Did Opie really do that?

21  2014-08-11 by [deleted]


I hope sirius fires him.

hashtag StandWithRobin



So does he.

Who cares about some hairy hack that died on a ham sandwich or with a belt around his neck and dick in hand.

who cares about a random black chick in time square


Of course Opie just did that. He thinks he's clever and it's cringe humor - but it's just uninspired douchebaggery. This is why he gets dumped on, repeatedly.

And for all the Opie apologists in this thread who defend his "genius" - Jimmy, the comedian of the show, found no need to crack a joke as the news came out.

He'll do his humbled rebel act tomorrow too.

"I might have, umm, given out a link to a Robin Williams story that was actually one of my videos [muffled laughter from Opie, silence from everyone else]"

A video of something we used to do when editing skate clips in 1998.

Speaking of death, I wonder if Opie's dad is a full-on skeleton by now or if there's still some decomposing left to take place.

Jizz in the eye-sockets should be dry by now huh?

what else do you expect from a Scorch-level hack? I think I might be giving Opie too much credit, at least Scorch doesn't come off a miserable fuck with no passion for his job. at least we think Scorch enjoy what he does.

Scorch knows that "Scorch" is crap and he has some fun being crap.

Opie is tard rage.

This is the same guy who was bitching about Howard's comments on Anthony by saying Howard doesn't have class.

Who also attacked the "dummies" who tweeted jokes on the day Patrice died. I'm not saying I disagree, what I am saying is that the man has 0 self awareness.

What a complete shill, he is obsessed with being viral. This is completely disrespectful and unfunny, everything he does makes me hate him more nowadays.


complete shill


I love how people act like Opie is a victim every time he gets shit on. Everyone forgets shit like this.

This is indefensible but I wouldn't say this is on par with weird verbal tics and the other stupid shit people bitch about.

Why would you expect anything actually funny from him? Seriously, it's the same shit run it to the ground over and over with him complaining at the end 'dummies' dont get it.

He's gonna talk about it on the show tomorrow, and do that "can you believe I did that" laugh. Like he's just so mischevious.

This is the reason I get annoyed when Opie says he could do radio by himself. He is literally worthless and devoid of any comic ability. Opie has never made me laugh once, and I can only imagine the cancer that would be a solo radio show Opie put together.

Man, im waiting for the RIP Gregg 'Opie' Hughes thread.

He has a T-shirt that will be released upon his death. it will have a picture of his face with a caption underneath it saying "you're kiddin'"

And he said Howard was the classless piece of shit?

And when he does post a sincere attempt at being funny (Re: how to chain your dragon") and the response is negative, this hack quickly removes the video. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't see through Opie's contrived "I don't give a fuck" attitude.

The Chain your Dragon Vid was removed because of a copyright notice from Dreamworks.

I think that makes it funnier, more Op being a dumbass there.

Not true. He had all the mirrored copies taken down with a copyright claim specifically from opieradio. Dreamworks wouldn't have done that or acted so quickly

What is the point of "going viral" to a millionaire 20 year radio host? At the very most he gets a day on the news cycle with an interview by some shit heel reporter. He's in the media already. He's on the other side!!

Because he's a clueless boob. Any person can create something viral if they put enough thought into it. It's not hard to get to 1 million youtube views these days.

He's such an colossal idiot that even with access to so many celebrities he can't think of anything original to do. Look at Kimmel and how he uses celebs to grow a 1 minute segment into a 7-million view video overnight. You just have to do something original. Opie doesn't have any of that shit.

If he had a sense of humor, he would link to the Philly Crew or Blind Basketball Trick Shot video. But his ego won't allow it.

NO; his health doesn't allow it.

To be a dark or gallows humor type tweet ya gotta have humor in it. I guess I'm one of those "dummies" who "doesn't get it".

Holy fuck 14000 views that shit is going viral now! Ugh

Yes, because he's an all around talentless pile of shit.

What a tasteless boor.

Ok what the fuck, he's claiming this as disrespectful straight after his shill tweet


First response

they are literally vultures now

Dumb fucking Opie followers still don't know how to use the word "literally".

Oh literal schmoegreene.

Edit: Usage note: Since the early 20th century, literally has been widely used as an intensifier meaning “in effect, virtually,” a sense that contradicts the earlier meaning “actually, without exaggeration”: The senator was literally buried alive in the Iowa primaries. The parties were literally trading horses in an effort to reach a compromise. The use is often criticized; nevertheless, it appears in all but the most carefully edited writing. Although this use of literally irritates some, it probably neither distorts nor enhances the intended meaning of the sentences in which it occurs. The same might often be said of the use of literally in its earlier sense “actually”: The garrison was literally wiped out: no one survived.

He's right. The family wants privacy and the media isn't giving it to them. It has nothing to do with his tweet.


Ugh. What a dickhead.

Ok, I've defended Opie plenty of times, but today is the day I join all the haters. I'm not offended by this, but it's just fucking stupid.

i dont even get it. is the joke that the video is completely unrelated?

I actually laughed at this, and laughing at opie shit these days is pretty hard to do.

AHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH. The TWISTED GENIUS strikes again. Bravo sir. Opie I just wanna say, I've always thought you were funny and you always brought a lot of original and hilarious bits to the sh dialtone douchey laughter

Here's hoping he comes out with a t-shirt or Instagram print to commemorate this tweet. Without Anthony, Opie is no better than the radio they made fun of during Jocktober. Must be unsettling to come to that realization at the end of one's career.

Getting real sick of Opie's shit. I also hate how he simply REFUSES to believe that he's the problem and that all the fans are just dummies.

But I can see the youtube video before I click it, the joke is ruined. Also, wow you guys are overdoing it with the anger here.

Anything for an extra 1500 views.

What a piece of shit he is.

Haven't seen the video but got giant douche chills from the rubes that tweet to him. Some really "LOL" at that one. Yuck. Of course, fuck me if I don't get the sarcasm haha.

that's the "bit" guys. YOU'RE ALL PLAYING RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS!!! you're all a bunch of rubes!!!!

Normally I give him a pass but that's terrible I'm sorry

The definition of Edgy!

You people... That's fucking hysterical.

Hahahahaha there's no fucking way he did this by accident. Some people forget this is actually what he does, like when Jimmy Superfly Snuka was on and he asked him what his dead wife was up to now. It's fucking cringe inducing but he has his moments in my opinion.

What did he do? The YouTube link is not working at the moment

I thought it was great

I like cringe humor, but that's kinda a dick move.


First funny thing hes done in 2 months.

I sort of find this funny but like a week or month in. The guy died maybe today or yesterday, come on man . Fucked up

Am i missing something? Is Opie Robin's friend or sumthin? He doesn't need to post these insincere RIP tweets like a bunch of other people who haven't even spoken about the guy in months or even years. People die all the time and Opie's tweet is pretty much mocking the twitter reaction not the death. Ant also tweeted "Hey, anyone have a Robin Williams pic?" If you wanna be angry at one, be angry at both


2014-08-11 23:12:23 UTC

News story on the death of Robin Williams by suicide youtube.com #sad

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

You people will hate Opie for anything. It's amazing. This was actually a little funny. You assholes are on an Opie and Anthony sub and out of all the shit they've done this is what pisses some of you off? I bet if it was Anthony the joke would go down fine.

If Anthony made a joke like this it would have been a funny one, not this lame shit. It's not the fact that he's joking that's shitty, it's the fact that it was such a fucking stupid attempt at humour. If you're going to joke about a legend like Robin Williams killing himself you have to come to the table with more than the shit Opie served up. And don't think for a moment it wasn't partly a numbers grab too, because it's Opie we're talking about here.

I wish you were Robin Williams.

It wasn't a joke at all. It was a fucking rick roll link to his shit reverse video.

This is fucking hilarious, you nancies. Robin loved gallows humour. Louie, World's Greatest Dad, Death To Smoochie..

This isnt dark humor. He posted a lame vid not related in the slightest to R W. It was lame, stupid, classless, and douchey. What a goof.

See this would be gallows humor if he posted a laugh track video or something like that, but he linked a video from his youtube channel. Let that sink in. Not even one that provides context or his new laughing internet guy, just a guy skating.

"Fucking hilarious" is a bit much. But yeah, I got a chuckle

And seriously? Everyone is playing the "too soon" card? This is reminiscent of old-school O&A and something the show has been lacking for years.

Instead injecting some of this much needed attitude, he will just bitch about how the "haters" don't get his sense of humor. Robin Williams' death talk will turn into more "Opie's Twitter Life" rant

i don't think it's the too soon bit,Opie is just a fuckwit.

I think we should be more offended by the fact he hashtagged "sad"

I hate Opie but the people on this subreddit truly are a bunch of low-testosterone faggots

"Hey man that's not cool, that was too soon"

Shut up you bunch of crying fucking girls

If I see any of you being a faggot again I'm going to stuff you in your locker

Are you really unable to tell the difference between a joke and him just being a douchebag to get youtube views? This tweet wasn't edgy, it wasn't cringe humor, it wasn't even a joke.

Hey doctor explain again how not liking shit jokes is related to testosterone production, it's been a while since I've looked over my biology notes.

This post is pathetic and the top comment is I hope Opie gets fired. Are you guys even fans of the show? Seriously I'm embarassed by shit like this. You guys obsession with Opie is pathetic.

Fuck off. That's funny, if anybody would fucking appreciate humour at shit times it's Robin Williams. Hypersensitive bitches.

I agree, Robin Williams would have wanted a humorless shock jock to use his death to try and get views for his godawful youtube videos.

Really, you don't understand the joke. You think he's just doing it for views or laughs you dope. If you can't understand the joke you have no right to critique it.

You're right, I must not get the bit. I guess the show's passed me by. I mean, he has been doing radio since he was 18.

It's a dumb joke, that's all it is. Stop being a little bitch.

I love that Opie defenders type with the same boorish frat register as their hero.

"Opie Defenders" Urgh. I love that the dopey O&A fans, who like to think they're better than everyone else, talk to people as if they can't see what their saying. Y'know, cause they can't actually address said point. Go fuck yourself.

I'm struggling to see what is funny about Opie posting yet another link to one of his shitty youtube videos.

The misdirection of someone thinking they're going to be watching a sad, deep, meaningful tribute and it's just Opie's latest dumb video. I don't see what's so difficult.

his rat Twitter followers think this is funny which only encourages this sad fuck to continue his douche behavior.

No, it's not funny. You know why? Because he's done the same, turd of a bit forever. It was funny once six months ago.

You people who click on it and laugh every time are like toddlers with the "got your nose" game.

Defend his humorless genius while you keep looking for the quarter in your ear.

Just because you don't find something funny, doesn't mean it isn't funny. You hate Opie, WE GET IT IT for the 10000000 time.

I think we should be more offended by the fact he hashtagged "sad"

He'll do his humbled rebel act tomorrow too.

"I might have, umm, given out a link to a Robin Williams story that was actually one of my videos [muffled laughter from Opie, silence from everyone else]"

I love that Opie defenders type with the same boorish frat register as their hero.
