The return of The Virus

3  2014-08-04 by okconsumer

The Virus needs to be making more appearances


Amazing how even though they haven't done that bit in years, I still had the exact same emotions/reactions.

1.) Overjoyed that the Virus is going to be making an appearance

2.) Happily rocking back and forth to the Baby Elephant Music

3.) Excited anticipation about what the Virus is going to say

4.) Even further anticipation, making guesses as to what his punchline might be etc.,

5.) The build up, finally the Virus is going to saying something!!!....

6.) Complete and utter disappointment in what I just heard and feeling morbidly depressed about the past 5 minutes.


It has, it's called Ebola.

Was his punchline a play on words meaning 'e baller' i.e. a basket baller

I think it was more of a play on Manute Bol

I thought it was a play on Serge Ibaka, who is a current player and a big shot blocker.

I would've thought that with his new show Erock, I mean the mysterious Virus, would have had more to say