gif of someone giving the middle finger, probably to whoever offended the author with their views. I try to pastebin them as much as possible.

The Gawker article literally classifies Thought Catalog as "a white supremacist publication".

They're joking, stupid. You'd think a fan of O&A would get comedic exaggeration.

Here's the article Gavin wrote:

Wait—you’re transphobic?

You have a problem with a guy having his penis removed? He’s a chick, you asshole. God fucked up and made him a dude, but luckily we have the technology to fix that mistake. Why couldn’t he just be a drag queen? Well, for one, he needs to feel a penis inside him. No, his butt doesn’t count. He needs to feel a penis go in and out of his vagina—you know, like all women crave. That feeling of having your vagina fucked. It’s a primal urge, and to deny some woman this feeling just because she’s a dude is downright barbaric.

Coming here from The Advocate? Read Parker Molloy’s dialogue on trans* non-acceptance with a willfully un-PC man here. Haven’t you seen all the totally functional, happily married, normal trannies walking around? They aren’t all dead, you know. They sell flowers at the local village and bake pies for their scores of adopted children. They’re non-heteronormative. In fact, the only thing more normal than castrating yourself and taking tons of hormones to grow tits is chopping them off. Women who get double mastectomies and then have their cunts turned inside out are just righting a wrong. They need to have a weird cheese blintz-looking thing sticking out of their previous cooch because it feels way better than wearing a strap-on. Sure, the nerve endings aren’t the same as a real dick, but standing up to go pee pee is something these women were born to do. How dare you have a problem with that?

You will be totally comfortable when your daughter marries a post-op dude and you should have no problems with her smoking his blintz. When your dad tells you he is going to have his penis removed and thrown into a biowaste container at the hospital, your soul will become a placid lake of calm. “That’s totally normal, dad” you’ll say and begin to call him Mom2 from that day forward.

When Janet Mock appears on MSNBC and talks about growing up as a black chick, nobody’s going to bat an eye. We’ll all be totally comfortable with him retroactively rewriting history and putting a skirt on all his boyhood memories.

I kid. I kid. Of course it’s fucking unusual. We’re all transphobic. We aren’t blind. We see there are no old trannies. They die of drug overdoses and suicide way before they’re 40 and nobody notices because nobody knows them. They are mentally ill gays who need help, and that help doesn’t include being maimed by physicians. These aren’t women trapped in a man’s body. They are nuts trapped in a crazy person’s body. I see them on the streets of New York. They are guys with tits and a sweatshirt. They wear jeans and New Balance. “What’s the matter with simply being a fag who wears makeup?” I think when I see them. You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best. Get fucked in the ass. And ladies, if you’re a butch lesbian, you’re a lady with a lot of testosterone. Put a dick on a belt and fuck your girlfriend. You don’t need to turn your vagina inside out. You’re not a man. You don’t even know what Turf Builder is.

By pretending this is all perfectly sane, you are enabling these poor bastards to mutilate themselves. This insane war on pronouns is about telling people what to do. It may empower you to shut down a school’s computer system because they phrased your gender wrong, but that’s just a game to you. To them, it’s a life-changing event that fucks them up. To fight against transphobia is to justify trannies. To justify trannies is to allow mentally ill people to mutilate themselves. When your actions are getting people mutilated, you’re at war with them.

It’s not great for women, either. Buying woman parts from a hospital and calling yourself a broad trivializes what it is to be a woman. Womanhood is not on a shelf next to wigs and makeup. Similarly, being a dude is quite involved. Ripping your vaginal canal out of your fly doesn’t mean you are going to start inventing shit and knowing how cement works. Being a man is awesome. So is being a woman. We should revere these creations, not revel in their bastardization. Being gay is a weird quirk that happens at birth. It’s like being an albino. If you’re born that way, you shouldn’t fight it. You don’t need to change who you are. In fact, doing so is sexist, misandrist, homophobic, and further damages the lives of the mentally ill.

This article seems perfectly logical to me. It amazes me how people who do not pigeon-hole their beliefs into the modern, 21st century groupthink are labeled "-phobes" whose opinions are not only disagreeable but straight-up wrong. How does name-calling create a proper environment for debate and discussion?

I'm still wondering if his own ad agency (Rooster NY) laying him off isn't some kind of self promotional stunt though.



The article he wrote is fucking hilarious by the way. This is some grade A media trolling.

When you look at it objectively it is a little weird that people are supportive of those who chop off parts of their body because they "identify" a certain way. I understand that gender is largely socially constructed, but biological sex isn't. You might feel like a certain gender, but it doesn't then follow that you need to attempt to change your sex. After all, sex and gender are supposed to be two totally different things right? I think that's what Gavin was getting at.

I like Norm's take on the issue:

Don't give gawker fucking attention, its what fucked over Anthony.

Ant fucked himself.

I like McInnes. Always entertaining and a master troll. His appearance on that Kurt Metzger podcast where a chick was so pissed she threw something at him and it ended the podcast was hilarious. As for this, wish I could read the article myself but it's been pulled.

You just need to click CONTINUE at the bottom of the page:

Nah, it's still up, you just have to click the teeeeeeny tiny "CONTINUE" at the bottom of the big warning screen.

I don't think you should hurt people who are transsexual, but I really don't understand it. It seems that not understanding it makes you a bigot in and of itself.

When I initially researched this topic years ago I asked some basic questions, and got back the kind of nastiness they usually accuse bigots of dishing out. Then I get, "It's not my job to educate you." Huh? So you're just talking to hear yourself talk?

That made me not want to understand it.

There is a difference between having an opinion and playing a part.

For instance, Ed Norton played a racist in American History X. That doesn't make him a racist in real life.

How hard is this to understand?

Gavin McInnes is obviously a satirist; he's taking an opinion and ratcheting it up eleven, for the sake of satire. Here's a good example of something the wrote that's obviously satire:

The problem here is that small minded people can't see the difference between satire and opinion. Hell, they don't even care really.

Gavin rules. I'm fine with trannies being trannies but it's hard to argue that it's not gross. Hopefully Rooster just waits this out and brings him back on or pays out the ass to buy him out.

perhaps a touch ironic he stakes a claim to creating hipsters and the precipitous decline in masculinity that has brought about with the whole summer scarf wearing, painted toenails, african ear stretcher piercings, awful tribal/foreign language/anarchy symbol tattoo, extremely snug mothball riddled clothing, thick spectacle frames usually without glass and the list only goes on. i think it's safe to say gavin isn't a marlboro man, a manly man ain't coming through that door when he ponces onto the scene.

i still like him very much, but he'd be fairly easy to insult battle against if these victims didn't get all red in the face and take the bait. I SUPPOSE to summarize as I've been diagnosed with skitzo word salad tosser syndrome when daring to be profound...

Gavin McIness has directly contributed more than most to the devolution of so-ci-et-y standards he's trolling against. Heroic stuff.

I don't like Gavin Mcinnes at all. He's like a hipster Anne Coulter, which is why I guess he gets on with Anthony. Whenever I see him, he's trying to elicit some reaction by saying something shitty. Any point he may have is always lost in what a cunt he's acting like.

You may disagree with Gavin, but his article is certainly not "transphobic". A person who refuses to accept the reality of their existence as a man or woman and continues to maintain the delusion that they are not the sex that a DNA test and a look in the mirror can prove is not a victim and is not a cause to celebrate. This type of person should seek treatment for the delusion, not genital mutilation.

I don't have any problem with homosexuality because it is a natural thing and is found in nature in all mammals, but how is transsexualism not classified as a mental illness? If I walked into a psychiatrists office and said I felt like a dog/cat trapped in a humans body I would be put on all kinds of pills.

Has there ever been a noteworthy trans-vestite/sexual/gender/etc?
Every group has at least one person that has done things that benefit humanity,whether it's Alan Turing, Einstein,George Washington Carver etc.

Lana Wachowski

Eddie Izzard

Yeah, and with Izzard, he's just a cross-dresser/transvestite, which is a far cry from having your genitals mutilated because your brain's all broke.


I don't get this guy's popularity on here. Not trolling honestly looking to understand. I never heard of him before TACS and found him mildly amusing when not scratching his facial hair into the mic. Help me understand

Who gives a shit if he's a "friend of TACS"? We have to like everyone that they do? Great, tell me where to line up to pre-order my fucking Godsmack album while we're at it. Gavin is a blowhard dork who goes out of his way to say cranky "shocking" bullshit. He's a sad failed cross between Morgan Spurlock and Hunter Thompson. He tries way too hard and he isn't funny.

I agree with his article. It's insane that because these people are delusional and don't like the body they're born with, we are called hateful if we don't ignore reality and join them in their fantasy world where they're a pretty lady and their penis doesn't make them male.

Wait, if I identify not as an out of shape white guy, but as a 7 foot tall black guy, can I play for the Heat? The physical reality of my body's limitations doesn't count! I FEEL like I can dunk, so I expect to be treated accordingly or you're a racist and need to check your race-normative privilege. Also you're fired.


Good. I hate that unfunny cunt. not because of his views but because he's dumb.

Shoulda kept his Vice stock.

He is an asshole, but he only said what most people think.

Unless you are Norton and trying to fuck bailey jay.

He said nothing wrong.

I'll be damned if I click on any Gawker clickbait though.

Yikes. I'm not at all sensitive towards remarks about anything that may seem offensive (almost to the point where I thought I might be a sociopath for a little while) but his ignorance of psychology is disturbing. If you wanna talk about shit that might require a little science behind it, it helps to have some of that on your side. I don't think he should be unemployed and I actually find him entertaining a lot of the time but this article needs a little more backing or he just needs to disavow science right off the batt and say he is doing an opinion-piece that is not backed by his employer at all so that he saves them the decision of having to deal with it or not.

(almost to the point where I thought I might be a sociopath for a little while)

Ugh, no one gives a fuck about your anecdotal life experience you fagola.

But Gavin's entire article which is entirely anecdotal is ok?

Yeah, because he's actually interesting.

OK so you just dislike anything related?

Look out folks. This guy is a PSYCHO.

You ignore the point of my comment because I made one statement that was hyperbolic in order to get a point across. I guess I've been commenting on too many other subs and forgot how things work here.

If I wasn't a sociopath that might bother me.

LMAO. You're not a sociopath, little boy. Stop trying to pretend you're something you're not.

Hmm.. I don't recall ever saying I was.. why don't you quote that to me "little boy who didn't ever grasp the idea of reading comprehension."

Hmm.. I don't recall ever saying I was.. why don't you quote that to me "little boy who didn't ever grasp the idea of reading comprehension."