OPIE RADIO - @OpieRadio

0  2014-08-15 by [deleted]


ME - I wish this didn't exist

Being awful on purpose doesn't change the fact you're awful.

I got douche and cringe chills wow

That's the BIT!

Friendly reminder: do not vote brigade that sub, you will get you account shadow banned

looks like people already did the deed

for the love of god opie, stop.

So Opie created an account called atOpieRadio? Well, feel free to message him and let him know what you think.

Ant couldn't have his own Sub page and there not be an Opie one, he's been doing radio much longer!!!

So, Isnt this Great?

That's terrific

What am I looking at here?

Oh boy.

Why would he do that to himself?

dem tittays

Man, the threads on that sub are brutal. Starting to feel bad for Opie. This guy's career is fucking over. Unless he goes behind the scenes, he's screwed.

I perused a bit, and I get the impression that people in there don't really like the Opster, or Gregg Hughes for that matter.


Opie gets a subreddit before Spuds Buckley?! For shame....