Gee sauce

0  2014-08-07 by darkadian

Ughhhhh. I didn't even notice Daryl's interviews was God heavy. I wasn't paying that close of attention though. I was offended slightly that the first hour of the show was about it. But i didn't tweet about it mannnn! I refuse to re listen to the interview. It will bug my now definitely. Was it really 700 club level of GAAAWWWD?


It was too sappy for the 700 club.

He avoided all baseball questions which he and his coal burner wife both forget to mention is what most people care about.

God is ok, but I do not want it drilled to me on a show I listen to for dick jokes. The boys just wanted autographed baseballs and pics, so we all had to suffer for an hour.Opie even admitted it, so fuck any downvotes this gets.

I think so. The show didn't do any preparation or research on the guy so they got caught off guard and starstruck into listening to a reformed cokehead with the last name "Strawberry" do a church sermon for about an hour. It was one of the worst hours the show has done all year.


The topic of God or religion is good/entertaining when you have a Penn Jillette type in studio who is an outspoken Atheist. If there is some sort of debate back and forth it is interesting. If it's a guy doing a Sunday sermon on a comedy radio show it is a horrible failure.