Joe DeRosa whiteknighting porn girl

44  2014-08-14 by moegolden


Joey Roses is beta as fuck

Nah bro. Bitches always reward the unsolicited defense of their virtue with miles and miles of pussy.

Reminds me of him liking the intern's "music" a few weeks ago.

Anybody have photos of the intern?

Don't waste your time. She's maybe a 6.

Surprisingly, this makes me want to see a picture even more.

You will be disappointed.

Nah the fact that she's a 6 makes the whole situation even funnier. I'm secretly hoping she's a 4 or 5 and patrick79x is just being nice.

Eh... To amend my comment, if I was drunk, I'd hit it with the quickness. Otherwise I wouldn't look twice at that plain jane boring ass awful 'songstress'.

I'd rather fuck Todd Barry.

Maybe he really does like her music....

Holy shit that's funny. After seeing her picture I need to rethink everything the show has said about her.

That's a 4, no way she looks better than average

True. She's close to looking really attractive though, poor thing.

It's really strange you're right, she has a few flaws that keep her from being hot, but those few sink her below an average chick into yuck.


Why are you putting music in sarcasm quotes? She was good. Just because you're a fan of a super edgy shocking show doesn't mean you have to shit on everything.

Because he was never interested in her music. I'm not criticizing her at all. It's just incredibly obvious that Joe was looking for an in with her and didn't actually care about it. Do you also think he actually cares about that porn star's art?

Oh I got you, I thought you were just affecting the "I hate everything" stance that so many O&A fans feel like they need to take. Mea culpa.

"Say, your artwork's not half bad for someone who sucks dick for a living. Speaking of sucking dicks, have you seen my act? Let's discuss our livelihoods over dinner sometime."

You're fuckin with their livelihoods!!!!

Wardrobes being questioned, livelihoods being attacked. What is this world coming to?!

There's a great episode of "uninformed" where Bill Burr gives DeRosa a beatdown for being such a sniveling kiss ass to the girl in the studio.

The part I found the most hilarious was that DeRosa has spent the last ten years doing the kiss-ass routine, and he's single. Bill was a hard-ass back then, and he was with the same girl then as he is now. IE, what DeRosa is doing isn't working.

Jesus Christ Joe...

Couldn't agree more. I hate when someone describes how great a relationship "was". If it was great you wouldn't break up.

Just for reference purposes, this is the painting that Joe cited as his favourite.

No wonder she responded, shes trying to sell it for $800.....

800 fuck that.

Buy an I pad and use it to only display that painting on the wall and you still have enough left over for an Xbox one

Maybe it comes with a bj

Hmm... an $800 blowjob. Who would I pay $800 for a blowjob? Hmm...

Looks like an oversized pap smear.

I look at Pap smears and you're not far off haha

for business or pleasure?


Clearly inspired by the bottom of a baking tray after she's made a lasagne. What a load of fucking pish.

Dude not just bagging on Derosa, but ALL of those paintings are shit and stupid expensive! That site looks like a 3rd grader's art exhibit.

Anyone that buys those must think purchasing art = somehow fucking this girl

I'm bagging on him. He's a cunt.

Surprise, surprise, it's got a hole in it

Looks like actual shit smeared around.

what the fuck, it looks like she's put to canvas her recurring nightmare of all the unborn porn fetuses she's aborted during her career, waiting for her in hell

I just see pepperoni pizza. I wonder which one of us failed the rorschach test.

Someone buy it for Opie to smash.

Opie would be wise to have her bring it in, unexpectedly sparta kick it to death, beat it like a malfunctioning printer, and when she's whining and crying pull out a fat stack and make it rain on her dumbass as payment. That would one up Ant.

Patrice was right, Joe is a romantic sissy. Anything to make him seem like an intellectual. He probably really dissected it and really felt cool

Joe DeRosa needs to receive an atomic wedgie as an adult.

He aready has, what do think is pulling his shoulders lower?

That's not white knighting. It may be a little gay though.

hes mad at the dude for exposing his intenion

Which is fair, since he's cockblocking him.

On twitter


Nice paintings, m'lady.

I fucking hate DeRosa. This is a perfect example of why.

Embrace the cringe


A lot of people joke about DeRosa having no shoulders, but it's just a side effect of the more serious condition of him not having a spine.

Why is everyone constantly fucking with this mans livelihood?

Joe just wants to hear her music, nothing more, nothing less. Oh, and maybe coffee, sometime.

Those are horrendous paintings.

The porn star probably started following the guy Joe blocked because he gets it.

Wow those are even worse than I was expecting, like something a 14 year old would make.

I hope chick sucks dick better than she paints.

Joey bin Laden either really desperate for anything, or he is a Fez.

joes standup is top notch but his confidence is non existent

he did the fuckin seinfeld puppet on pete holmes show, how does that not translate into a meaningful and loving relationship

this is fantastic

Joe_Trucker is the same guy who called in and called Jimmy a closest Liberal

Just block him... acknowledging him is what he wants....

Isn't she the one that gave Bobo a sponge bath?

Why do people like this guy? He was part of some of the most boring radio in history when he and Opie cried about their family history for 90 minutes.

Opie, Ant, and Jimmy all white knighted Bell Knox. Jimmy also did it for Jenna Jameson.

Who cares?

Ant said he legitimately felt bad for the Belle Knox girl. He just thought it was so pathetic and felt no need to just bash her for the sake of it.

Don't waste your time. She's maybe a 6.

for business or pleasure?
