"Hall and Oates is a shitty band"

21  2014-08-14 by THORGNASH

You're dead to me Sam


H&O have nothing to be ashamed of, they had a hell of a career, and made a decent amount of money.

30 years from now, nobody will know who Sam is.

I think you meant to write 'minutes'

T-minus right now is also an appropriate time frame.

Will I not know who NotSam is?

Pretty fucking much.

Busts out his old Hall and Oats cassettes

Sam is just jealous of Oates' beastly mustache.

I can't go for that!!

No can do

Check out this cool cover of it done unplugged while driving in a van... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJiCUdLBxuI

He's out of touch, and I'm out of time.

Daryl Hall has more talent in his pinky than that little nematode has in his entire prepubescent, cringe-inducing body.

i'm used to my middle aged shock jocks going "the new stuff sucks," dunno about these young up and comers with their "the old stuff sucks"



Get ready for a shocker...

Sam has ALWAYS been a complete douche.

You don't get it. Radio isn't about making sense. It's about having an opinion and getting mad when people disagree with you.

He found himself tapping his feet to "Kiss on my List" and realized it didn't have heavy bass or autotuned singing, he became embarrased instantly, then had sex with his Jay-z Blow up doll.


Thanks that was great.

I hope Sam never makes uh his dreams come true.

Sam, you're a bitch girl and you've gone too far.

Still better than Limp Biskit.

Ebola is better than Limp Brisket

I miss Dboi and his random hate of Lions Gate

I wrote this in another thread but

Sams whole I'm 31 years old and "hate" older music gimmick is silly because you're supposed to be over that stupid shit already, and it's not cool to be an ignorant adult. Even if he really does enjoy a wide variety of music in his personal life it's a bad look for a character you're playing, in my opinion. If anything, at least have the obvious foresight to knock a horrible band like ASIA (not allowed to do that because it's Opies "bit") or KISS (not allowed to do that because Jimmy is a master and will just bury you for a half hour) but don't take a stand against Hall and Oates. The pride of Philly. Pop royalty, masters of the money making single. If he actually was a great antagonist and shit stirring dick he would take the chance of upsetting Opie or Jim and bashing their tastes in music instead of randomly deciding he hates a duo that never upset even the most cantankerous of individuals. I know that this week Sam is such a schmohawk he was listening from down the hall as Ron Bennington, Big Jay Oakerson and Rob Riggle waxed about how great Hall and Oates were and was kicking himself for being such a short sighted asshat that he can't have a conversation like that on his show. If he were to turn to Nicole and Whookid, and be like "I don't like Hall and Oates, I'm more into Wale" they would just look at him. "You a gay nigga" - whookid. For someone who loves to be on the cusp and in the now and buy his 59 dollar Ultimate Warrior T shirts and take promo pics in it the next day it must kill him to be known as "the Jay - Z guy" and be called out on it. 2 years after Jay was at his highest and there's no defending Jigga anymore, is there. Hes just out to make money off of rubes with his wife and team and youre the 30 year old backed into liking him to protect your character. What a bad look. The greatest part about Jay Z is that he convinced people he wasn't 46 years old and just short conning them as long as he could for as much money as he could. He got insanely popular for a minute and Stupid Sam Roberts fell for it hook line and sinker. Great job. This is a guy who goes to the 15th year of SummerJam and can't believe the things he's seeing. It's because the only shows he's seen and has been to have been Miley Cyrus equilivent over produced tours and he's never been to a real hip hop or rap show in his life. A real Metal show, a hardcore show, any real experience. He was just a lunch line mother fucker. Enjoy your chicken nuggets, Sam. GUARANTEE his mom did not let him venture out and see live music by himself. Hes the type of mother fucker to get celebrity names tattoed on his body. Jesus Christ. His parents were with him when he went to wrestling events. He had organized sleep overs, where he was picked up after breakfast to make it to his grandma's by 11 am. Kevin Pollack was right, he has not earned his arrogance at all. He's not a playa, and he doesn't fuck a lot. This is why your fans are Larry and Lady Trucker.

and thank god you did, who wouldn't wanna miss this gem

Cue the Kevin Meaney "I don't care" song

TLDR but I did catch the lunch line motherfucker comment and pictured Sam in his high school lunch line...all lonesome like .

I like Sam just fine

Speaking of Hall & Bloat's (E-Rock's band)..

I usually hate stuff like this, but this is an exception and they pull it off really well.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJiCUdLBxuI

They were pioneers of the shitty 80's style music. One of the worst decades for rock if not the worst

Maybe. But it was an amazing decade for metal, if you ignore all that hair metal shit.

what is wrong with you people? hall and oates is fucking boring bland shit.

that's cool, go listen to disturbed or whatever, you shitdick.

Tell that to the disturbed tattoo covering my whole back, buckeroo. Down with the sickness 4 lyfe

I like a few of their singles well enough, I guess, (they're catchy), but I've never been compelled to pick up an album.

Edit: Actually, I'm wondering if people are getting so riled up about it because a few of their songs have been memorable on Grand Theft Auto games.


BLAND?!?! Get fucked, douche nozzle. They have a solid catalog of amazing hits that will brighten up the darkest of days. I hope the mods block you and your lack of taste.