Anthony to discuss greatest retards in film.

0  2014-08-11 by shameofyou

All I can say is GABLESS, movie discussion is finally back on the table. I hope he makes it a regular segment, greatest movie heroes, villains blah blah. And not these faggoty super heroes, I'm talking Ripley, Mad Max, MacReady. Even Kyle Reese had more balls than these multi colored mongrel mulatto class of people splashing around mucking up the works.



Your's most grand.

On Brother Joe's show he revealed there will be a discussion on retards in film. I'm saying I value his opinion on film, find him funny and would be curious to hear his assessment on a variety of film topics such as the modern "super hero" plague compared to the throw back human hero.

Maybe I'll call him and ask, perhaps he loves these awful superhero films but the way he constantly references the classics I'm skeptical. Ignorant Opie always ruined film discussion because he's a busy family man with no context of the topic so unless Jim and Ant overruled him or Patrice single handedly shut him down he would trample.

I hope "Special Ed" Florentine calls in during this discussion to let Anthony know that he peed in his pool.

If that happens I will never stop laughing

how about this peach that they've discussed before, Riding the Bus with My Sister

I hope he doesn't leave out this gem... WELCOME HOME JELLYBEAN


Like Normal People

I Am Sam , Charly, & of course Bill.

I hope he discusses Derek.

I watched Rain Man yesterday.

The sec scene is hilarious!

I think that would in fact be classified as Autism rather than mental retardation. Retards are way more fun.

same shit. That's one of the scene in the movies.


I just hope riding the bus with my sister doesn't become the focus, they've already destroyed that abortion.

Ron & Fez already did it back in 2007. Get some original material Cumia