Oh no...

3  2014-08-11 by SXMGirl


Man the worst part is how they force us to watch and comment on it.


Its basically just a fan's week in review type show for the ACS. Its free and not even a part of Ant's network, so I don't see a problem with it. That said I wont be watching.

and not even a part of Ant's network


I saw the pic and actually said out loud "oh no" and then I saw your title.

Dr. Gay

And enough with the olde time microphone! We get it!

The oldey time mic doesn't care when alchie breath screams racial epithets into it.

A harken back to the good ol' days, when you could talk about dangerous the negroes were on the radio!

Look here comes Little Johnny riding his bike down the street! Gee Johnny, there's a moving truck next door! Uh oh, Johnny! Look out! Your new neighbors are negroes. That's right Johnny! Better bike home and tell your dad to move to the suburbs!


I've been pleasantly surprised by Joe's non-involvement with the show so far. If this is all he's going to be doing, then that's great.

He'll be on the show one time in the next 4 months and this subreddit will have a meltdown.

That seems pretty unlikely, Slippery_Slope_Head.

Only 11k views on Livestream.

I don't think it will last.

This is just a way for Ant to get Joe off his case. No doubt Joe comes round mooching for shekels and air time on the ACS.

It looks like you don't have to subscribe to this, so it could be a decent way to give non-subscribers a synopsis of the show.

Correct, its free on his U Stream "podcast." It really isn't affiliated with the show at all other then he's Anthony's brother. If you watched the backyard poolside podcast today, Joe brought it up on a whim (or if was suggested by a viewer in the chat, I can't remember) and Ant gave him a half assed "yeah, whatever" type comment. He even later poked fun at him calling it the "Joseph Cumia Network."


Oh, well who cares then. I was under the impression (from this thread being started) that it was an official post show that was part of Ant's subscription deal.

Nope, just Bro Joe looking for material for his own show and to promote his brothers show.

People just hate Barnacle Joe. I have no idea why.



However, Friday night live content is a good idea..

If that's the case, look into suicide.

He is a fucking charity case

Without a doubt they were both welfare kids.

And here we go..... Ugh..

I would trade Sam and even Roland for him Seriously.

Nope, just Bro Joe looking for material for his own show and to promote his brothers show.
