Is Ant's show...

0  2014-08-04 by UncPa57yrzyng


He said that he didn't give a shit when Opie & Anthony was posted to YouTube, but he'll make sure videos are taken down of his show.

You can't take down torrents, lol!

Yeah everyone just spend 6.99 for a product that you know nothing about. -__-

wait aren't you one of the siriusxm protester guys? you should've got hooked up, both of y'all

Yes I am! People on here kinda hate me cause of that.

And deservingly so.

Its 7 dollars. Jesus get a job.

Oh I have the money, I don't think its at all worth it. I don't pay for movies or music, why would I pay for this?

PS Anthony has admitted many times he doesn't pay for music or movies, do you think he's going to start now? Why should I?

You sound like a cunt.

a cunt 7 bucks richer than you!!!!!!!!

That I can't deny. And since you value your time as worth nothing, you can spend hours a day searching for the show while I just click a link and press play. I may be paying approximately 20 cents for the convenience each day, but fuck it, I am wealthy enough that I can afford such luxuries.

search over hot shot.

what a cheap fuck. Im not even a rah rah republican type and i bought a month..and enjoyed it

Did the homo mods remove this?


I'm looking for it, if I don't find it I'll live. But I won't pay for it.

If you find it can you PM me? I'll do the same.

Are you a cyber cop? You know if you are you have to tell me.

I'm not. Although cops can lie, you really should ask for a handjob.

Can I have a handjob?

The fat fuck that protested and said we should stand with ant can't even buy a 7 dollar subscription to actually support Anthony? You're a fucking douche. No wonder people hate you. You're the same dummy that wore a swastika to a protest after Anthony was kicked off for racially charged comments. Yeah that'll get sxm to change their minds.

That was a different guy!!!!!!!!!! I don't wear swatstika public!!!!


Yes I am! People on here kinda hate me cause of that.