Opie loves Whitney Cummings' show

6  2014-08-09 by Dagidugidai


This reminds me of the time O&A bashed Sarah Jessica Parker. She called in and they backpedaled. Same thing happened with Whoopi Goldberg. They know they are hypocrites and they usually admit that whenever questioned.

The worst was the George Carlin interview. Ant had bashed him and his last special mercilessly.

Audio link??


His last special was dog shit. I think you can still praise the guy for his career.

Whoopi walked in the studio. I hate that bitch but that was awesome.

The only time I've ever laughed at Opie was when he told Ant to "look behind you" and Whoopi was standing right there

no it wasnt.

I cringed when he said bridesmaids sucked then completely changed his mind in 5 mins when sam and ant said they liked it

He only bashed it because he thought everybody else would. He's always looking for a majority position.

I don't care what your taste in comedy is...this is a great scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjfWN-BZyc

What a complete flip-flop he is, someone needs to call him out on this bullshit.

I feel like opie has no legitimate feelings or thoughts on a subject. He just goes with whatever is popular in the moment as long as everyone will like it and help him go viral.

He often will literally say "How do we feel about ______?" He's not even subtle about it. If Ant and Jim liked something that Opie "hated" Opie would say "Damn it!" as if his opinion is wrong because it doesn't match Jim and Ant's.

Really starting to loathe Opie, he's so fake and forced yet he thinks he is the king of radio. His sense of humour is also like a five year old's.

I hope when I start to seriously dislike one of the hosts I'll just quit listening to the show. Luckily it hasn't happened yet.

I liked Anthony and Jim. I loathed Opie. I listened despite him for the great quips A + J provided. Now that Anthony is gone, and Jim seems to have stepped back a bit, I changed to the cumia show and Jims show. Haven't listened to the Opie show in weeks and dont intend to unless I hear on here that something interesting happened. I hope that summarizes the position of those of us who literally think Opie is unbearable.

Great and no one cares. Just stop listening we don't need your noncompelling explanation as to why you stopped. It's just a radio show but I'm sure you'll keep obsessing over Opie and a show you haven't listened to in weeks.

relax buddy

You actually thought of that and typed it out. Opie sucks and at this point I listen because it's so bad. That does happen, you know. The Room is one example of this phenomenon.

No, we all know it is going great. We know that because Master Opie says it to be so.

He did sneak that in Thursday. I would have laughed but what worries me is that he believes it. Not so much worried for the show, I'm convinced it's done, more for his sanity.




I, like most fans, get annoyed by Opie. I don't hate him. I can put up with all of it (even if I get douche-chills) because I love the show

The part that drives me nuts is everybody on the show ignores it. They pretend like he didn't just lie, didn't mispronounce a 3rd grade vocabulary word, or didn't just trample over someone's story/joke. He bashes everyone for minor shit, but can't take it himself (what he always bashed Stern for).

Can you honestly say it has never bothered you?

It would be so much better if people would rib him more. It would defuse a lot of fan criticism.

Even if he throws out some self-deprecating jokes, he won't come off like a sensitive baby

I was so happy when he finally admitted, "I suck at words!" That is all he has to do most of the time. Acknowledge his bullshit and we all move on

Remember Up in the Air?

Who the fuck is Whitney Cummings? I didn't listen to that show.

the show "whitney" was complete and total garbage. like thoroughly unfunny shit that was geared towards boring non thinking humorless morons. try to sit through an entire episode, i dare you.

"Oh, I loved your show and your stand up is great, as well."-Opie to Whitney Cummings, 2014 "Fuckin' Whitney Cummings SUCKS." The first words out of Opie's mouth before he bashes her for half an hour in 2011.

I don't think Opie has any sincere thoughts and opinions.

How about Jimmy?

well see jimmy makes up for things like this by being a highly entertaining comedian. as for opie.. things have gone down hill for him and now we focus on his shit shirts and his annoying twitter account and his "cant handle any callers with alternate viewpoints" screeching voice. heres an idea for the opster, try using the FUCKING soundboard to fuck with callers instead of your annoying screech voice

Welcome to the entertainment buisness, first rule is grab a bandwagon and jump to the next kne

How embarrassing

Whitney is terrible. She pandered for a fake ovation at the end if her Comedy Central special. She's a horse face cunt. D'Elia is funny on stage.

Opie was way too hard on it because it was a multicam. Opie hates multicam and ignores the fact Jimmy was on one called Lucky Louie. Whitney talked about this on Jimmy's show, how multicams aren't "cool."

Whenever the b-b-boys talked about multicams it was a complete ignorant shitfest.

I wasn't a big fan of the show but to blatantly lie and say it had a laugh track was retarded. Why was Opie so mad?

To be fair Lucky Louie actually had a different vibe from a traditional poorly written multicam. That's like saying you hate Multicams, but love Seinfeld, it's completely possible.

Most of the best sitcoms of all time are multi cam (or at least hybrid) so when people bash the format they generally don't know what they're talking about.

Exactly. The ideal sitcom is to me a live to air stage play, like The Honeymooners or All In The Family. I can understand sitcoms evolving beyond that with great shows like Larry Sanders and Seinfeld (a hybrid) but sometimes you gotta bring it old school.

Whitney wasn't good, but not because of its format.

Opie just reaffirmed his love for this tv show recently when she was brought up as a guest on Jim's couch. I think both Jim and the other guy said she's great and moved on.

He did this earlier this year with Last Comic Standing too. He attacked it for no reason and when Jimmy and other comedians said that it was actually pretty good this year and they had a bunch of quality stand up comedians on the show, Opie had to backpedal a little saying, "I don't know. I haven't watched it in years. I'm just not sure what they can do with that show anymore." The show is literally nothing but stand ups doing stand up comedy. They don't need to "do" anything else. The competitions aren't goofy and usually just involve the comedians telling jokes. One competition was doing a roast of Gilbert Gottfried and Jimmy's friend Jeff Ross was the judge for that challenge. Not to mention Jimmy has been on the show in one of the early seasons. Amy Schumer is a long time friend of the show and it was Last Comic Standing that launched her career. Vos and Bonnie were both on it. Not to mention that Greg Giraldo was a judge and a current friend of the show, Russell Peters, is a current judge this season.

This is one of my biggest complaints with Opie. He doesn't have enough conviction in his opinions so his default is to trash something even if he hasn't given it enough attention to warrant an opinion. Any subject where the opinion could go either way his default is to not like it. And then he wonders why the listeners/"haters" are so negative. They're just a product of the environment that he's helped create.

He did it with Monty Python, too. One day he said it was a show you either "got" or you didn't, and he didn't. But then a few months later, he's talking about how he absolutely "got" the show.

Someone made a video pointing this out - I think it was titled "Opie totally gets Monty Python" - and, big surprise, it was quickly taken down due to a copyright claim by SiriusXM.

yeah I heard him say he loved it and thought of this immediately. I like her as a person, she's hot, funny, and witty, but this show was awful drek. And Two Broke Girls is a horrific network sitcom, like arguably one of the worst cliche, corny, shows on TV.

She's not hot. Please, for the love of god, stop spreading that horseshit.


And Two Broke Girls is a horrific network sitcom, like arguably one of the worst cliche, corny, shows on TV.

I saw this show for the first time a few months ago. Absolutely horrible. It makes The Big Bang Theory look like Breaking Bad. Every single line of dialogue in this show is "set up line. pun. cheese for the camera." I don't know how anyone could enjoy this show. They also have that woman that played Stiflers mom on the show and she acts like their Kramer just running through a door and yelling some line. But really, all she does is just scream all of her lines in a bad Russian accent. The show makes me angry just thinking about it. It is so poorly written and so poorly acted, that it actually feels offensive.

Morgan Murphy, who Jimmy loves and everyone claims is a brilliant female comic, is one of the head writers for the show. Either she isn't quite as good as Vos, Bobby, and Jimmy make her out to be, or TV just drains the funny out of you.

I think the laugh track sitcom format is the biggest killer of funny. Having to pause for laughter just kills any real feeling. Everything is either a set up or the punchline. Not much relatable but it's easily digestible.

Two Broke Girls might be the worst show I have ever seen. You know a show is bad when someone as hot as Kat Dennings, makes you want to change the channel. I can't believe it is still on and will get syndicated.

I kind of assumed I'd dislike her just based on my being a bit of a judgmental cunt, but she seemed really cool on Jimmy's show. Not to say I'd like her show or her stand up, neither of which I've seen nor intend to, but she's a cool chick in my opinion.

I didn't know her until I heard her on Pete Holmes podcast and she tore into alt-comedy snobbery and I became an instant fan.

That interview made it clear how insecure she is, which was a cool thing because she was synonymous with becoming a sudden power player and she bluntly told Jim that she's not rolling in the money that they say she is.

Opie is not bright. But I think that's the bit.

Morgan Murphy, who Jimmy loves and everyone claims is a brilliant female comic, is one of the head writers for the show. Either she isn't quite as good as Vos, Bobby, and Jimmy make her out to be, or TV just drains the funny out of you.