[question] Anthonys gross profit on the new show...

0  2014-08-06 by [deleted]

So i looked today and it looks like anthony's first show has over 150k views. My question is can we assume this works like youtube and that its a pretty accurate number of individuals watching the show and not just 1 person watching it 10 times? if so does this mean he has that many subscribers? Does that mean he could be Grossing 700k/ month off this?


Its total views, so you would have to divide it by a certain number to guess the total subscribers. I would guess he has around 20-30k total subscribers right now, but maybe that is a bit conservative.

which is a huge number. When i did some for-fun revenue projects on his show, a sub list of 7000 people and the other revenue streams would gross him ~1.8 mill a year.

Where'd you get $1.8M from?

His only 2 revenue streams will be subscriptions and ads.

7,000 subs at $6.95 over 12 months = $583,800 per year.

I don't think he's getting around $1.3M in ad revenues for a show with 7,000 subs. That would mean advertisers would be paying over $1 for every person who views their ad during each show.

All figures are the absolute minimum I think are realistic based on various factors:

7,000 paying subscribers= $50,000/m

Advertising sponsors= 3 per show at $1000avge=$3000 (x4 shows a week is $48,000/m)

Miscl Revenue (merch, itunes, iphone app, etc)= $20,000/m (ex:The biggest source of revenue for most podcasters is Amazon's associate program.)

Minimum total is $118,000/m or $1,400,000/year.

Some things to keep in mind. These are the figures from the start. As the listener base increases the advertising revenue will be much higher. 4 shows a week gives plenty of room for it. If the audience grows into even a small percentage of the OandAshow, he can start to release partial shows (or highlights) for free and get $ from cpms on various platforms.

Or to put it another way. If Rogan is making 11k per episode, there is no reason Anthony cant match that at the very least. If that is the case then the revenue is actually higher and sits at $2,110,000/y. Considering Anthony's mortgage is $20,000/m, I think this is sustainable for him and leaves a lot of upside growth potential if the above is the worse case/minimum scenario. Anybody sees any flaws with the above?

Edit: If it wasnt already clear, this is revenue, not profit. And If you want to assume his subs are around 20-30k, you can adjust the numbers accordingly

You advertising figures are absurd. Those advertisers are not paying $1000.00 per show, they probably aren't even paying half that.

Live reads on the Opie and Anthony show cost $500. Safe to assume that Anthony is billing less than that because he has far less viewers and his show is brand new.

I'd guess he's making more like $500 a show total between Steven Singer and Mangrate.

The ad costs came from the buisnessweek article about top podcasts. A top 10 podcast was charging 4500$ for a 45 second spot. So I was conservative with my figures and stand by them.


#3) WTF with Marc Maron-Revenue: $14,640 per episode ($4320 for the 20 second pre-roll, $6000 for the 60 second mid-roll and $4320 for the 20 second post-roll)

very conservative with pullin em straight out of your ass you mean

? they are based on a source.

It's not unique views. Even extremely conservatively, 10% of those could be unique individual viewers, and even at 15,000 subscribers that's $104,250 a month, plus advertising revenue. I have no idea how much the server and staff costs are, but he's going to make a nice living off of the show. Nowhere near Sirius XM money, but nicer than most of us.

As an aside, Brother Joe tweeted the other day about trying to get Ant up to 100,000 subscribers and that they were close. Take that for what it's worth. Close could be anywhere from 20k to 99k.

at 15,000 subs and everything else he is approaching sxm money. 30,000+ he is making more than 3mill a year which is more than sxm

Depends what his costs are but your right. I think it depends how many of the one month subs renew next month to get a better idea.

as a PSA for those that will choose not to renew, on the invoice it says the 7$ is recurring, so you will be charged again until u unsub

anything above 10.000 suscribers would be fantastic at this early point. he offers some savings for people suscribing longer than a month. so a yearly gross of 10.000 x $6 x 12 = $720.000 can be expected at the minimum.

How does he have 150.000 views? this number is very likely not unique suscribers, but overall (re-)loads. I had to reload a couple of times myself. A realistic suscriber number is 25.000 people at this point, i agree with u/muyoso.

It works like youtube. If you refresh 20 times, it adds 20 clicks to the video. I wold guess Anthony is around 17-20K unique subscribers right now.

That is exactly not how YouTube works.

You couldn't have picked a worse example, YouTube's viewer count algorithm has a lot of complicated moving parts and its development and maintenance is what YouTube's engineers spend most of their time working on.

Clicks and viewcounts are literally currency for YouTube, they go to great lengths to detect and eliminate counterfeiting.

Yes, if someone is trying to add thousands of false views and they detect it. But, if I just go refresh one of my youtube video uploads 20 times, it does in fact add 20 views to my video.

That works for the 1st 300 views, but you will notice the view count freeze after youtube automatically determines multi views from the same IP. Then real views won't increase until they catch up with the fake ones already counted.

They must not care about my little videos with less than 2,000 views. Each refresh gives me another view. Maybe they correct it later?

For videos that no-one is much watching, and aren't monetized, and don't have copyright revenue that needs managed, it'll add them as they come in. 20 views here or there aren't worth the CPU server time to check.

If it starts seeing any real action, the algorithm immediately starts investigating who and what is clicking. This is why popular videos pause at 301 views, the system is analyzing the viewcount stats and the detection routines are not realtime, they take a while to cross compare, the viewcount goes up in bundles over the next day or two.

YouTube isn't a video site, it's an AdSense site with videos. View count fraud is pretty much the only thing YouTube spends its time thinking about.

Well aren't you the fucking youtube expert.

Who's sitting there refreshing it like that?

Maybe its just the shitty internet connection at my work, but it will constantly buffer and I have to hit refresh to get it back.


Advertisers can see through those numbers.


Rogan does one of the biggest podcasts there is, and gets 1-2k live viewers on a good day. Looking at his channel on YouTube, he's pulling about 50k-100k viewers an episode depending on the guest.

150k for a paid podcast two days in seems... high.

Its really bizarre to me that people are so obsessed with this.

The only thing I care about is if its "enough" for O & J to join him on the platform in October and bring in some key staff.

with 75-100K Subs, they could probably reconstitute the whole show on the web.

It probably will be enough, but Anthony will not want them to join. Just like Opie doesn't want him to come back. It's over. Move on with life.

YouTube is not unique views.

afaik it starts counting just the unique views after the ~300 view mark

which is a huge number. When i did some for-fun revenue projects on his show, a sub list of 7000 people and the other revenue streams would gross him ~1.8 mill a year.

Where'd you get $1.8M from?

His only 2 revenue streams will be subscriptions and ads.

7,000 subs at $6.95 over 12 months = $583,800 per year.

I don't think he's getting around $1.3M in ad revenues for a show with 7,000 subs. That would mean advertisers would be paying over $1 for every person who views their ad during each show.