What does your flair refer to?

0  2014-08-15 by rottengymshorts


Mine is a Fez quote.

God that's good.

Mine is a term used when you don't know what you're talking about but you want it to sound like you do as well as you don't want to be questioned on the topic. Often used by people who suck.

Nobody is perfect.

It's from one of Giraldo's last appearances on the show......maybe his very last. He talked about being holed up in a hotel room with a chick, out of his mind. The chick fell asleep/passed out, but he stayed up, freaking out, seeing robots flying around and shit.

Opie idiotically asked if it was drinking that put him in that state.

Anthony's answer is my flair.

When was the last time anybody saw robots from drinking?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not only ask that question, but ask it out loud?

There was a great one I heard today, from the show where they play the tape of Bobby going nuts on that guy at his show. I managed to find it, it's a great example of his "Doesn't Get The Joke and Handles it Poorly Guy" character.


That AC/DC bit they did 107 times a few months ago, and of course, niggers.

The King.

You had god damn better well know my flair.



My favourite superhero



A glorious statesman, athlete, bastion of truth, military expert, and political genius. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR COUNTRY.

Male Privilege. Although trans women have penises too so it doesn't really work lol.

Lady Di speaking to a caller in the phone screening room during her internship.

Because it's fucking cold in the D. And because of a TERRIBLE rap song. Mostly because of the cold.

Not being a faggot.

What's with these moron's who can't figure out how to time stamp a clip?

I'm on mobile.


Mine's from the best character to ever grace the airwaves