Opie and Jim's insightful analysis about rioting

4  2014-08-14 by wifflebb

"I guess middle class people don't riot because they have more stuff."

This wasn't so much the dumbest conversation I've ever heard—it was just so banal and meaningless. It's stating the most obvious thing imaginable and acting as if you're having an informed discussion.


They are so poor and they're SO black and they never touched anything in their life! Let them touch those thing for once!

I want to copy and paste this in every thread relating to looting.

Let them keep that KAYAK!!

Wolf Blitzer and Celine, good Katrina mash-up.

I love how uneducated these 2 are on anything that does not involve raising babies or Black Sabbath.

You may hate Anthonys rants, but he at least reads news and understands the world around him. Not the old " skim 4 news papers in a half hour, then let Sam troll Reddit for prep"

They got away with no show prep for years because of Ants ability to riff on anything, be it intellectual or silly.

Didn't they make fun of Celine Dion for that?


Break down the wall.

She gave one million dollar

How important is the kayak?

If you don't have anything interesting to say about a particular subject then avoid said subject.

We look forward to daddy talk, and KISS/Sabbath/addiction counseling.

But if people stop complaining about Opie then what else will they do with their time? Read? Form stimulating relationships? Don't be silly. Let them spend all day repeating themselves.

EDIT: My bad I thought you were criticizing /r/opieandanthony

Fake and gay

But then Opie has no subjects and there's just dead air. He's uninformed on every subject.

I thought Jimmy called Opie out on bullshit, saying "Thats the least scientific poll ever, you just pulled that 10% out of your ass."

Then I remembered that they had switched back to the wiping naked topic. All over the place today...

Um that was Jimmy making a joke dummy let's not act like Jimmy is an intellectual himself.

This is what O&A and Jim have always done. They're not smart guys. They're not educated, and they're not intellectually curious. They've spent the last thirty years in their own insulated little worlds, and now every conversation they have is limited to the level of a teenager. That's why it's so painful when they try to get serious about something, and why they let their dumbest callers drone on and on as if they're enlightening the listeners.

Florentine: Who the fuck riots? You know why I don't riot? I'm an adult, I'm not 12, that's why I don't riot.

I enjoyed Opie trying to decide whether he would be a looter or not. He seemed to have a real moral conundrum on his hands.

Opie said there were "a lot" of White riots. Where? Some yahoos tipping over some cars because some sports team did or did not win "the game" is not rioting like this. Where is the White rioting with storefront preacher-pimps, community organizers and civil rights leaders agitating for justice and burning some stores to the ground. Where is the White riot like Detroit, Watts, L.A. "A lot" of White riots my ass.

Way to take one line and make it a fuckin thing.

Events like the riot make me wish Ant was back on the show. I think Ant was great when he would argue with Jimmy and the endless amount of callers on topics of race, tax, guns, ect. Now I'm worried that both shows are going to turn into echo chambers because the polar opposites of political opinions have split into two shows.

At least we have Ant's twitter feed..

Better than the BS Anthony would have said. You know, the same thing Fox News said the night before.

But isn't your problem with this that you desperately want the show to go back to being implicitly hostile toward anything having to do with African Americans?

Sorry, but it's not a racist show anymore. Live with it.

If this is satire, it's spot on.

Looks like You brought up race. Interesting. Troll.

Instead they went the PC liberal direction when Opie out of nowhere started ranting about how white people riot and loot for no reason with no actual substance or proof.

Only over meaningful things, like hockey games.

I live in Vancouver,white ppl absolutely riot......1994,2011.

Did a cop shoot the black guy?

There are no black people in Vancouver