Does Anyone Like Chip Jokes on Reddit?

0  2014-08-05 by majestik6

Every day there's about a hundred Chip jokes in this subreddit.

Does anyone laugh at these?

Genuinely curious;

I (sorta) enjoy Chip on the show, but I have no idea why anyone would do Chip jokes on Reddit. It's like Carlos Menstealia; you can't do someone else's jokes and expect to get a laugh.

It doesn't work.


I don't mind it when it's in other subreddits. It's kind of funny to see a serious discussion, where someone is making a serious heartfelt point, then Chip shows up with another homerun. The most inappropriate the place the better.

Chip translates extremely well to Reddit. I've started Chipoffs in subreddits that don't have anything to do with O&A or Jimmy.

Totally. I love it when I'm reading a random subreddit and someone drops a show reference, it's unexpected.

But here?

The Chip jokes have just been done to death. There isn't a single thread on this sub that doesn't have them scattered all over

Chip jokes in this subreddit are terrible.

Chip jokes in non-O&A-related subreddits give me a ridiculous amount of enjoyment. People get REALLY annoyed.


Tss Chip jokes why not tell pretzel jokes or somethin? FAWWWWK YEAH!

I like Chip jokes, peckuh!

Fawwwk yeah, they're fawwkin' ha-larious, or somethin'.

Okay, Terrific!

They are not meant to be humorous. The purpose is to annoy and disrupt.

Fawk yeah like fawkin million-fawkin thousand of laughs

I pretty much cringe at all show references where posters try to come off as "one of the guys." Chip references, "______ with a shotgun", etc. That's not to say there aren't funny posts here, but tired show cliches are as bad as played-out image memes on /r/funny

That's exactly where I'm at. I can barely stomach the comments half the time because so many of them are just CRINGEWORTHY attempts to sound like Jim Norton

Chip references are the only ones that don't make me "douche chill".

sure, some good ruffle humor or a salty salt and vinegar retort makes me chuckle

actual chip humor is herp derp redditard humor; it should go over exceptionally well among the users here. of course, i enjoy seeing a well timed, out-of-context chip show up around reddit, much to the confusion of actual redditards.