Does anyone else think Jim Florentine would be a better fill in for Ant's seat than Dan Soder?

0  2014-08-06 by TriplH

Just that he seems like more of a "mans man".


Opie would then completely morph into Florentine Jr.

I think Soder would turn into Opie Jr. Only a matter of time before Jim would call Opie out on some BS.

If Jim hasn't called Opie out by now, it ain't gonna happen.

I really hate hearing those three talk about music. "Who are the rock bands that can still sell tickets these days?" Answer: The two bands Jimmy is most obsessed with and the band that's coming in today. Also, Buckcherry.

yea what the fuck was up with buckcherry? jeeeesus christ

Buckcherry probably do sell some tickets still, but that's a pretty random answer. Not exactly on the pulse of what's going on.

"...seems like more of a man's man"

Reconsider your life

*to Opie's metro sexual.

I love Florentine and I put ketchup on ice cream.

I wonder how he feels about Sriracha?

I think the problem is that Soder and Florentine are two different people. If only Soder could rant about the childish things in our culture or Florentine could do a hilarious african impression...

Florentine doesnt like ketchup, how can you trust someone like that?

I can trust someone who doesn't think fire works are the fuuuckin bees knees. Can trust'em easily.

What are you, 8?

For 20 years, we trusted someone who condemns an entire "community" over the actions of one person. I think we can handle this.

No. Can't stand Florentine. Especially his "fawwwwwwk yeahhhh \m/" music taste.

hahah im glad i'm not the only one who can't stand his "lyle chipperson" musical taste. he loves a lot of uninspired, stale, lowest common denominator rock/metal. Yet he hilariously dismisses other "normal" things as cheesy/lame. Other than that and his annoying voice, he's really funny and great on the show

Jim Florentine is a buttrock connoisseur.

totally haha top pleb.

Listening to him go after Denny made me cry.

I heard Anthony Cumia is free.

I do. Florentine is my favorite guest with the Most chemistry with everyone on the show. Him and Jim go way back, opie loves him and much to a lot of you guys chagrin he seems to think opie is funny. And whenever someone can make Sam crack up, it makes me laugh even harder cuz Sam has a weirdo sense of humor, and florentine always gets him cackling. I was dying today when they kept asking Dennis those questions

I think he has a "I know I'm a guest hit I'm going to say what I have to say" attitude



No! What are you, 9?

Either of them would be good.

They both could replace Hughes.

I don't like his podcast by himself but he's great with Opie and Jim. Sorta like Ant used to be....

It would have to be okay with Quivers/Stern. Not sure what the relationship between Quivers and Florentine is like these days but I do remember an article where he talked about her shamen crap helping him get over girlfriend's suicide.

Florentine's cadence and rhythm of speech annoys the christ out of me. It's like he holllds on to everyyy other worrrd for too lonnngg

Which is one thing people like about Ronnie B.

I like both these guys.

If you want to listen to nothing but 80s music talk for 16 hours a week then yes, if you want to actually laugh than no.

He's not a man's man, he's middle aged hipster douchebag. "I hate everything, yah". Retarded Dr. Steve sounding motherfucker. He stinks.

He stinks? How badly do you wish you were one of the boys?


If Jim hasn't called Opie out by now, it ain't gonna happen.