Apparently the AC show has 275,000 subscribers?

3  2014-08-05 by Sleepman

So there was a test broadcast on the page just now and the Keith the cop said they have 275,000 subscribers already. This may have been said as a joke but he had a pretty exact and pretty accurate cash sales amount as well. Pretty cool if true.


Rubes gonna rube.

Dude, those are Scorch numbers

Don't forget all the viewers in London!

And I want all you guys at the bar to turn around...

Congrats to the 90th city, you know who you are.


Anthony will hit a billion subscribers by Sunday.

statistics dont lie.

Edit: for a 2 day show, 1 month in the making, its done well. Lets applaud the nigga

Help a nigga out here

Can a nigga get a sandwich?

He's getting close to Scorch numbers.

Ha Ha Ha


I think Brother Joe is adding a zero or two to the numbers.

No fault of his own, except he's a dumbass.


Maybe 275,000 views. I'm too lazy to look it up, but I believe Brother Joe tweeted today trying to raise the subscriber numbers up to 100,000. Either way, both numbers are impressive.

275k views even would be a major success. The hitcount on the Youtube video linked on the site which autoloads is @ 13,275. Filter the uniques and non-subscribers and you're not even in 5 digits.

People will believe anything.

Youtube does not lie.

Youtube does "lie" sometimes. It won't count views if the person turns off the video or leaves the page after only a few seconds.

275,000 would be nearly $2M in subscription revenue alone for the first month.

I doubt that's true.

I think it said around 6,500 people were watching live in ustream when it was on, from that I'd guess around 20,000-25,000 total which will probably increase slowly. Still not bad though.

KTC said they had received $6,500,000 in revenue so far. That's probably from the different subscription plans, merch, and advertising. This could also just be a load of bullshit, who knows.

Where did he say that? If that's true than bravo to Ant for doubling his yearly salary in 30 days after being fired.

On that test broadcast about an hour ago. The website was open on my computer and it just came on automatically. They weren't aware it was broadcasting live until almost at the end and they shut it off

hehe, rube


you guys forget that the O&A show was kinda exclusive to the US audience. This however is worldwide.

Currently his first broadcast has 132,000 views. 275,000 subs doesn't seem too impossible.

People watch multiple times, if everyone refreshed the page once, or went back to look at something once, those all count as views.


Glenn Beck had 300,000 subscribers at his peak.

ant did say he was working toward a channel with much more live shows. i think he is going the glenn beck route who last year his network made 90 million. gross that is.

First episode has 132,944 Views so far... Not sure if that's unique views but that's also just for the video portion. Either way it's indicative of a pretty big subscriber base.

refreshing can easily pump up those views if the website guy just did a count and not a unique count.

even if he only has 13,000 users that's a huge launch

This is impossible!! That racist can't have this many subs! Quick spread lies we can't let anyone know this is working!!!

I kind of doubt that being that Anthony would be making close to 2 million dollars a month if it were true.

I absolutely think people would try to pump up his views artificially. Too many heated internet arguments about whether this show would succeed or not for that not to be happening. Is that a major impact on the count? Don't know.

The view counter on the VOD page are legit because we now have two of them on the same page and their numbers don't go up at the same rate. So I can totally believe 275k subs. Most celebrities have way less twitter followers than actual fans and Anthony has 170k followers on twitter.

It's plausible I guess. Wtf with Marc maron averages between 200,000-400,000 downloads per episode and has had 100 million total downloads as of December '13. He started wtf back in' 09. Joe Rogan has claimed 9 million total downloads a month from all his shows that month. Rogan probably does 3-4 a week.

If the numbers in this thread are correct a LOT of tv and radio personalities are cooking up creative ways to get fired.

It's probably more like 10,000 which would be a major success for this kind of show.

And it would still pay a lot less than what he was doing before.

Your stupidity should be reason enough to kill yourself.

Yeah, and Stern gets million of listeners each day on Sirius...

Help a nigga out here