Does Opie have a speech impediment?

0  2014-08-04 by marklarsen

I mean beyond the put/booght (I think that's the official spelling they decided on) thing they've acknowledged many times before.

I ask because growing up I had a pretty minor stutter -- only affected me when saying words that started "ha" or "re" sound -- and if I felt it was about to happen I'd often compensate for it by acting like I'd forgotten the word I was about to say. I've noticed Opie does something similar where he'll try to get a word out a few times, then give some variation of "how is that pronounced?", even if it's a fairly common word with a known pronunciation.

I wish I had some examples off the top of my head, but is this something anyone else has noticed or has the Opster ever addressed it?


Jimmy said once the reason Opie doesn't pop his p's is because it's a broadcasting thing. It sounds better on air to use a B, I guess? Basically he just sucks at talking, though. Opie has admitted as much on several occasions.

If you don't talk right into the mic on a p or an s it can cause hissing and crackling. I can't imagine that their studio wouldn't have things like pop filters, equalizers and de-essers, though. He's just not bright.

Saying somebody isn't that smart isn't some moral judgment or big insult, anyhow. It is just true.

Jimmy said on MMP, or maybe Bertcast, that it's an old broadcasting habit that stuck with him. He will say budding instead of pudding, bool instead of pool, etc.

Opie probably picked this habit up off some of his peers when he was first starting out and hasn't properly 100% shaken it off yet.

I know in the UK at least for the longest time everyone on radio pronounced p's as b's and t's as d's so they would say dalend instead of talent or budaydoze instead of potatoes.

In the early 90's a comedy duo did a recurring sketch brutally ripping into this outdated form of delivery and it had an almost overnight effect on the entire British radio industry. Radio veterans who had been on the air since the 60's where being let go and replaced by new DJ's who didn't talk like this or fill the gap between music with inane babble.

Here's a sketch from the comedy duo i mentioned.

He also has a milder case of the "Vos" mouth.

The put/but thing is definitely from old school radio days. He developed it because he was popping his p sounds.

Besides that, he just has an old school long island accent.

No, he's just a lummox. He is poorly read with a lousy vocabulary, too. Jimmy is a two Cs and an F community college dropout that pays hookers to piss in his mouth and he always has to help Opie read.

"Ep Uh Tome" is not a speech impediment. It is low intellect. He's not the brightest boy in studio.

He's like everybody you know who is fairly dumb and uninterested in the world who rarely reads and never writes beyond Twitter excusing his incapability to read and write as "mild dyslexia." No, the proper diagnosis is moderate stupidity.

About as stupid as responding to your own comment here. And seriously how much radio have you heard? A lot of radio guys trip up on live reads plus who cares how he reads? I mean seriously you'll hate Opie for the way he puts on his pants. You're obsessed and pathetic.


It wasn't embarrassing. I just am new to reddit. No sockpuppets, here.

Opie cannot read out loud. What is wrong with you? Why are you in such conflict with reality?

I never disagreed with you dummy I just don't see why it's an issue. He's a radio host it's not like he reads audio books for a living.

He actually addressed it for like a minute once since Ant's firing and admitted he can't speak well but doesn't give a fuck anymore or what anybody else thinks. Good for him.

Yeah, but he DOES give a fuck AND he doesn't like not being the center of attention, that's why he insists on TRYING to read-aloud whenever it's called for on air.