Made this song for the boys about a year ago... "Don't give up on us O&A"

5  2014-08-10 by EskimoEscrow


I know why they didn't play it... IT STINKS AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!

it gave me douche chills

Did they ever play this on the show? It's definitely good enough for them to.

I sent it to them. Didn't get played.
They've played one of my songs before;

How cool is it to have something played on O&A?

I went fuckin NUTS when I heard them play it. One of the coolest moments in my life.
I had no idea they were going to play it, all I did was Tweet it to erock.
A month later I got a different song played on Ron and Fez too:

Nicely done. I'lll have this stuck in my head for the rest of the day

Ah fuck now that is stuck in my head. Very nice work, man.

Good boy phone and a natty boy phone...yup, it's stuck in my head.

dis good

Tony Sunshine!

Shoulda made a song called, "ant do not call people niggers on twitter"

2 ";;" in the middle, I wouldn't know how to vocalize that.


Sounds good man.