Dear Opie: We Don't Care About Your And Jimmy's Shitting Habits.

0  2014-08-14 by [deleted]

It's not fun, it's not compelling, it's not great radio. If anything, it's gross.

Please stop.


Your Audience


Dear OP,

Quit writing your posts like a 12 year old girl on Facebook. And are we really complaining about the show being "gross" now?

Holy fuck.

More sand, another vagina. LOL.




It was funny hearing Jimmy talk about shitting nude. What a weird thing.

I've done that and it just doesn't feel right.

I thought it was interesting that Jimmy prefers to shit completely naked and that he has a footrest for his little legs/feet.

I used to shit naked when I was a kid. I was sent to therapy when I was caught doing it in kindergarten. I remember having to be naked to shit, I just don't remember why. I even remember one time having to shit fiercely bad and running into the bathroom tearing my clothes off as I went. Had to be naked. But I grew out of it at some point, and not out of embarrassment. Never been embarrassed. About anything.

I usually shit before I jump in the shower, so many of my dumps are taken while I'm completely naked. It's fantastic

Are they solid?

I'm an, not often

Yeah, me neither. Fired a good one in a Porta potty last night. Wasn't too happy when the blue water splashed my ass but it was an emergency. Fuckin aids water.

I like to make sure the boys are having regular and healthy bowel movements.

It's called "dropping hammers", fellas. Another homerun from the Opester, am I right or am I right?

This coming from a guy who's name includes a toilet paper brand.

Don't speak for me, faggot.

Go wipe the sand out of your vagina.

How clever. Did you come up with that?

You just don't get it hater. The show clearly has left you behind just cancel and listen to Ant.



Are they solid?

I'm an, not often