Kevin Pollak hates Sam Roberts

32  2014-08-13 by adurango

As does almost every person on Reddit. I reviled in the lashing PrimeTime received from Kevin this morning.

Maybe Kevin can finally get this schmuck demoted?


But he's such a good shit stirrer! Ugh. Anyone who says that in defense of Sam needs to be shot in the fucking neck.

Remember that time he ruined that awkward intern's life by making talk about his failed high school romance?!? LOL's all around!!

No, but I wish we could all remember that time he shot himself in the temple with a 9 mm.

Wait what? Context?

That's just a generic example. I found it ironic Mama Roberts was complaining about him being bullied when that's all he does to interns.

Damn. I was really hopeful.


While we're piling on Sam, his Friday show is fucking terrible. Sam really isn't able to create entertainment. Anything good he has ever been a part of is basically a fight between two other members of staff or Jocktober.

The show last week with Bert, Whoo Kid and the Stengels was really good.

Kevin was a little harsh about it, but he's not wrong.

Kevin is a fan, he is like someone on here with their posts.

It just so happens he "posted" on peoples podcasts because he is, kinda famous.

Sam is just jealous of him, and hurt by Pollacks analysis that he has not earned his presumed arrogance, like everyone else around him.

He let Sam know he was not an equal, and it hurt him.

I know you read this Reddit Sam, you steal show prep from us all the time.

Sam's butthurt DRIPS from the speaker. I love it. The little shit needs to listen to Kevin. Pollak has acted with the greats, DeNiro, Nicholson, Pesci, Pachino. "I don't have to prove myself to Kevin Pollak" - yes you do, you little shit. You have to prove you're worthy of even SPEAKING to someone with a resume like Kevin's. You're an untalented little Momma's boy turd from Westchester with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

I love how they all call him a "little shit", because that's exactly what he is.

And he is SO butthurt, it makes my heart glad.

Sam, when the show is over and you have to deal with the real world, you're in for a very rude awakening, and when it happens, remember that a lot of us will be laughing our asses off at it.

I love how he's sniveling about Kevin being "mean". Radio and comedy is hard. Get a fucking helmet, or step away from the mic. You sure talk the talk when it comes to Jocktober, but once someone calls you out, you turn into a sniveling little shit, just like Roland.

Whoa, let's not make comparisons to Roland. Sam will start to look good all of a sudden. Radio Sam's the wanna be host who befriends people for a week before stabbing them in the back. If the interns listened to the show they'd know that Sam is the on air enemy and their entire lives are game.

No one, not a god damn person, is remotely as infuriating as Roland. I fucking hate that man so much to the point it's actually making me question why I get so angry when I hear him speak, referred to, or anything at all.

Sam's butthurt reminds me of my 16 year old sister.

"I don't have to prove myself to Kevin Pollak" - yes you do, you little shit. You have to prove you're worthy of even SPEAKING to someone with a resume like Kevin's. You're an untalented little Momma's boy turd from Westchester with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

And what do you do for a living, character?

You think you have a point? Really?


Go way, troll.


Everything you said about Sam and Kevin Pollak applies to you and Sam. He's a featured personality on a huge radio show. He has done two of his own radio shows. He knows and interviews high profile celebrities. Fans of the show ask for pictures with him and ask for his autograph.

Who the fuck are you? The fact that he's even on Kevin Pollak's radar proves he's your superior.

Yet he is never hired for a real gig on his own. We know he has tried, many times.

He fills time on SXM and works as the O&A show resident "go getter". You and his three other fans can lobby Sirius to give Sam more air time.



Okay, whatever, dude. Keep thinking you have a point.

Why are all of your responses structured as:



(Dismissive cop out.)"

Because. You're not worth more effort than that.

"I think it's important that Sam's parents be allowed to speak." You can hear Kevin preparing his rod to bring these fish in.

Kevin is a fucking master.

Wait, Sam's parents actually called in to the show? Is this real life?

They really did.

His father is a pompous ass, and his mother is an enabling, vacuous twat.

Bonny's reaction to them calling in was priceless. She was shocked.

Fuck, I cannot wait to listen to this episode.

Was it on the main show or shit show?

Main show, all the way. Vos and Bonny incredulous at mommy and daddy calling in to defend the pampered little douche, Jimmy somewhat silent, and Opie even bagging on the little prick. It's around halfway through the show.

I loved how Bonnie stirred the shit, and Opie actually shut the fuck up and let her.

A great show today, Vos killed, Bonnie killed, Kevin Pollack killed, Even fucking Opie killed, because he let shit happen, and didn't try to oversteer the flow, he shut up the in studio guests to get back to Kevin and Sam at the right times. Sam got all emotional, then embarassed by Opie when he took his parent calls. It was nice to see Sam wiggle for once, and to be shit on by a low A lister.

Kudos to Opie today, I hate on him alot at times but I have to give credit for todays show, I really enjoyed it start to finish.

Even fucking Opie killed,

Woah woah woah!! There'll be no such talk in this forum!

I trashed him alot since I posted that. He didn't do anything to fuck the show up is maybe a better way to phrase it, he let the funny people be funny, and he didn't protect Sam like he usually does.

he also really pushed the phimosis.

He wanted to see what Sams wife laughs at when he crawls into bed in his hulk hogan footed pajamas.

Besides the pajamas or wrestling fetish of course.

She is probably too busy with her real lover.

i gotta agree that the Sam bash segment was pretty damn good all around. Even the opster was ok! holy shit

The show was good today except for two of the callers. Jim had to step in on the first one and Jim also kind of jumped Opies ass over leaving Colin on hold. This is just the feeling I got. Opie got snapped at a few times today and he backed down and let a good show happen.

I don't mind Sam but I'm all in if Kevin Pollack's going off on him.

New theory to explain Sams hair, and listening to his parents.

Dad is a cuck, and failed to suck out the offending seed.

Screaming Sammy 9 months later.

Jefferson my ass, more like Tyrone.

"You fucking neophyte!"-Pollak "Why IS Sam on the mic?"-Bonnie "Sam is hurt by my words and that makes me happy."-Pollak "Sam is a little shit. You think you are better than us because of your youth!"-Bonnie "Nothing was given to you? You came up through the biz how? You were just given a mic by an existing radio team."-Pollak "I want to see if Sam's dad looking after another son worked out"-Pollak "What has Sam earned?"-Bonnie "Wait, your dad is talking about your big ass?"-Opie "I love that Sam brought his parents into his fight." "Is this what people do? Grown men?"-Bonnie

Ok after reading this I think my favorite is the Pollak line "Sam is hurt by my words and that makes me happy". Even though Bonnie probably hurt him deeper on the show, Pollak wins overall since he smashed him on his podcast. Pollak is king.


*anyone who isn't related to him or forced to work with him hates Sam Roberts - except for his ball-washing post-show callers.

I loved Sam strictly in an ensemble capacity, when it was the regular show. I love how he handled Jocktober, and I generally love his obnoxious smartass-ness. He was always a great retard wrangler, in terms of dealing with all the freaks of the show. The shit he used to write for Bobo to say would have me in tears, and observations & behind the scenes stories for people like Bobo & Lady Di always made me laugh. I'll also give him credit for playing a good "straight man" when he's getting set up; like at the Montreal Comedy festival , when Jimmy & everyone else piled on him for his late circumcision. He went along with it, he didn't fuck up the rhythm or the timing, he played his part in the machine and it wound up being pretty funny. He's always had that quality to him.

But I like him only in that strict capacity, and obviously back when Ant was there too. Anything else with him is unlistenable. He immediately reverts to bad Top 40 radio jock humor/demeanor otherwise.

All of what you just wrote is negated by his stupid fucking dolphin laugh.

The only people that call into Sam's show are the bores who have nothing to say or can't make it on what used to be the Big Show.

Here is something for the little manchild to talk about on the pre show. How did his weirdo parents think they were going to bail him out instead of make it twice as harsh? Sam needs to be in the barrel more.

If you heard Jimmy on Kevin's podcast recently, he went off on Sam pretty good and I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. I love Pollak, but honestly who does he tout? Sam Levine fucking stinks on Kevin's show, is that Kev's high watermark for quality? Levine might not be as annoying as Sam, but don't talk like you have fuckin' Ed MacMahon on your show, cocksuckaaaa.

Pollak also went after Roland, which Jimmy quickly sidestepped.

Sam Levine really only talks when he's allowed, he doesn't break into the interview hardly ever. He doesn't bother me, either.

I'm fucking LOVING Kevin right now. So glad to see others point out how shitty Sam is, in every way.

Jimmy is Sensei Sidestep when you ask him about something unconfortable.

Jimmy needs Roland for photos. Pathetic right?

Especially whe he runs off the show to get one.

Please, don't say Roland. NO MORE ROLAND! PLEASE!

Cronuts, guac and chips, BBQ tee heee heee.

The boys take one taste because of faggot diets, and me and the staff eat the rest, the listener has to listen to the chef for one boring hour.

You don't find Roland entertaining?

Hi who is this?

It's lady Di!


Sam Levine? Is that his actual last name? Roberts is a "stage name"?

Sam Levine is on Kevin's show, he's the 2nd mic. He's an actor, he was in "Inglorius Basterds".

Thanks. I appreciate the clarification.

He's also the kid with the Jew-fro from freaks and geeks.

His parents were fucking infuriating. "He's very talented! He's such a hard worker!" UGGGGGHHH They're not as hatable as Sam, but pretty darn close.

Sam ssssTinks!


Sam has his good moments. I wouldn't say I like him, but I don't hate him at all. Roland and Opie are far worse.



I also don't hate Sam. I don't think he has the talent to be a full on host, but he's good to bring in every once in a while, like Travis, Erock, Denny, etc.


I loved Pollak's comments...but I hated Bonnie chiming she is some cog in the entertainment world, playing to 24 people in Hasbrouk Heights, NJ on Fri nights. Come on.

Kudos to Sam (who I loathe) for sticking in and standing up to the heat.

But she made a movie........ with Opie's money.

A little Bonnie goes a long way. When she used to just phone in and destroy Rich for 10 mins it was perfect. When she is in studio for hours at a time.... yuck. You realize she doesnt have a lot of interesting things to say.

Sam was good with Than. Since then... "meh" and on down.

woah, wait a minute. This sub can only hate one person at a time. For awhile, it was Danny. Then Roland. For the past two months or so, it's been Opie. We are not done hating on Opie yet. Let it pass, then we'll talk about hating Sam

I love him. He came out to the OandAProtest and gave us all signed posters. Really nice guy.

No one doubts he is a nice guy. Just his disposition and talent for radio is being called into question. . .

Well it would be in his best interest to help save the one show that seems to be interested in utilizing him.

Every other job he has gone for has been a "pass".

Haven't listened to the show in a month and almost forgot who Sam Roberts was.

Sam's inability to stand up for himself is why he can't cut it as a comedian. Bonnie just pushed buttons and everyone bitched about Sam's taste in music, really? They got on Sam for not having a legitimate reason for disliking Pollak, which he actually did, and they resorted to taking shots at his completely unrelated musical taste. They got all cunty over "ageism" while they sat around and bragged about the length of their careers throughout the interview.



I dunno.... I listened to this and the whole thing seemed kinda put on by the two of them. Given Sam's penchant for wrestling, the whole thing sounded like a work. Not that Pollak would have an interest in doing this, but that's just how it seemed to me.

Kevin mentioned his disdain for Sam on his podcast almost exactly a year ago. It was brief, but it was mentioned.

Fuck, can't wait to hear this segment.

God forbid someone post a link to a clip

Any clips up of this?

cheers pal

Is there a clip of this?

Maybe if Sam did more impressions Kevin Pollack would respect him.

I don't love Sam as a person but I will say for his Friday show if it's him, Whoo Kid and Nicole I thoroughly enjoy it - those three work very well together and could get something going if they'd work their schedules out so that they were all three in studio every Friday - actually, after typing that out, I really only enjoy it if either Nicole or Whoo Kid are present - so maybe Whoo Kid and Nicole should just work out a show together...

revelled, not reviled.

and has anyone seen the state of the two mongoloid hanger-ons that he has on his podcast? glass-houses Pollak, glass-houses.

I so wish ant had been there. There were so many moments he would have hammered Sam.

Much autism in this comment section.

Too bad Kevin Pollack is a needy, unfunny douche.

I fucking love Sam. Even today, he was just such a smart-ass to Pollock. You really have to be an unintellectual douche to not like the guy, he's pretty brilliant with his dickish attitude on the show. I don't like his interviews and stuff because they're pretty bland, but on the show he's brilliant.

My dream show was always Ant, Jimmy, and Sam.

I don't hate the guy or anything but "brilliant" is quite a fucking stretch. Settle down

But I bet you think Opie is brilliant, don't you?

No, usually the huge Sam fans are Opie fans. The fact is Sam is decent at stirring shit with other people but can't take it

I like Opie but want Sam to be thrown into a wood chipper

Get off reddit, Sam.

Sam is Opie 2.0, and I don't necessarily mean that as an insult towards him.

Jimmy is Sensei Sidestep when you ask him about something unconfortable.

Sam Levine? Is that his actual last name? Roberts is a "stage name"?
