DRUGS Faces of Kensington - @OpieRadio

4  2014-08-16 by EskimoEscrow


Motherfuckers are nodding out like they are listening to O&J.

How to chase your dragon

I love this


This is the correct comment for this thread.

I hope Opie does drugs and dies.

That literally made me spit my coffee out. Thank you. I needed that LOL.

You either die a legend or live long enough to see yourself becoming opie.

Opie is such a stupid fuck...

Well the funny angle isn't working for him so I guess he's venturing to new genres.

Opie been on the longest 40 degree day streak in history. Nigga need to take his shitty stepped on radio show and rebrand it, give Sam his own show like some fake competin shit so when listeners hear Sam's radio they come back to a Opie 40 degree day. Problem solved ma nigga.

This is the funniest video Opie has put out in months.

Heroin: this is how we do it

I miss the loves the internet guy

Gregg Opie Hughes: Behind the laughter

What the fuck was that supposed to be?


What are the odds he deletes this one?

He'll go viral one way or another, god dammit! The comedy angle didn't work so now he's trying the pity angle. I'm surprised the backing music wasn't "Arms of an Angel."

This video stretches the definition of "short film" like Mohammad Atta stretched the definition of "missionary trip"


Edit- word


PSA Opie is a stick in the mud

He just made a slide show from pictures that someone else took? Great Job!

Opie's future come October

The fucker thinks he's making documentaries now.

One of you degenerates must have an instagram account, can't you message the copyright owner of these photographs and see if he is aware some greedy bastard is collecting AdSense revenue from his work.

Not just AdSense, Opie's got a "company in England" for his vids.

I doubt http://viralspiralgroup.com/ would be happy if they learned one of their clients is using someone else's images without permission...

Okay, the one with the little kid on the subway got to me. Fffffuck, that cunt mother of hers should be ground into dogfood or burned for warmth by the other homeless.

Opie is such an asshole, Kensington is not a city in PA. It's a small town inside a Philadelphia, and it's a fucking joke to the rest of the city. It's known to be a fucking dirtball scumbag town, and why he would give a shit way up there on he ivory fucking tower is beyond me. I guess he's still trying to impress the Philly Crew.

It's a neighborhood, not a town.

Also a very big neighborhood that some parts are going through extreme gentrification.

Okay, now he's just fucking with us.

The fuck?

at least these addicts keep the rents low down there

He's going for emotional home runs now. He got fed up being 1-378 on comedy.

Opie and Dopey

Is this a montage of the O and J show listeners when no guests are in?


Hello who's this?

Lady Di.

thumbs up Jimmy


holy fuck Opie is going to make a documentary. its going to be amazing.