Can you download the AC show?

0  2014-08-05 by deltat3

Am I just an idiot, or is there no way to download the AC show to an iPod? It seems very odd that a fucking podcast wouldn't have a way of downloading to your iPod.

Someone help me out, I'm probably just dumb.


Keith the Cop said that audio archives will be available by Friday. Not sure if that means downloads or just archive audio streaming.

I'm hoping they are going to release the downloadable audio after every show and not fucking weekly.

Yeah, no shit, I subscribed so I could listen on the way to work.

You can download the shows on pirate bay.

You got gypped by a Corsican pimp.

They will. From my sleuthing skills, because I was curious as well, they are working on it and will be sorted out after the weekend. Still amazed they got this level of infrastructure down in 1 month.


I could, sure.

if you're paying for it you shouldn't feel bad downloading it via

How many times!? Jesus.
Just download the Grindr app and all the shows are right there to download audio or video.