Whoever puts the emails together for The Improv should get their shit together.

31  2014-08-12 by alexgough12


I loved him on Howard's show.

Wow they must be fishing for extra ticket sales.

Jim doesn't have Sirius on his Time articles, and now this.

Interesting. Probably a fuck up by the Improv, but what if Jimmy isn't allowing a Sirius credit? His way of telling Sirius to go fuck themselves?

In response to them repeatedly telling him the same thing every time contract signings come up.

Jimmy's pay should at least be the same as Opie's. But justice is hard to come by in this world.

I can't see SXM offering Opie and Jim anything else but less money.


That's pretty darn awful.

corporate comedy clubs...

Weird, last time I saw Jimmy there he had O&A all over his ticket page.

Yeah I remember that. Do you have tickets for this time?

No. I moved to Austin last year so I can't make the 3 hour drive up there.

I don't blame ya. At least now you have the moon tower comedy festival, that always seems pretty promising.

Yeah I actually saw Jimmy there last year and I got to saw Colin this year. It's a great festival.

Hoo hoo, Jimmy.

I know...no mention of his appearances on The Jay Thomas Show..sheesh

Jim never did Howard.

He did a few shows with Artie though, I was at one, funny as shit!

Hmmmm, Howie needs a new stunt boy, and Jim does need a job.

Maybe they can do nude girls on a bus or put a box of gay porn out on the sidewalk for people to look in, get edgy!

Do it 4 days a week, oh wait...I am confusing Beach house Opie, with vacation Howie, same guy, same asshole, same ego.

While I have seen some great shows at Improvs, their marketing is shit at most locations and as a company. The emails they send out look like they came directly from 1989. Based on what most comics say about them on podcasts, they treat the talent like shit in general, and that's why a lot of people won't do them anymore. Can you imagine how (rightfully) annoyed you'd be if you were Jim and saw this?

In all fairness, I don't think Jimmy really knows what to call the new show and the Opester is still working it out phonetically.

The Will Be Gone in October Show.

So you put Howard Stern because you don't know the name of the new show? Why not just use Opie and Anthony? People still recognize that brand. Unless you know this is a Quanspiracy and Jimmy plans to join Howards show in October after his contract is up.

Because it's with Jimmy Fallon now?

Because Howard.