Underrated Opie and Anthony bits, moments and shows?

21  2014-08-16 by MarshallWatts

What would be the deep tracks? I personally don't think Jimmy Tide gets enough love.


Don't know that its necessarily underrated, but I don't think I've ever seen it posted on here. O, A and Patrice make a call to Leonard, some old retard who had been "recognized" for working at McDonald's for 50 years and fuck with him.


Sometimes this show makes a part of my soul feel darker. Then I keep listening

It was featured as a podcast.

This is a generally well liked sketch, though it could use more recognition.

I still have no idea how they got from wanting to help Leonard, to trying to get him fired. It's such an abrupt, yet hilarious, transition.

Posted all the fuggin time

EROCK JINGLE DAY. Rarely mentioned, but definitely my favorite bit.


B-B-B-Big Jelly Tits!

What's my cholesterol?

About 280.

Anytime they talked about OJ Simpson was hilarious:

OJ Calls 911

Leaked Copy of OJ Book "If I Did It" (Featuring Louis CK)

OJ in Vegas Day 1

OJ in Vegas Day 2: Motion for New Trial, OJ Testifies

OJ Steals Cookies in Prison

"If I Did It" is one of my favs of theirs. Louie and Ant were so on that day and were really smart when translating OJ's fantasy world to the cold blooded murder that really happened

Everybody loves British Chip but forgets Redcoat James.



Billy The Bassman, recent but great.


Forgotten Walton And Johnson fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd-9tmR2_js

Fave Opie talk moment, Opie Hates Back To The Future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=semP482u56c

Billy the Bassman is one of my favorites ever, I still say "Where we goin'!" on a regular basis.

Billy the Bassman is the epitome of O and A. Casual riffing turning into an amazing bit in minutes

Does anyone have this full show? I believe it's 6/17/11. I can't find it anywhere.

I don't know if it's necessarily underrated, but The Most Vicious Show Ever is one of my favorites.

Opie, Ant, Jim, Vos and Bobby are in and spend the whole show ripping each other apart.

I think Paralyzed Opie comes from this show.


"Paralyzed Opie" had me in fucking tears I loved that one.

this is a top 5 show all time for me. Almost every line is hysterical

Jamaican Jimmy




Jimmy yelling at papa rock. Bobo vs the virus.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BUNqaUUqjA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaNbXmzjwUY

Don West (Ant) selling 'Poor taste wrestling action figures'. No Opie in this too, which is a bonus. MANIACAL CHRIS BENOIT, MANIACAL CHRIS BENOIT!

Opie was the candy kid, Opie was a high school bookie, Opie returned a wallet to someone who was ungrateful, Opie in jury duty, opie gets a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt... All gold really.

I dont know if anyone remembers, it was a short bit, but it was something about a cat in a boxing ring. Ant doing commentary and the soundboard firing off. I buckled to my knees in the middle of the street I was laughing so hard.

Ian Halperin appearances.

Patrice O'Neal talking about his role in Furry Vengeance and a guy with a lisp calls in.....


At 16:30 for Mobile users

Patrices wheezing laugh is the greatest

The Michio Kaku interview where Jimmy dropped the, "Hiro-shima, There-a-shima, Everywhere-a-shima-shima." is still the funniest line I've ever heard on the show. It slays me.

I don't know how over or underrated it is, but I've listened to Louis smashing Paul O's movie (The Gap) at least fourteen times.

Patrice goes off the on face transplant woman is full of wonderful left turns.

when he said she looks like a easter island head I fuckin lost it

Great suggestion, I forgot about this

Bunch of retards perform a stage production of The Wizard Of Oz


Well here a clip that I remember listening to live and believe it or not actually learning something about the moon from Professor Anthony. Also it's the origin of "Let's Agree to Disagree."


Ant Hates Jazz.

He performs an amazing improvised private eye monologue then bends the music to his will.

For some reason I really like the time where Opie talked about waking up scared in the morning and then they did an hour taking caller ghost stories and listening to creepy music. I've probably listened to it 3 or 4 times.

I think op wanted more "bits" instead of just everybodies favorite moments from the show. My two favorite bits were one with Bobo sitting in studio heckling the shit out of a magician they brought in using lines fed to him by Sam through head phones. I know this since they eventually break the 4th wall later on in the bit. Bobby and Colin are also there for this. Fast foward to about 30 minutes in to skip to the magician. http://youtu.be/pNfTI3w3IDY My second favorite was when Joe Rogan and Stalker Patti were in and Joe had brought up to the guys that he had weed breath strips that you let desolve on your tounge and you can ingest the THC. They then decide to trick Patti into eating a normal breath strip and telling her it was was drugged. The show goes on with Ari Shaffir (comedian and Joes buddy) pulling his dick out and trying to get Patti to touch it and everybody getting Patti to say dumbass shit knowing shes just exhibiting the placebo effect. Erock is the real star of the show when he starts lowering the pitch of everyones mic and adding an echo effect so Patti thinks shes having auditory hallucinations. It was great team work and great bit put together on the spot to really fuck with Patti. Oh and the giant bunny in the hallway that gave Bobby Lee a panic attack makes an appearance as well. Ill add that video after this link. http://youtu.be/TiOhG0qYzrA http://youtu.be/3qBXSxYux8M

Box of Cocks.

JV and Elvis fight

The "Edmund Fitzgerald bit"

The Shawna Lenee saga.

Crying midget stripper.

The shwoogie age, when they used it to substitute for the n bomb, for months on end.

The bit a few months back where O&A were pretending to be guys who had fantasies of sucking other guys' dicks.

You're probably thinking of this subreddit.

How about when they used to bash Hoo Hoo?

Back before Howard took their balls from them for the second time.

Go ahead and re-sign Opster, Hopefully for 30k, and they will let you spin records on the 70 station. Then maybe your music will finally be heard.. Maaaaaaaaaaahn,.

The fuck? How did this topic become opie bashing.

Billy the Bassman is the epitome of O and A. Casual riffing turning into an amazing bit in minutes