Whoever still subs to Op, call him up

0  2014-08-16 by Phantas_Magorical

Somebody really needs to give this guy a reality check.


Whenever a confrontational caller calls-in they either get yelled over or make an ass out of themselves. I don't see it working out well.

Then someone needs to do it right. Prepare some bulletpoints or some shit, or be smart like that guy that called Ants show a few days ago.

Have you ever noticed that people always want "someone" to do these things? Why not do it yourself since you have the perfect foolproof plan to sidestep their defenses?

Oh but ain't that America.

i only have a tracfone burner, no unlimited minutes.

Is that anything like my Doodlebug? Mine only gets my colostomy bag supplier, my nephew Harold and his wife the lush, and 911, but the buttons are so big and easy to see!

You made me laugh, good sir. Thank you

Maybe they think someone else would do a better job. Shocking!

Why? Do they all talk like Steven Hawking or Roger Ebert?

Could be!


I like that font you should always use it.

Because I don't subscribe, and the majority of this sub is people that have really great arguments yet don't call.

I'm not trying to say it like, "I don't pay for the show someone make it better for me," because I don't watch O&J. But it's clear that a lot of people really hate his behavior and it's just surprising that none of you have called him if it's been happening for a while.

I don't watch radio shows either

You don't have to subscribe to call in, go ahead faggot

So you're saying we can't depend on your call Monday?

It's true. They won't let the callers get enough information in or let them explain themselves. Assuming they don't bomb and are able to articulate themselves properly it still won't work. Opie is gonna retire thinking his left a great legacy.

Remember when Opie used to talk about Howard, and how he was only fed positive callers, and how all the Stern message boards did was rant about him, but he never acknowledged it because he was out of touch and a egomaniac.... Pot meet Kettle.

20 years later and ants get fired, he's not funny. Yep

Opie acknowledges his hate all the time.

Opie has the demons or sumptin tsss tss

Pot meet Kettle

You used the wrong hack expression. You meant "he became what he hated".

You are fucking stupid.

Opie do have one good skill. He's able to shut the fuck up for sometimes several minutes at a time. Whenever something funny happens it's a least a 25% chance he'll be checking his twitter or masturbating in his corner being quiet instead of yelling at the top of his lungs: "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I'm trying to make this less funny!! WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT "

Hold on hold on hold on hold hold on!!! Steve from bay shore writes " generic not funny statement" hold on hold on ! ( momentum and show dead)

Home run.

"prepare some bulletpoints or some shit" quote of the week.

Eh, the one guy got through the other day and sort of got Opie with his obsession of viral videos. Everyone listening knew what he was getting at. Opie tried to pretend he didn't get it.

That caller sucked tho.

It's not an obsession...it's a hobby that he makes a little pocket-change on. He's being recruited by a company in London.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did not actually get it

You don't need to sub to call in to the show. 866-WOW-1-WOW.

Hey Opie uh....

Opie turns down the caller in the mix


Remember when the Stern fan attacked Ben, Opie said nothing until PO had the guy face down in a submission hold, then he screamed like he beat up Mike Tyson.

He is nothing without Ant in sparring with callers, too stupid, he just turns you down in the mix, and does twitter voice, giving Jim desperate looks so he makes up some shit about his face being funny while he does "twitter guy", because Jim knows he turned down a callers volume then screamed over him, but is trying to save his own paycheck.

Opie is desperation personified.