Can we officially change the name of this subreddit?

0  2014-08-13 by BruceMittman

Seriously. The Opie & Anthony show does not exist anymore. You have a show now with Opie and Jimmy, which everyone hates. And a show with Anthony, which everyone loves. Now to stop being dishonest so people don't end up here like I did expecting actual fans of the once "Opie And Anthony" show change damned name to AntiOpie, or WeHateOpie, or OpieSucks. Because leaving it as it is is dishonest and deceiving and an outright fucking lie.


Nah. There's loads of reddits around for shows that no longer exist. You are welcome to make a new anti Opie subreddit if you wish.

This is the Anti Opie subreddit. Definitely isn't an Opie And Anthony subreddit.

Everyone loves Ants show? It's the same shit he's always done now in front of a green screen or his pool.

Yeah I love Ant, but O&J is much more listenable.

I'm not sure that's true. Just accept the show is over.

As said many times on the show, "Yuck, the neediness around here..."

"You have a show now with Opie and Jimmy, which everyone hates".

Stop listening then. No one is forcing you.

That would be revisionist history. We don't airbrush here. We leave that to your college professors manipulation of your mind.

We don't downvote like that Mr. Kevin Finnerty, your families here. You're going home.

SO what the hell do any of you like? Other than liking hating everything? The show is dead. It's not coming back. There's no point in whining all the time in every other thread about what's left of it. Go start your own show, go do something. Produce something, then let a bunch of assholes tear holes in it the same way you do everything else. I make music everyday. I couldn't care less. But it would be nice to have an actual Opie And Anthony subreddit to talk with fans of what's left than this hunk of shit posing as one.

What the fuck are you going on about? Who cares if we leave it the same OR we change it? You're getting worked up over the name of a subreddit being "dishonest", and then you're attacking everyone else here for what reason, exactly? If something happened in your life that required this kind of reaction, I assume you'd either have a heart attack or just start shooting into crowds of innocent people, because I don't think you could handle it.

I get it if you need to vent, but you sound like a complete fucking nutcase.


I'm not sure that's true. Just accept the show is over.