AC Show download archives?

2  2014-08-09 by bokin

Subscribed to Ant's site, but am I missing where I can download the archived shows to listen to later on my phone? I only see playable embedded video.


No but you've obviously missed the last 50 times this was asked today.

He said he'd work on the audio downloads this weekend.

Per Angie this "feature" is not yet available. I believe she mentioned an app to provide it but I am hoping it is just MP3s. She said the site would post when its ready.

I don't think they let you download easily(yet) as it would probably crush their puny servers. Just a guess.

If their test broadcasts are anything to go by then they're using, I'm sure those servers can keep up.

No they are concerned about people sharing the files, which is already happening.

There are firefox extensions that will let you download them.

The pirate bay

so far all of the AC episodes are on youtube. Just sayin.


