The Anthony Cumia Show Live LT

59  2014-08-04 by PanzerSmanzer

I refuse to be Buzz Aldrin forever!



Agreed, Jimmy needs to get into the show....

For Anthony's sake, you are right. I just doubt there is enough upside for Jimmy to do that. He's got enough going on and it wouldn't really help his career. Any calls or anything else he does for the show would only be out of friendship. Jimmy has seen enough of his friends making it, I think he's ready to put the focus in his own career and that's what will happen later this fall.

Just give Ant a change to develop the show,this shit is setup in a month time which is an accomplishment at its own.

Seriously it seems like people forget this is not an established show.

which is why he should have considered doing the first week/month free. or at least audio-only free for the first month

lol this, how the fuck do I know if I want to listen to Anthony's show, let alone pay for it?

He should learn some thing from Adam Carolla and ease into the paid subscription bullshit.

I'm waiting to hear from the internet whether it's worth it.

It's not like he was forced to set it up in a month. He is the one who set the date

I'm sure it will progress as time goes on. He can take negative feedback a lot better than Opie. Hopefully, he listens to the fans' complaints

In his defense, I'm sure he wanted to get up and running while the fans were still pissed. I'd imagine there'd be somewhat less interest if the first show was six months from now.

I don't think Jimmy can be driving back and forth to LI every day after waking up at 5am, doing his other show....and in between all the spots he does at night in the city. That would be a horrendous schedule.

Or rather, Ant needs Jimmy to get into the show.

SiriusXM won't allow that.

Why downvote this? Certainly it's true.

Seems this new and improved, "Behind the pay wall", LFTC is exactly like the old, free, LFTC. Also, it seems like Ant really needs Opie.

I don't know man, I have been smiling for most of this show. Opie and Anthony is ideal but he is doing a great job so far. Give him a break, he hasn't harped on the race shit yet and he is getting some jokes in. So far so good in my opinion.

I laughed at the "she sounds lovely" to that caller.

Obviously those who payed are going to try and give ant a break its something they just payed for.

If i buy something get home and start to realize it has some flaws i would be upset if people start to criticize it , but a month in all those criticisms turn out to be true and i end up throwing it out.

Ant needs others to play off of....and not just the callers. He is gonna lose people quick if this is his best...


"his best" ...It's the FIRST fucking show by himself since shit went down. He's not going to be at his best, clearly. He's rusty. Give the man a while to work his magic. C'mon now.

Yea they need each other.

Ant needs Opie more than Opie needs Anthony. Opie can find other funny people. How many people can actually run a show though? Not many. That's why most podcasts suck.

I love my billy burr podcast though. Im always surprised at how well he does just talking by himself

This is pretty bad....almost "oof" bad

My impression: Opie & Anthony is nothing without Anthony and the Anthony Cumia Show is nothing without Opie and Jimmy.

These people need each other. I hope there is a way for them to get together in the future.

Basically this. OJ in the morning is getting stale by the day. I hope October has the threesome back together.

OJ is still pretty damn good, i got some good laughs in today with all the dick jokes with soder there.

Honestly i think OJ will do fine and possibly even renew with SXM, most of their listeners are people that listen for an hour possibly 2 on their way to work or truckers / ppl who drive for a living. That audience isnt going anywhere most likely as ant isnt an alternative for that.

They lost what maybe 30-50k ppl from the ant firing (i doubt that many ppl cancelled but a lot may have just stopped tuning in for whatever reason) id say they easily had close to a million listeners stern has about 3 million unique ppl that tune in every week (with about 2 that tune in every day) Id say its safe to say that OandA easily had at least a third of that as the second most popular show. They are still highly valuable to sirius and come october if they renew they may get a third mic full time, someone like dan soder would be awesome. Hes funny and a good replacement for ant (no one can really replace ant, but still) he does decent impressions and is generally pretty funny, and he has experience in radio he used to be on KROCK

The show use to be 3 guys and mostly two talking. The third doing whatever but mostly resting. Now opie and jim are constantly on. The guest comic isn't a host, the guys can rely on them to carry the show.

If opie and jim get stuck doing a show by without a guest it will really show as Sam will be stuck carrying ant's load. Sam can replace opie as the flow guy, but not ant as content provider.

carryin ants load what is he pregnant or sumtin tssss

I agree that they all need eachother. But honestly O&J still is awesome. And they've been on top of their shit in regards to making sure they have a third mic. With that said, even though I am enjoying the show, at least 5x per episode I think to myself how this would be so much better with Ant there

Dan Soder would make a good 3rd mic I think. With just OJ on I don't think its that great, its not bad by any stretch, but its not really enough. Soder has done very well on the show I've noticed a few times. They can't call in guests as favors every day, though I'm sure a lot of them with middling careers would be happy to come.

So the braintrust behind this show is Brother Joe, Keith the cop, and Anthony...lord god.

You fags got caught up in the frenzy, cancelled sirius, sent pics to Anthony for attention, signed a petition, tried to organize a rally, created a hashtag, AND subscribed to this? There is no way to describe your gayness.

People make bad decisions at times of crisis. But, anyone believing this wouldnt just be LFTC was kidding themselves.

There's nothing wrong with being an optimist, unless you're afraid of looking like a fool to people you'll never meet IRL. It's not like people were voting for the president or spending millions on swampland in Fla., after all.

How's your ego doing right now?

yea pretty much, brother joe sounded so douchey when he called in to opie and jim a few weeks ago you could tell he was thinking "i hope you guys never get back together so i can ride anthony's coattails for real finally"

Ant just really isnt that funny by himself unfortunately he needs people to real him in, I had more laughs listening to opie and jim today (mostly thanks to soder but still) I know its the first show but he really needs a second chair or something, and not KTC or Brother Joe please.

The whole studio just looks really cheap , seeing a hand come out of no where to clink glasses with ant is cringe worthy, so was bringing out the big bottle of champagne that they didn't open, was that supposed to be for a laugh, find me the person that laughed at that .... seriously

Enough of this palaver. Let's get the show on the road.

The Chip call made it all worth it for me.

And Chip saves the show.

Anthony is a fucking coward. He made it clear in his tweets that he called her a nigger, but won't say it now.


But I thought NOW we're talking uncensored?

Anthony needs advertisers right now and if he goes 100% uncensored(and starts using the n-word) he will have zero advertisers.

Chippa callin in mutha fuckkas!!!

They need to frame this shot differently. He looks like a dwarf.

Trying to show off how big the studio is.



nah just incompetence.

Thats what I thought on the test run. It's great for 2-3 people on a wide shot, but for some of it, he needs to use a foot switch or have someone switch the camera shots to a mid close up. He's been on Fox enough times to know that.


I hope Anthony focuses more on comedy, and less on politics, current events etc.

It's his first show and there was a lot to talk about so I give him a huge pass.

It'll probably be a healthy dose of each. Don't worry your sweet li'l heart about it.


Oh God he's going full Sam Rothstein.

He didn't juggle, did he? Fuck, please God no.


I take a haaaalf of one of these, a haaaaaalf of one of these!

Where are the dancing girls?

At least he's not harping on the political stuff.

After the show the mic was still on but everyone was in the far background. Turned my volume up as loud as I can go, my fucking kids wouldn't stop yelling at each other but I did make this out:

Anthony: "Holy shit that's incredible! ...inaudible talk... we'll be at 20,000 in no time!"

Sounds like Anthony has almost 20,000 subscribers already. That's a fuck ton for a paid podcast.

If that's true Ant could hire Jimmy in no time.

My absolute favorite thing about the O&A show is when Jimmy and Anthony riff off each other.

A 'Anthony & Jimmy Show' would be a dream come true for me. Jimmy's left leaning views would stabilize Anthony's. Add in a good guest (or call in) daily and you have the making of the best podcast of all time.

I don't think so. 20K subs is only $1.5M per year. Ant was used to making twice that at SXM. He'd have to split that 1.5M with Norton after expenses. You figure $200K to KtC, another $150K to the tech staff, another $50K for hosting and streaming. That doesn't leave much for Norton.

200 for Keith? Hahaha

$200? Seems reasonable. $200k? Haha, no!

... rolling out of bed and stopping for a Guinness at the bar before wandering over to switch on the studio has a lot of equity for Ant. It's not all dollars. Enough for cat food and blackjack and Seinfeld cable re-runs and he's happy.

Livestream Premium streaming is 400bucks a month, flat-rate.

And this 3million bucks each Sirius number gets repeated a lot. Probably repeated too much. I think its a bit on the fanciful side. Well based on the show's ad and live-read rates, and how many people steal O&A, rather than subscribe, I think it was a lot on the fanciful side.

and 200large for a part-time man-servant?

I doubt Norton was collecting very much more than that doing O&A. He's said he makes more on the road, and he doesn't do a lot of roadwork.

Livestream Premium streaming is 400bucks a month, flat-rate.

That's the cheap rate. They have another plan at $1000 per month. But that's just the streaming cost. Add in the website hosting cost now.

And this 3million bucks each Sirius number gets repeated a lot. Probably too much. I think its a bit on the fanciful side. Well based on the show's ad and live-read rates, and how many people steal O&A, rather than subscribe, I think it was a lot on the fanciful side.

For whatever it's worth, there's this:

But yeah, we're all just speculating/estimating here.

and 200large for a part-time man-servant?

Is he still a cop? I thought he was retired after 20 years ("20 and Out" is common in PDs and Ant mentioned Keith's 20 years on the force during the second-before-last test show).

I suspect very strongly that he's now working full time as Ant's personal assistant, security, and the show's producer. I think Ant depends on KtC a lot more than we know. Given NY cost of living $200K/y doesn't seem out of line, but I could be off by $50K.

ktc gets 200K? seems excessive.. I'm sure Keith is getting hooked up but thinking alot of the $ keith gets is from helping anthony in other ways.. unless this goes nuts then i'm sure Ant will hook keith up...

wow, that certainly is a good start. If he holds at 10k a month of subscribed people.. is that good? (assuming a sharp decline after the initial month run)

Also: I'll be one of those people subscribing because I want the idea that I'll pay for quality TRULY UNCENSORED podcasts with a visual element. I really want (I know it wont happen).. for the big corps to see how people dont want moderated, filtered content with eggshells all around and under the feet of the hosts.

20K subs would be roughly $1.5M per year. Half that would be $750,000. He was supposedly making $3M per year on O&A.

How about advertising and merchandise? Paid appearances, etc...he's set anyway. It's a nice paycheck any way you look at it

I thought they made 3M combined? again.. all rumor - never saw actual $s anywhere

750K a year is still fantastic for a dude who's completely unemployable.

And there's no commute!

Why are you trying to piss on it? It's obvious to everyone that he's going to be making a lot less money now, but why be a cunt about it?

Why are you trying to piss on it? It's obvious to everyone that he's going to be making a lot less money now, but why be a cunt about it?

Because you're a complete dick-brained mouth-breathing lolling-tongued imbecilic braying jack-ass that can't read a thread.

I answered the guy's question as to whether 10K subs was good or not, with numbers. I never said that $750,000 was bad, or made any judgments at all. If you weren't so stupid that you constantly have to be reminded to breathe you'd see that. Seriously man, lay off the rubbing alcohol before you go blind from it. It's already fucking up your reading comprehension, so you don't have much time left.

The lady doth protest too much.

No, you weren't just answering the guy's question, as he didn't ask about Anthony's (rumored) O&A salary. You chose to add that as a way of making a cunty comparison.

But that whole "combat being called a cunt by acting even cuntier" thing you did was brilliant.

Nobody saw that comin'!

No, you weren't just answering the guy's question, as he didn't ask about Anthony's (rumored) O&A salary. You chose to add that as a way of making a cunty comparison.

How is he supposed to decide if 10K subs is good or not if he doesn't know how much Ant used to make, pinhead?

You know he had to pay for all of this right? It probably ran him over 50k

Pay for all of what?

And he has to carry the production costs all by himself. He's going to need sponsors. Lots of them.

good thing people are flipping out if you talk about getting it for free. the dude is going to be fine financially. stop being a bunch of fags.

Someone needs to tell Ant he already got our $6.95, he can stop telling us what a great deal it is and make with the funny.

He knows how many people will find the show for free online. I respect O&A a lot for how much content they leave available for free on YouTube.

I think you won't really see this in the usual places. Any said he's releasing himself in a few days... but i'm proud of the uploaders for letting Ant control the show distribution for now (though I'm going to hope I can download soon.. not just stream)

they leave it out there because it doesn't really affect them. ant said in one of the test shows that he'll be more diligent about removing stuff online as now he owns the content.

Anthony took a ton of pictures of white people. They should have decked him.

If some withered Corsican pimp (to paraphrase CQ) took my picture at 4am I would not hesitate to punch him in the face.


You would be going to jail that morning, my friend. An arrest for assault is definitely something you should lose your job over. That's what I genuinely hope people get their lives ruined over, physical violence.

Maybe I was a bit extreme. Taking a person's picture without permission is pretty shitty though.



Anthony needs an Adam Eget

"This fucking guy doesn't believe in the Holocaust"


CAN'T wait until ESD joins the show!!!!

Scissors up!

Dave could interview Ant while he's interviewing guests:

Anthony really needs a co-host or guests that join him from the start. Hopefully he realizes it in time before he loses people.

3 minutes before a Keith appearance.


So far, so good, but Ant needs a co-host.


Probably not. But then he wouldn't get to preach about problems in the 'black community' he understands so well.

Is this call fake? The guy is not watching the show and is so retarded he can't tell his hero Anthony from Keith the Cop?

If you listen to the first show after Anthony got fired, and this sounds like the same fucking guy that Opie had on the phone for 20 minutes and was just whining and complaining. This fucking guy.

He even makes the same "its like your parents breaking up" analogy in both calls.

Maybe its Ron Bennington's fake caller.

Ron did say he had characters ready.

Hopefully we get a curse man phoner

Show is excellent so far. He is making great points and the leading news story made a good example of what he tries to talk about. Ant might not make his point clearly, but I know I couldn't do a better job of speaking my thoughts either.

I'm loving it so far.

If he just slipped the hooker a $100 for her picture he probably would still have a job.




I love Jimmy.

That pissy eye guy from RI called O and Jim during their first show too. What a silly goose he is

Dice tomorrow!




Ads in dice voice should be a thing

Which caller was Bennington?


I thought we were going to be able to download the audio of past shows? I don't want to watch or listen live over my phone and use data.

My plan was to download the past days show and listen a day late while at work.

Same here, I hope this changes soon, or that alone might make me unsubscribe. I like that there's a visual element, but I primarily want to be able to listen to the show while I'm driving or doing other shit. And yeah, I don't have an unlimited data plan either.

That's good it's coming soon, hopefully not too late as I won't start listening until my unlimited plan starts getting throttled.

Seems their putting out their info only on facebook.

Couple quick things

1) Yes we know the audio isn't there for archive listening. By Friday it will be

2) Yes we also know the archived video is hard to find. We are making some site navigation changes to easily find things

3) Yes Paypal is still coming

4) Yes an App for all platforms is also coming

5) Yes baseball hats, sweatshirts and coozies are coming

6) Booze Cruise, Casino Poker Tournament and other events are in the works.

Hopefully for the most part everyone is satisfied with our progress to this point. Putting out a HD live streaming video podcast is not an easy process. Many hurdles have been leaped while many are still ahead. We set a deadline of August 4th for the live show. Something's Anthony, the developers and myself would have liked to have seen up already just weren't a reality in order to produce what we did today. We didn't want to push back the launch knowing everyone wanted to experience the show.

This morning's O&J show has to be part of the master plan... Those shitty interviews made me want to subscribe to the Anthony show.

You are a terrible person Mr. Panzer, most terrible indeed.

needs to pan the camera down, looks like a little kid. great quality tho.

Ant needs a screener


The Jack from Rhode Island call was amazing. It had me in tears of laughter. I started crying at least 2 if not 3 separate occasions.

OMG me too. And I was at work.

I sounded like a little girl. Amazing call.


Obama bobble head won't last a week



When is he going to have her skype in?

I wonder how good Anthony's numbers need to be to get O&A off sirius and doing what Anthony is doing solo right now.

Well they thought they were talking to millions of people on Sirius, so you'll probably never see Opie on Internet radio. I wonder if he would retire first.

But the amount of money they need to make per month would only take a fraction of the listeners they had on SiriusXM since they'll be getting all the money after paying all their operating costs. If they were able to get 50k subscribers, that's ~350k a month and that's nearly 4.2 mil a year(before taxes/operating costs) without subscribers. They could take off as much as they want, not worry about lawyers stopping them and could do separate projects to add value to their subscription service.

You're not wrong, but I think it's more of a prestige thing with Opie. His idea of radio does not take place in a house. I don't even think he thinks it takes place on the Internet. I think, to him, radio is about working for a company, going into a company's studio, and talking to what management tells you are lots and lots of people.

I'm speculating, but this kind of attitude may be what's behind his desire to go viral. I think he wants to be famous than he is (who wouldn't?), and Internet radio might seem like a big step down for him. He fears he'll never go viral on that platform.

Also. If Opie is his own boss, who is he going to complain about?

I'm pretty sure Opie hates himself enough to be his own boss.


I was never under the impression that he would or should do "Anthony (featuring Opie) from the Compound."

If they ever appear together, it would obviously be called Opie & Anthony.

Very good points.

It's also Ant's house - Opie would have no authority there.

If they do a show outside of Sirius, they need a neutral studio.

Yes, I also think Opie wants to be mainstream famous but it's probably never going to happen. He got lucky(so did Ant) they they met the right person to help them succeed and just like a lot of very good bands, they'll go their separate ways and neither will be as big as they were together but I think Anthony is fine with that, Opie though, I don't think he'll be happy a year from now.

Nah, I think Anthony looks desperate and awkward without Opie and Jimmy. It goes both ways.

I bought a month for a test run. I like it so far. Does it auto renew at the end of my month subscription?


Yea, I was looking for a way to disable the auto renew or to cancel for future reference in case I didnt like the show, and I couldn't find any options to do so.

You have to email the support email address to cancel. I emailed them asking how to cancel and this is what I was told. Also says so in the terms and conditions on his site. I'm not cancelling yet but I just wanted to know how.

Edit - go here to see how to cancel... You have to be signed in to see the terms and conditions

It was nice to hear that he's looking to bring in other shows for his subscription. Should be interesting to see if ESD gets hired on to his own show also. Anthony could easily invest 50k or so to hiring ESD to keep subscriptions(more value) and possibly get some ESD fans to subscribe also.

I hope that Anthony creates basically a subscription network with multiple shows under the Live From the Compound brand. It's all about how much he wants to invest into something that could become huge.

There is a podcast called The Black Guy Who Tips, and he basically has done that. TBGWT is a free and old shows stay free for a bit, but they also have a subscription plan, which gives you all episodes of TBGWT and the other 10 or so podcasts they do.

Sure, it's very early on in this new way of making a living for Anthony, it'll more then likely evolve, more shows to bring more value to the subscription. I'm sure he'll end up having some sort of free content out there to get people interested in subscribing.

But it's early on and they're still trying to put the basic things in place like paypal, archived audio for download(which of course people will share) so Anthony will have to figure out a way to make his subscription a destination(subscriber only forums, live interaction) and not just a somewhere you go to download a show or view a stream.

I'm listening to his opening tirade (Simpsons reference) and if anybody was calling into the Opie and Anthony Show with this, they'd get the "GET OVER IT" treatment so fast. It's always different when it's you.

I'm so excited!


Wow that's a huge one.

Is there livechat?



Is it just me or is he not looking right at the camera?

He's probably looking at himself in a monitor.

Only thing i don't like so far is he's not looking straight at the viewer camera. What camera or what is he looking at?

Needs more Dice impressions


Quit letting these terrible calls drone on.


Typical fan on the phone right now.





There's no Hallmark holidays in August. No reason to buy jewelry.

"Joe Derosa likes a pretty girl with a fat cock"

Is KTC still a cop or does he work nights?

I think he has more subs than we think. Could be upward of 15000

I think he thinks we think he thinks we think he has more subs than he thinks we think he thinks he has.

I thought that too

I just got braincancer from that sentence, thanks asshole

His show is at over 50,000 views already. So I dont know what the fuck that means with regards to subs, but its probably a lot.

Ant knows the Buttplug prank call! My favorite prank call after dog collars.

Yeah, he would know it, he's the one who did the thing.

No fuckin way. Get the fuck out of here. That's awesome!

I literally just found this out as well. amazing

HE DID the original

OMFG THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!! seriously, it's really cool. it's been one of my favorites for years. Fuckin a.

Anybody have a clip of Chip calling in?

Pay for it ya jew bastard

Ant really needs to lose that "news desk" background, it doesn't fit. He should build a big table like they had for Sirius and Xm, and do a round table, looking at each other, not a camera. Even Rogan does that - you can't have a good conversation staring at a camera/monitor.

What's going to really hurt him is that it takes place in Long Island. If you don't live in the area you don't understand how much of a pain in the ass it will be to have guests come in, and that really isn't going to change. I worry that it's going to turn into a public access show.

Its honestly only a 20 min train ride from Penn St. to Anthonys town where Ant can have one of his lackeys pick the guest up. It's honestly not THAT bad. It's terrible driving, especially when you go further east (to Ronkonkoma perhaps) but Ants house is a breezy train ride. LIRR is legit

I have a train fetish. Can you tell me what line and stations you would use?

Now I'm not a north shore guy, but I believe you would take the Huntington rail from Penn Station to Roslyn. Then some gladhanding white trash can pick you up from there and take you to the compound

The first half hour wasn't great, but he got into his groove and did well. Jimmy helped, but once he got over the incident, it got better. I was laughing quite frequently in the second hour.

That said, taking calls cold doesn't work on a two hour show. It's uncensored, it doesn't mean you can't filter out the good from the bad callers. A bad call kills momentum. He needs to invest in phone screening equipment, and get some kid from Hofstra (which is known for its college radio program) to screen.

Dice on the second show? When he held out on naming his second show guest I was thinking Ann Coulter or someone from Red Eye. Dice? Dice? That's more disappointing than E-Rock holding out that Big O and Dukes were going to be on Bageling with the Sex. I enjoyed the first show, but now you are throwing Dice on? Yecchhh....

When he held out on naming his second show guest I was thinking Ann Coulter or someone from Red Eye.

Let's be happy it's not one of those cunts. I don't love Dice but atleast he is a comic

ok, was this a good show?

Keith off camera and off mic talking to him was weird.

I was waiting for him to call him Mr. Snerdley at some point.

He doesn't stay that far out. It's not like people have to drive to Amagansett.


It's showtime!

That's some HD shit right there. Awesome.


Anyone else having issues just listening without video?

Anyone have the video streaming portion up and running on Android?

yea I was doing it on my phone at work. wasn't bad video looked good

I hope the show hasn't peaked with this caller who hasn't realized he's been actually talking to Ant for the past 5 minutes.

How does this caller not know Ant's voice...


come chat here if you'd like



Ugh. Did the chat have all the paltalk cretins?

I don't listen to Opie and Jimmy anymore, and the jury is still out on Anthony's program. I'll probably end up listening to neither.

can someone please upload the AHBD appearance and most importantly our lovely and esteemed chippa


I wonder how aggressive Anthony will be with the takedown requests.

Is there an audio-only download of the first show from Ant's site? Dipped my toe in the water with a one-month subscription...

For such a racist show, I heard a lot of accents on the phone. What's with these foreigners calling in?

I subscribed, but I missed todays show because of work. Is there a way to re-watch the show?

Go to his site and log in. There is an archived video available for viewing.

but when I click on the links it takes me to the subscribe page, but I already did, I even got a conformation email... I just don't get it

Anyway it's not bad. You can tell he learned a lot doing radio so long. I've pretty much always been love Ant, hate his politics. But then I hate everybody else's politics. I have always been of the mind entertainers in general who have strong opinions don't matter to me. Ted Nugent, Eddie Vedder I don't give a shit either way. But I've always liked Ant and I support the guy.

sorry but ant's show today... was boring.

No drops.. hes not going to attack any of the guests... because they are coming to his house...

no more cringe interviews.. no more jocktober ( ant's not going to take the time to go through shows and cut segments )

was hoping for Ant to vent some rage and go depth into the whole story on the first episode.. he obviously was nervous being alone and went to callers too quick and for too long.

Awesome intro

Fawwwk yeah!!!

How does Anthony hate blacks when he acts like one so often?

He is black.


I think I'm probably going to cancel.


I'm hoping he can pivot from this to an entertaining show. There will be no shortage of comics/celebs who want to drive out and hang on the show. Its a huge platform.

going with rush hour traffic. There will be plenty shortage of comics/celebs. Ant's not paying for a taxi, or reimbursing fuel. He's going to get an A-list comedian (in the O&A world) once in a blue. The rest of his guest will consist of "like-minded" individuals who barely have a public presence (think Mike Baker).

He's already said he's looking for a limo service.

After 30 minutes?! Is it that bad? I cant listen until 5:30 being I'm at work so I truly have no idea what I'm missing.

It's not so much that it's terrible. It's just that it only took me about three minutes to realize that this isn't a show I'd be interested in watching/listening to long-term.

That is an idiotic opinion. Seriously stupid. The first half of this show was him talking about his firing. I am sure he will be doing that "long-term"./s

Anthony awkwardly looking at the audience with no one to bounce jokes off of or fill dead air. Sorry, but Ant dropping show/movie references that just sit there or doing Dice with no production/board isn't entertaining. It's boring.

Also, without an app and no rss, I can't just walk around listening to the show. Do not feel like sitting in front of my laptop for two hours every afternoon. I realize an app is in the works, but they should have offered the show for free until that point.

Yea, I agree with all of that, but I am not going to give up a day in after listening for the last 12 years.

It's boring the shit out of me. It's LFTC but I'm paying for it.

Ant looks like old Sam Roberts

Ramone him!

My conclusion of the first show is that Ant really needs guest in it, i will be tuning in for Dice poolside, as for now everybody a good night and be well and shit...

where is the free live feed!?

i can't find a download or anything anywhere. :/

Pay the $7- mate, and can download as much as you want, if not.... well sucks to be you i guess, have fun with O&J

nah i downloaded it :)

Get AIDS then

awwww you're so cute

Fuck you cheapskates... Go download Air America podcasts..


Can't wait so excited!




Why do you even frequent this sub?

Ant needs to start looking into the camera, as opposed to the monitor.

I just emailed brother Joe. I told him Lamar is available for a poolside interview if they are interested. Joe immediately booked him for Thursday. Guess they are hurting for guests.


The audio feed has horrendous sound quality

It's perfect for me.

Aaaand its down.

Still working fine for me. Great video and audio quality IMO.

no problem here on my trusty old PC

The listening option isn't working for me either. Only video.

Now back up.

Someone send Dice to Media Matters. Does he really want to be associated with this? Media Matters will protect us from the bad thoughts.

Did anyone actually think that chip call was that funny? Chip is funny because jim will randomly bust into him at the right moment with a really off colour funny comment. Not as a preplanned caller, i thought it was pretty lame. Like if ant and jim where in studio and he interjected with Big peckers (the only part of the call i chuckled at) i would laugh my ass off, but this was just lame. It was especially cringe worthy when ant started trying to plug jimmy's show, sorry ant jim can do that every day to 100x as many people (at least) and a good majority of them are your listeners too.

It was a nice gesture i guess but i thought it was rather pretentious.

Chippa is ALWAYS funny....

you're right. It didn't work. It was almost awkward.

So Opie didn't call but Jimmy did, what a cocksucker Opie is.

If he did call, you shitheads would complain that Opie was trying to make it about himself.

You are a ridiculous cunty yenta.

The Opester will call in

Is anyone gonna be uploading this to the internet or do i really have to pay...


Your face?

Terrible show

Jesus christ, you're still around? I was hoping you fucked off when FBA died.

Keep listening fucko!

oh, Danny.

Companies can fire you for whatever they want! There are consequences for your actions!

Companies can't pay you whatever they want! There are no consequences for your actions! $15/hour regardless of skills or experience!

People are actively protesting and trying to get that last part done. People at Walmart and McDonald's, for whatever reason, believe they should be paid $15 an hour for the menial shit that they do.

Edit: I say that, having worked Walmart for 5 years, and in fast food. I know what I'm talking about.


Is this the sheboon that harasses him on the Twitter?

Most likely

I unsubscribed unfortunately, just doesn't have the vibe I expected at all. Seems very LFTC.

It's the first show you overreacting ass. ME ME ME ME! Fuck yourself, sir.


You unsubscribed an hour and a half into show 1?

u do realize you are sill paying for at least 15 more shows no matter what right? way to get your moneys worth.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out

Come on guys, give me a break. And give gold pls...

Somebody has a very interesting sense of yumah and actually came through with the gold. Whoda thunkit?

cumia brothers tank another one. ant will be back on the freebase in no time.

So for all the buzz and faggots changing their picture on twitter, you got zero effect on Sirius' stock price and a shitty show that you paying $7 for.

Why does that make you angry though? Nobody is forcing you to listen, so let us have our shitty show.

You're not going to see an effect on their stock until the quarterly earnings call. When the hard numbers come out.


Yes Opie, we know.... Where all dumb assholes 0_o

Yes Dutch, you are...

Go away Trol

One of you cheap fucks share a live stream


Look at this faggot caring about his internet points.

I was mocking those whore care about internet points you dummy.

Be more funny


You're this guy.

I'm not the one whining about fake Internet points

Pay for the show YOU cheap fuck.


I'll think I'll also get a big mac and listen to a ripped version later


It's not so much that it's terrible. It's just that it only took me about three minutes to realize that this isn't a show I'd be interested in watching/listening to long-term.


It's boring the shit out of me. It's LFTC but I'm paying for it.

which is why he should have considered doing the first week/month free. or at least audio-only free for the first month