"That's My Opie!"

26  2014-08-13 by mattyp3

Bonnie: We're old, we're married, we have children. Rich: We have one. Bonnie: We have one together and you have two more from Kelly, who by the way- Opie: Wait, Kelly is your older daughter?

Jim shrinks down in his seat and checks for messages from Vice or Anthony



Hey, Bonnie has got her good qualities too.

Name one.

She's Canadian.

She took the bullet of marrying that retarded orange jew.



She's Jewish.


i didn't hear today's episode. i'm still cringing at how he kept going back to how much money the Brady Bunch cast made during Tuesday's interview with Chris Knight. He just would not let it go even after Jim kept trying to move things along.

I couldn't believe he expected Norman Leer to just "send him a check," like just "because." Hey Opie, would Sirius just "send you a check," because you're Opie from Opie & Anthony? Like "Here's a lil something extra, fella!" I can't tell if he's seriously as ignorant about so many common sense aspects of show business as he comes off, or he's just "asking questions on behalf of the listeners/average joe." (Probably the former)

I wonder if he sends Erock checks, "just because."


Only kinda related: I finally listened to My Wife Hates Me because I heard the one with Bill Burr became confrontational. It didn't. Bill got mildly annoyed with Bonnie, which isn't hard to do. And then he made her look stupid, which also isn't hard to do. But hardly the big deal some made it out to be.

I actually thought Burr was the one being the asshole. Even Vos said the whole time he looked like he didn't want to be there.

Who would want to miss getting dragged into the middle of an old married couple bickering with each other?!?!?!1 That Bill Burr is an asshole!

Holy shit.

I caught this too. I assumed Opie just misheard him, but he is an idiot.

Just listened to the audio, I think he wasn't paying attention to the conversation, bet he was too busy checking his numbers, eeyuck.



Seems like Rich cut her off initially?


He's such a dense cunt.

I caught that today too. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just wasnt paying attention, but its more likely he was and his listening comprehension is just that bad.

Wow.. Did this happen today? I haven't listened yet. I'm still staring at all the victims strewn about the subreddit.

lol You spend so much time here, the few times I've checked this reddit, your name is everywhere on a million comments, always down voted. Really pathetic how much effort you put in here. Begin the excuses... :)

He is the Lady Di of this sub.

i dont know, ive at least laughed at lady di once before.

Sure did, I'll cut an audio clip and upload it.


