Ant goes on a white nationalist show and says racist shit lol

44  2014-08-04 by tokeabow


Well it's pretty much set in stone now, his new show will be fucking unlistenable. Drunk Uncle Talks Politics at Thanksgiving Dinner: the Series.

Now featuring genuine long island teen trashbags!


Honestly...what an idiot. Why is a high school dropout lumping himself in with the Apollo program people? I subscribed and I will listen today but if this is the shit that I have to look forward to then I'm gone.

I fucking hate his "no black people in NASA" argument. He does realize that was back when people just actively discriminated against black people for a lot of jobs, right? Or does he seriously believe there wasn't a time when that shit happened?

We were advancing the Apollo program at the same time we were advancing fire hoses on blacks all because they wanted to eat a sandwich at the same fucking counter as whites. The Apollo argument is one of the lowest IQ arguments I have ever heard. facepalm

When he was saying that the O and A show was silly and he was fine with that, but he wants a platform to discuss things he "is really passionate about" made me cringe. Why is he passionate about promoting something like his point on the Apollo program or the tirade that got him fired in the first place? Look at his contemporaries and their passions, like Colin Quinn and history and Jim Norton and his dream to host a talk show, or Louis C.K and film-making. They're creating these amazing works of art and Anthony has the talent to do something great, but instead he's aligning himself with shows like this and squandering any goodwill he has generated by being a comedic force on the Opie and Anthony show. Oh well, nothing is going to change his mind. It's just sort of a shame.


A two minute walk through any engineering school in the world would clear up any confusion in this regard. He is just ignorant. But he did assemble a drone helicopter so he's an expert on all things science.

Great point. It's not surprising that some 60 year old white guy has to reference events from the 60s and 70s to try and make a racial point.

Was there any black dominated space programs in the world at that time tho

No, but there weren't any black superpowers at the time either. There were some non-white dominated space programs though.

There were also things like Apartheid, so let's not act like everybody's been on the same level playing field forever.

Either way, blackness vs whiteness isn't the dominating factor in any of this kind of shit unless you're a fucking idiot.

U don't think whiteness versus blackness was a major factor in apartheid


maybe a little.

I remember Patrice saying something really smart when they were talking about people discounting things invented by black people. "Just because a white person invented the radio, makes them think they can invent the radio"

When I first started listening, I thought his racist stuff was just a running gag or a "character" he did.

Hoo boy was I ever wrong.

Unfortunately sometimes when your looked at as the racist it's because you actually are racist.

I will still be subscribing in hopes he doesn't go full on politics, but it aint looking good.

This pretty much explains why Sirius doesn't want Best Ofs from the boys anymore. It's so scattershot all over the history that you can't be sure if it'll come up.

And you guys were saying Ant wasn't properly promoting his new podcast. Egg on your face.

He also has a link to his site in his Stormfront sign line, so he's covered just about everyone.

Serious? I don't know anything about storm front but I'm vaguely familiar with what it is

I'm messing around, I've never been there either.

I'm beginning to think Ant doesn't like non-whites.

Obviously some self loathing in that plugged head of his.

THEY'RE NOT PLUGGED!! They are individual follicles placed artistically in the direction in which the hair grows.

It's a hair system.


Since when do I agree with his rants? The are the fears of a scared child.


I'm laughing a guy like ant who worries so much about being white, when in fact he isn't.


Look at him! He's said many times he's Sicilian. True romance is incorrect in that Sicilians are genetically tied into Turks Greeks and Iranians (old school Caucasians like the boston bombers), not black Africans.
Ant worries so much about something that doesn't effect him.


I'm saying fight your own battles Ant. It (black on black crime) is sad but as a white male living in a very nice town on Long Island has literally no effect on my life.


I'm a white American male. Unlike ant and David duke jr I'm not worried about the "black menace".


The power I have over minorities? Oh you mean subcontractors. Got it. I'm certainly not afraid of something that doesn't effect my life.


Actually they run jobs. But you wouldn't know that being worried about them stealing welfare and all.


You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get any assistance.


I like your gimmick. I'm pissed I didn't catch on sooner.


I like it. Switching sides mid argument is the best.

Not true. He's said in the past that he likes going to Indian doctors. You can't be a racist and be ok with Indian people grabbing your naked balls. You just can't!

But... Statistics!

His career is over.


Why are people like Colin Quinn still supporting him? Do you think we can ruin Nick DiPaolo's career too for supporting this guy?

Nick might be worse than Ant about political/racist shit, but he doesn't have the same size audience, luckily. Either way, I don't see the point in ruining any careers.

I would love a version of this gif with ant's face super imposed on it, with a big 'N' on the missle

"Well, SHOOT. I didn't come all this way just to ditch this rig in the DRINK...."

Fucking hell Ant, what are you doing

I agree with him when he says things like, "Nobody will have an honest racial discussion....nobody will say the black community has a violence issue...." I think talking about the issues is the only way to make steps to solving the problem.

But he takes it that one step further that makes you cringe and realize, ohh he's just an old racist now.

This is why his racial "discussions" will never be taken seriously and gain mainstream attention. He makes great points then acts like a racist, negating all he just said.

He's just riffin'.

He's just being himself.



What a silly goose.

Hey Ant, why don't you ask frequent guest Neil Degrasse Tyson about the whole Apollo control room thing. Why wouldn't high school drop-out Cumia be proud of white achievements.

Token minority with scientific credentials, well that settles it

CUMIA: When you watch any of the footage of any of the Apollo programs over the years and you look at the control room of mission control, what do you see? Do you see diversity there? Honestly, let's be honest. You're seeing white males smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee at the console and putting people on the moon. How is this a horrible thing? How is this something to look at and say, "We need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation"? Why is this a good thing to then add these people into the formula to make this a great country? Diversity for the sense of just diversity is not a good thing. And when I talk about race and try to be open and honest about it in this day and age, you're chastised, you're looked at as the racist.

Yeah, ever notice how NASA now has a bunch of shiftless negros wandering the halls with they pants all on the floor complaining about how they're EBT check hasn't come in yet?

Jesus Christ, Anthony. Get a fucking grip.

No, but he probably thinks the white house looks like that

Look at all of these surprised mother fuckers.

Yeah I don't get it this is not at all unexpected

I really don't get it, what do these guys actually want racist to mean? It seems like they desperately want the cartoon character "I hate every single non-white on the planet and want them all dead" guy to be the face of racism so that they don't get called out on their shit.

"These libs claim they want an open discussion of race, but the moment you quote white supremacist talking points, they just scream 'Racist!'"

Too true. Racism hasn't gone away, it's just changed its approach. Anthony, as much as I love the man, is as ignorant as the worst racists of the 1930s— he's just practicing a newer brand of ignorance that's easier to justify to himself. He's an intelligent man using his intelligence to make profound racism seem more moderate and less hateful on the surface.

Both Anthony and the white liberals who condemn him live in majority white suburban neighborhoods. Those who live in the city either live in secured buildings or gentrified white people safe zones. Their companies, Twitter, Google, Faceboook, small start ups, have little diversity.

Tim Wise, one of the most rabid supporters of diversity, lives in a majority-white neighborhood (over 90%). Why don't these people put their money where their mouths are and really immerse themselves in diversity?

What they say may be different, but their actions are the same. Liberals say they are looking for "good schools" when choosing where to live. At least so-called racists are honest.

Huh, it's almost like wealthy, successful people live in safe, upscale neighborhoods, and poorer people don't.

You're a fucking idiot. Go away.

Why are those safe, upscale nieghborhoods almost always prominantly white/Asian?

Could it have something to do with a culture promoting education, two-parent households, anything like that?

If you're too stupid to understand how a recent history of structural racism, economic disenfranchisement, and self-perpetuating poverty would have a lasting impact on present day demographics, I don't think I'm going to accomplish much by spelling it out for you.

Go back to /r/WhiteRights, you miserable waste of space.

So what is the solution going forward? Tolerate the knockout game because racism?

I'm curious what do you think the solution is?

In the short-term, I would start by reforming the welfare system to incentivize two-parent households. Good article on this:

One of the problems is the rise of single motherhood, and this has been disproportionately damaging among black families. The state has effectively replaced the father.

In the long-term, increasing economic freedom in cities. More specifically, make it easier to start a business or begin a trade. Make it easier to start a small business in your house. Lower the burden of getting a business license or a permit. Why is the permit process for becoming a barber so ridiculous? A good source on this is economist Walter E. Williams. This is an old documentary but it's still relevant I think:

I think the situation has gotten more dire since this documentary was made.

It almost sounds like you're saying that the system has failed low-income minority communities. So why is there so much vitriol against blacks for being born into such a dire situation? What does that accomplish?

In some ways, the system has failed low-income minority communities, but it's not something the evil Rethuglicans are solely responsible for. When we institute these policies in our cities, be they liberal or conservative, you raise the barrier of entry for small businesses. Since blacks are more likely to have fewer resources to start, they are less likely to overcome the barrier of entry.

That's why I support more economic freedom in cities.

That being said, poverty is no excuse for the level of violence in black communities. It's not a situation where blacks are twice as impoverished as poor whites, therefore there's twice as much crime. No, there is such a disproportionate level of crime that it's staggering. It's not a matter of people stealing bread to feed their families. It's murder. It's senseless assaults with no rhyme or reason. It's real and it's happening every day.

That's where culture comes in, and in many areas where blacks live, culture has been corrupted.

As a matter of policy, I don't discuss the possible solutions to structural racism and economic disenfranchisement with avowed white nationalist retards. Sorry.

Don't say retard that's ableist. You're not a very good emissary huh?

This isn't a designated safe space. /r/OpieAndAnthony is a hive of scum and villainy, it's okay to be a bit shitty here because everyone knows what to expect. I'm fine with slurs, just not literal racism apologism.

That doesn't make calling someone a retard any less shitty. There are a million other words that you can use. It doesn't matter what environment you're in. There are just certain words that you should cut from your speech and retard is one of them.

You're pretty much right. I'm shitty. But shittiness is measured on a spectrum, and I feel I'm relatively low on the spectrum, so I'm probably going to continue to use words like "retard" in specific contexts like this subreddit.

By the way, your posting history is confusing. You seem to troll SJW and Anti-SJW/MRAs about equally. You're pretty funny really.

Yeah I just like to fuck around.

Then don't bring yourself down to their level.

The so-called racists aren't honest because they constantly deny being racist and try to play the victim. I do agree that people at the top of those companies would happily point to someone like Ant as a "bad person doing bad things", but then turn around and be reluctant to disclose their hiring practices. The answer is they're both full of shit.

Why don't these people put their money where their mouths are and really immerse themselves in diversity?

Like all the taxes they pay?

How do taxes equal diversity?

Also, if you've been paying attention, rich people do their best to avoid taxes at any cost. Anthony would be one exception. He CHOOSES to live in a very heavily taxed area because it keeps the "undesirables" out. He's very happy living among Jews and Asians.

I think what Louis CK said about Nick DiPaolo applies here as well, Ant is about as white as a cup of Diarrhea. That guinea fuck, how can he be this blind?

Ah, a little ray of comedy in an otherwise terrible and disappointing thread. CK is the shit, figuratively speaking.

Got a link?


I'm out

"It only works, if we're all in..." (Dick Tracy)

Jesus. I'm glad he got fired. Who knew it was this bad. To think I actually believed the nonsense that Jim and Op were trying to pull by saying he's not a racist.

I'll never support his show. Why would I if he thinks that just by virtue of me being Hispanic I don't have a place in American society?



He maka de crop die

It's not Anthony's fault that your culture values popping out a ton of waterhead spic babies so you can leech off of our welfare system and vote democrat while not even learning the language.



no sarcasm

That's what happens when you give an AC repairman a microphone. A very talented, smart, charming, and hilarious Ac repairman, but a very ignorant, close-minded and racist AC repairman.

Ant was never an AC repair man. He was a tin knocker. He installed duct work.

I believe he mentioned sometime installing AC's, but I might be mistaking

Yes. The installers installed the indoor and outdoor units & he ran the duct work.

The thing that grinds my grits is that Ant has said many times that he couldn't stand listening to the 'regular joes' with their boring roach-coach conversation when he was a tin knocker... And now here he is, spouting his boring roach-coach conversation.

Ehhh, I go to the jobsite, all my coworkers are white and we yell the N-word at a bunch of teenagers walking by and I'm happy. Whadda I know?

Ya got yer container a cowffee...

Seriously, did something happen to Anthony with black people that he's never discussed? How could someone who seems reasonably intelligent otherwise harp on one topic so often, then say so many just aggressively stupid things on it?

cause he's not reasonably intelligent. he is a parrot that can retain information, but posses no ability to critically think for himself.

You might be right, man - I'd say he's smarter than the average person, but so many things he says on race just have so many logical fallacies (like using the Apollo missions - from the 1960s, when there was still real segregation going on - as your rationale for why diversity is unproductive).

Oh, right they just weren't given the opportunity. So where was the majority black space program at? Anywhere in the world, was there one? Of course not.

Yeah and how could we have evolved from monkeys if there are still monkeys?

He's just like the conspiracy theory crowd. Impending race war and mass weapons confiscation are his chemtrails and thermite paint.

That's why I think Opie and Ant really filled in each others weaknesses. They need each other.

Like you're the smart cookie in the jar 0_o

Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean he can't do critical thinking

it's not about agreeing, but when you are hearing/seeing the same stock responses it's not thinking, it's parroting. he does it often

Thats because theres no one there to have a conversation with. When he talked with Patrice theres a debate and its obvious he can critically think on the spot. When Opie and Jim just let him rant and stay quiet and dont discuss with him you will hear the same talking points.

no bringing his nonsense up to neil degrasse tyson and then hold his own would have been showing critical thinking. Patrikki would mop the floor with him on a constant basis and mock Anthony in the process which made it more of a joke feel. he wouldnt dare try it with someone who was smarter cause he is only smart in that manner, he cant scream over a guest. not only does he not have the ability to critically think, he is a sub par debater which makes him come off as a spoiled sheltered child.

Why do you think he loves Fox News so much? Hannity and O'Reilly do the exact same things that Ant does.

Ok so because the comedian cant hold his own with the brilliant physicist means he can't critically think. Seriously

Or a fat documentarian or a Limey failed tv host.

That TV host sounded retarded as well

way to miss the point... completely

He's also not going to fight with guests that he doesn't know well. Do really think they had a physicist on the show for Ant to argue race with him?

i was just using NDT as a singular example. he lauded Eugenics so if he was so confident in it why dont bring it up to a guy who as already shown his POV is outdated and flawed. the show has used more than just NDT, they have had people well versed in many things that he could broach the subjects and converse with them... aka not scream at them. that falls back to my point of him just repeating what he has heard/read and being an awful debater. he doesnt even attempt to do i cause he even knows he would get embarrassed by anyone above high school drop out.

Because if he does he knows he will never see that guest again. He's not as free talking as a lot of times they claimed to be. They were different with non comic guests

You are talking about Jimmy, not Ant. If anything, Ant is very intelligent and can think for himself.

Jimmy is just a sweet boy who tries to be a big boy. Ant is marginally intelligent man who just repeats talking points and screams when you disagree with him, he also just happens to be good at working with his hand which make people think he is smarter, but like i said he is just at following directions

Italian-Americans are very flagrant with their racism deliberately. They were lumped in with black people and all other non-white people as "part of the problem" according to white racists in the early 1900s. Read about Sacco and Vanzetti, immigrant quotas, etc. Italians were not considered white at all and there was lots of anti-Italian prejudice until at least the 50s.

They shit on any and all non-white people aggressively because they are terrified of being voted off of the island of American Whiteness again.

Anthony himself is barely white passing. He's talked many times about his mother screaming at them to not be "like the blacks". Italian racism is a hell of a drug. Not hard to see how an uneducated egomaniac like Ant would turn that into an entire personality complex/belief system.

gimme fifty cent

liiiinger longer.

Anthony's brain broke after the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

I am a really new listener. I started at Tequila and donuts day, actually.

Can you explain the difference between pre and post 2008 Ant?

He definitely brought up race more after Obama's election, but I feel the Zimmerman trial was the biggest turning point. I guess his fantasy of legally shooting a scary black guy was shaken. That was when the shit he would say got way more serious, and for the first time even Jimmy was regularly uncomfortable.

It became less about the funny and more about the hatred after the Zimmerman thing definitely. I remember when I started listening in 09 it was funny and they would all laugh about it, when I came back to the show after not listening all of 2012 he had become very hateful.

Barack's gonna take Ant's money...

Anthony was by far, the most well-informed person in that studio when it came to Zimmerman. Both in what happened, and from the standpoint of using deadly force.

Jimmy was on the side of the general consensus and what most of America thought about the trial, but Anthony was straight with what the jury had to go off of, and that was Zimmerman having his head banged against a sidewalk, and having to use deadly force before he lost consciousness or was put in a position where his gun could be used on him. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew he would be acquitted.

If you actually believe that story about Zimmerman wanting to go out and shoot a scary black guy, ask yourself how many times you have heard about someone calling the police before they go out and do it.

edit: and another thing you may have noticed during the Zimmerman debacle, was the more you read about what happened that night (after the facts rose to the surface), the more you sided with Zimmerman. Anyone who understands when deadly force should and shouldn't be employed knew Zimmerman would be acquitted. And to anyone watching the news about that fucking trial and knowing what the facts were, it was absolutely infuriating to see the talking heads just lying about what the evidence supported.

Obviously Zimmerman should have been acquitted, Florida's stand your ground law was very clear. And yes, Anthony raised some good points the rest of the media didn't, i.e. Zimmerman wasnt the white man the media portrayed him as. However, my point was that the trial was a turning point for how Anthony talked (or ranted) about race, guns, and politics in general.

Florida's stand your ground law was very clear

FYI, they never used stand your ground as a defense, it was just self-defense that is legal in all fifty states. In fact, the stand your ground law shouldn't have even been brought up, as he was getting his head hit into the sidewalk. I don't know how not having a duty to retreat would even be relevant in that position.But you sure wouldn't have figured that out from watching the news though.

And yea, I think it was his turning point, and rightfully so. The media portrayal of what happened was completely erroneous and in the case of NBC, fabricated. Hearing the truth from the show was a relief from everything else I was seeing.

But to say it was due to some fantasy Anthony has of legally shooting a black person is completely misguided. He has gone on tirades about his home security and his fear of home invasions and who home invaders typically look like, but he isn't wrong.

I think the turning point was when he broke up with his long term girlfriend. That was about the same time. Wives and girlfriends have a habit of keeping their husbands from saying stupid shit in public

His dad was a firefighter that got killed by 2 black guys while he was putting out a fire. Before he died, though, Ant's dad said some really racist things about his black principal so maybe his race issues started there.

He broke his arm on the whitest man on earths forehead.

It makes no sense. I would almost understand if he still lived in some shithole in Brooklyn, but the dude has been living well for over 15 years. When was the last time he was directly affected by "those people" and their "misbehaving"? And don't say "taxes"

I live in Buffalo, and feel somewhat qualified to speak on this matter. Out here, the most racist people aren't the city dwellers, who hear the gun shots or have gangbangers as neighbors, but the suburban/exurbanites who've lived in a McMansion all of their lives and only go the city when they are passing through on a highway or going to Taste of Buffalo.

Contact and familiarity kill racism. Make Ant be taken in like a foster child by a hardworking, honest black family for a while and see if his attitude changes.

Now THATS a show i'd pay to see

i hope the Obama's move in next door after his presidency is over.


You're forgetting that one time he got slapped... by a girl... after he called her a cunt. Then got slapped again after he called her the n-word (oh wait, a #$;;@!, sorry).

Actually cunt, he got slapped BEFORE he called her a cunt. Cunt was the response.

He's not, aside from the lady hitting him. He's just paranoid as fuck. Look at his massive arsenal of weapons and life in "the compound".

IRL he didn't exactly live in a diverse area of Brooklyn.


I always wondered if there was some defining moment with the black community that made him like this.


I think events like the Zimmerman debacle/trial, the fact that Al Sharpton is still revered as a black leader, and how the media reports on black crime is what made him turn.

And he isn't wrong. I don't think there is another topic that the media is so blatantly dishonest about on a daily basis. I think it is fucking infuriating for the news to not call out black crime and don't even mention the race of an attacker in fear of getting fired.

I guess yea, in today's world, he might be a racist to be critical of the black community, but I see it as nothing more than calling it like he sees it.

There are a large percentage of white nationalists who are extremely intelligent. Jared Taylor is a graduate of Yale and got his Masters at one of the most prestigious schools in France for crying out loud. William Pierce, the former leader of the National Alliance, was a physics professor. Physics is also my major, which I will graduate with in May. To think all white nationalists are dumb is simply just ignorant.

What do you think your Physics degree is doing for you understanding of race relations? How dumb can you be?

Nothing. My point was that there are a large number of white nationalists with prestigious degrees, and yes Physics is a prestigious degree. A popular misconception is that white nationalists are not intelligent.

Now, what qualifies you to be an authority on race relations?

I might also mention that Tim Wise only has a degree in Political Science. Hardly makes him an authority on race relations, yet the general consensus is that he is.

The point is no matter what degree you have it doesn't actually mean anything. A bigoted retard is a bigoted retard no matter how many pieces of paper he owns.

Again, state your qualifications or shut up on race relations. State ANY qualification actually, for anything. A participation ribbon from 4H will do.

For you, someone who obviously will never have a college degree( which I will get to in a moment), calling me a "bigoted retard" is simply laughable. You are so emotionally invested in "diversity is good" that you can only resort to name calling when you have run out of legitimate points to base your arguments on. You can not name one thing, maybe with the exception of food, that diversity has given Europeans that we wouldn't have had otherwise. So since you have no factual foundations to base your opinions off of, you call names. I understand. You're simply ignorant.

The reason why you don't and never will have a degree is because you called a degree just a piece of paper. Anyone who is working towards a degree, or already has one, knows it is MUCH more than a piece of paper. Enjoy McDonalds son.

Actually have some evidence that you can even twist to sound like fact, instead of just using the bigot,racist,nazi,white supremacist lines. Maybe someone will take you seriously then. When I went to hear Tim Wise and Jared Taylor debate at Vanderbilt, at least Tim Wise never resorted to name calling.

Again, state your qualifications or shut up on race relations.

I stopped reading, I'm sorry.

You state a Yale physics degree as a qualification to speak on race relations.

Hey retard, I'm double majoring in English and History. So I'm going to have DOUBLE your papers. And them I'm going to be a professor. What do you say to that? I'm smarter than you and I'm better than you. I'm not going to try to intellectually debate you because you're mentally ill. Only a deluded cunt can be a white man and think that he's truly persecuted. When you learn that race has literally nothing to do with anything you'll realize what a silly cunt you are. I don't give a fuck about diversity, I'm just not a racist. What a difficult to understand concept. You'll never learn anything because that requires critical thinking.

Very eloquent for an English major. I highly doubt you go to any University in any industrialized nation.

You say critical thinking, yet you have a serious lack of any logic.

White men are persecuted, for something we had nothing to do with.

Good bye.

You are too full of feels I can hear the sobs as you type.

The thing about White Nationalists is that they are tone deaf to the fact they sound like punk ass bitches. Man up. Nancy


White does being a white nationalist equate to being a white supremacist? Be specific please.

White are you saying?

"Why" does being a white nationalist HAVE to equate to being a white supremacist?

Why do you guys always play games like this? You know what you are, and so does everybody else.

They like the attention because they're insecure dolts.

I'm not a white supremacist at all. North Asian and Jewish IQ's are generally higher than Europeans. We're 3rd. I simply want a white country.

Oh! I apologize. You're a simpleton for a slightly different reason than I previously thought.

What a great retort. I'm totally stealing this!

A simpleton? I'll invite you to a debate at my school anytime. I assure you, you will leave with the title simpleton.

how old are you anyways


are you also a libertarian? This is the only thing missing from your persecution complex.

Don't forget Atheist and Men's Rights Activist.

Throw redpiller in there for good measure.

For sure.

You're just a child...

You're going to debate him...any time he wants....but it has to be at your school...and he needs your invitation

And upon his departure, you will grant him a title? Now, is "simpleton" going to be displayed on a plaque, trophy, or on a hat?

If people who watch debates at your school leave as simpletons, it sounds like a pretty lousy school. If you meant to debate at your school, but didn't know how to communicate that through words, that also makes it sound like a lousy school.

What? How stupid are you?

Exact quote.

I'll invite you to a debate at my school anytime.

How hard is that to understand? Do you understand English? Do I need to say it in Spanish? Ok then.

Te invito a un debate en mi escuela en cualquier momento

What about German?

Ich werde Sie zu einer Diskussion an meiner Schule jederzeit einladen.

Other than those two languages, you're own your own. If you speak any of those three languages, then you are just illiterate.

Usted es un nimrod. "Me invita a un debate" implica que estaremos viendo el debate. "Invitarme a debatir" implica que seremos los participantes.

Usted está tratando de utilizar la palabra como verbo, pero tu está fallando miserablemente, cariño.

Supuse que se quiere participar desde que eras la que estaba hablando.

Traductor Google es un servicio de traducción gratuito que proporciona traducciones instantáneas entre docenas de diferentes idiomas.

Traductor Google es un servicio de traducción gratuito que proporciona traducciones instantáneas entre docenas de diferentes idiomas.

Möchten Sie lieber zu mir in fließendem Deutsch sprechen? Ich bin nicht fließend Spanisch.

Das erinnert mich an die Zeit wurde ich zu einem Kampf an der Box-Gym von meinem Freund eingeladen und fand mich in das Gesicht geschlagen.

Das erinnert mich an die Zeit wurde ich zu einem Kampf an der Box-Gym von meinem Freund eingeladen und fand mich in das Gesicht geschlagen.

Google Translate ist eine freie Übersetzung Service, sofortige Übersetzungen zwischen Dutzenden von Sprachen zur Verfügung stellt. :)

Sprechen Sie auch Deutsch?

Verfick dich!

Then move.

To where exactly? Europe? I was in Europe when I was 18 for a year, there is no safe haven for whites in Europe. European governments are no more pro white than the American government, in most cases they are even worse because of lack of free speech guarantees.

There is no where to go, that is my point. That is what I believe is wrong.

I don't care where. Start swimmin, Adolf.

You'll be the one swimming when the nationalism in Europe right now comes to America. However, I think we can be compassionate enough to offer you a boat ride to live with the Africans you love so much in Africa. That's where you'll be going.

I'm sorry all I hear is " 卐 卐 卐 卐 8==D~~ 卐 卐" when you talk. At least have the balls to admit you're a white NATIONAL SOCIALIST since you just called me a nigger lover in effeminate doublespeak.

I'll admit that, when you admit you are a Jew.

I already have on this sub when I was accused of being an anti-semite. Whatcha gonna do about it? I know more about your culture than you, by the way. Check this out Homo-superior.

Well, then you know exactly what will happen to you when nationalism spreads from Europe to America. Have fun!


yeah...some folks tried that once. People did not really want to follow along. In fact, they fucking destroyed them. And those same folks that didn't like it then have thousands of nuclear weapons now. Good fucking luck.

You use bullshit phrases like "safe haven for whites" and "pro-white" government" but most of Europe is a statistically safe place, go travel, see for yourself. And by "pro-white government" you mean "people I don't like can't be here". But white people never lost sovereignty over any of our lands. Our countries invited folks in, if you don't like that, tough shit.



well we know y'all are good with rockets, so there's always the endless void of space. or scotland.

Go to Edinburgh. Scotland is far from ideal. However, with the upsurge of nationalism in Europe, it's only a matter of time before it comes to America.

chocolate city!

Yeah, I didn't really care about your question.

Let's be real and move the 'ist' and add 'social'.


Anthony really believes he has tapped into some waterproof logic where lack of diversity inside NASA control room was purely a merit-based occurrence.

Every one of Ant's race arguments would get crushed in a debate against someone who actually knew their stuff. He believes in long-debunked racial theories on par with Young Earth Creationists.

I guess what I'm trying to say is — stay in school.

right gang?

Every one of Ant's race arguments would get crushed in a debate against someone who actually knew their stuff. He believes in long-debunked racial theories on par with Young Earth Creationists.

No they wouldn't. Ant doesn't even touch on the science that shows that Blacks have lower IQs no matter the environment they were raised in. Or that they are more violent no matter what environment they're raised in.

So if you have any evidence to dispute these facts, then let's see it.

You posted a study which says findings were inconclusive and 2 screenshots without any context.

What's more likely, that a high school dropout who has no formal education, doesn't read books, parrots white nationalist talking points, and hasn't formally debated for a single minute in his life is right and the bulk of world's academia is wrong which rejects these racial theories purely on a scientific basis?

It's like climate change or evolution denialists. The scientific consensus is close to 98% yet there is somehow "controversy" because 2% of kooks aren't convinced.

I am disputing them from a much larger perspective because I'm not a statistician or a sociologist. I defer to the scientific community like any sane person would.

You're looking at individual trees and missing the forest.

I'm a biologist if that helps any.

You believe these studies exist because you've been told equality exists. There are no such studies on racial equality. We evolved separately and gained different traits. You can see this by looking at the NFL or NBA, but you scream racism when you look at an engineering department.

And no matter what the researchers themselves said, you cannot ignore what the data indicates.

I believe in climate change, evolution, and science in general. This is a touchy area that everyone is afraid to talk about but a lot of people know what the data shows.

If I want to listen to someone grumble about guns and how much black people suck for 3 hours I'll bring a case of beer to my uncle Tony's house. Ant actually your Uncle Tony, though?

Lost all respect for this racist shithead.

Aye Nye

What I find hilarious about Anthony's racism, is that I remember him telling a story about how if he needed car parts, he would STEAL THEM. He's lost his fucking mind.

but remember he never need the government to give him a hand out damn it! Free Jet Skis for all!

Well, he's letting it all hang out now. James Edwards is an open White Nationalist. I have no problems with the politics, to be honest, but I'm just shocked that Ant hasn't even waited a month since getting fired over a race incident to go on what amounts to a younger David Duke without the plastic surgery for an hour. I guess he is going right wing and White Nationalist and thinks the SXM firing killed the mainstream career.

What's wrong with David Duke, exactly?

I dislike the Christianity and think he gambles too much and has had too much "work" done. Other than that, not too much.

You forgot the part where Duke is just an ignorant hateful white trash piece of shit.

He's just another southerner who hasn't gotten over the war. They're a conquered people.

Well said.

It's hilarious that people like Duke want black Americans to "get over" slavery as no black American alive today was ever enslaved, yet these same po white trash motherfuckers still hang on to their antebellum "traditions" and ideas of what 'Merica should be.


If we hadn't let them back in the south would look like Haiti.

The South would look like a lily-white Haiti if air conditioning had never come to the South.

A GA employment official said something akin to that a few yrs. ago when the unemployment rate was sky-high, but no native Georgians/legal residents of the USA were signing up to pick crops from fields in GA.

I think his plastic surgery looks great, do you have any 'before' images though?

This kind of indefensible shit is the reason I'll never subscribe to his show. It's also the reason why he probably won't get very many good guests. I can't see big name comics wanting to be on a show attached to white supremacy, whether or not that's actually what the majority of the show will be about. Honestly, I don't know if it's very wise for Jimmy to be calling into the show.

That's right. There shouldn't be ANY place for whites to be around whites. Diversity should be FORCED on EVERYONE whether they want it or not. That's the "tolerant" thing to do. I guess we need to get busy on China, for some reason ethnic Chinese are still 98% of the population in their country, that's racist!

That's right. There shouldn't be ANY place for whites to be around whites.

Is there some shortage of that now? I'm a middle class white guy. There are plenty of places for me to go to hang around with other white people.

I guess we need to get busy on China, for some reason ethnic Chinese are still 98% of the population in their country, that's racist!

Actually it IS racist, and the Chinese government is doing their best to keep it that way.

Read & learn, you ignoramus.

Is there some shortage of that now? I'm a middle class white guy. There are plenty of places for me to go to hang around with other white people.

Right, because inner city youth never go to the suburbs and commit crimes. You're so right.

Actually it IS racist, and the Chinese government is doing their best to keep it that way.

Read & learn, you ignoramus.

Why? Because they demand that immigrants to their country actually be able to contribute to society? It's not hard to immigrate to China. If you got a job offer in China you could live there tomorrow. However, I hear no outcries in the media about how evil and racist China is, it's always about whites.

Did you read the link? The people in question are indigenous Chinese people. They didn't emigrate to China. They've lived there for centuries, but they are an ethnic minority. Whites have nothing to do with it.

The article is all about Uighurs.. Uighurs are an ethnic minority in China. They are not North Asians like most Chinese. They are also much less capable than ethnic Chinese. Just because China controls them doesn't mean they are Chinese ethnically. Jamaica has been a commonwealth for centuries, that doesn't make them British ethnically.

You're really good at missing points, aren't you?

I'll leave you with this quote from White Southerner Ron White:

"But let me tell you something, folks: You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever."

Sorry about your luck.

Which whites? I'm a white latino, wanna hang out?

Of course we can hang out. My beer pong partner the other day was black. Do I want you marrying my future son or daughter? No.

Dats racist.


hahaha not quite, I came from a good family. You're letting your lack of a father show through there nig nog. Tough luck for you, knowing exactly what you are, and what you will always be. :)


Jesus Christ. And Opie is the stupid one?

And to all the white supremacists in this thread: Please, pull a collective R. Budd Dwyer. Thanks.

I thought he might have gone off the deep end, but he's jumped from the pool to the ocean at this point. I still think he should obviously be allowed to say whatever he wants to say, but man, it really goes to show how easy that switch can be flipped if the ball bounces the wrong way with some people.

I'm gonna hold off from watchin the AC show until I hear confirmation that it isn't just some white mens rights echo chamber.

Jesus Christ, there's obviously no point in defending him because he's going to continue to do retarded shit.

If I stop listening because Anthony is an incredible , insufferable racist am I pro-censorship?

No, that's economic democracy. If enough people like him they will support him. If not he fails.


I think it is hilarious how he is a fucking dago. Have white people Become so effet hat they let Wops talk for them?

The only difference between Itais and Mexicans is that border buddies have a work ethic and don't want to fuck their mothers.

I am not sure I want to be white anymore if greasy guineas are invited. is there a place I cam hand in my White card?

CUMIA: When you watch any of the footage of any of the Apollo programs over the years and you look at the control room of mission control, what do you see? Do you see diversity there? Honestly, let's be honest. You're seeing white males smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee at the console and putting people on the moon. How is this a horrible thing? How is this something to look at and say, "We need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation"? Why is this a good thing to then add these people into the formula to make this a great country? Diversity for the sense of just diversity is not a good thing. And when I talk about race and try to be open and honest about it in this day and age, you're chastised, you're looked at as the racist.

It is odd that groups of people who weren't even allowed to apply for NASA positions from 1958 to 1964 didn't work their way up to mission control positions in time for the early Apollo missions. Good point, Ant!

What an absolute fuckhead Anthony is. He's one of the funniest motherfuckers on the planet but ignorance like this is impossible to defend.

Look. If African-Americans were so oppressed during the slave days, why didn't they just go to the polls and vote for politicians who would make them not slaves? Check and mate, liberals. /s

Just forget it, it's too intricate a point I'm trying to make. Neither one of you are disagreeing with anything I said in your replies. I was speaking as Ant, maybe I should have made that more clear.

They don't assimilate the culture or follow the laws after all, according to him. They don't work and contribute like white people. They'd only be getting those jobs because we've decided we need to have diversity. The system worked back then, so why weaken it with these new, flawed people?

Except there's no evidence that they would be "weakened" by a diverse group of people, so long as they meet the requirements necessary to work at NASA.

Nobody is saying that Jamal the local drug dealer should work there. But if Neil DeGrasse Tyson wants to (and he did, and by all accounts was great at NASA) he should be able to even if it conflicts with Ant's silly desire for racial segregation.

Yep, 100% agree with you. People don't read thoroughly here. I don't mean you, I mean whoever is giving you points and downvoting my comment above. They just glance over it and don't realize I'm speaking from Ant's viewpoint to illustrate my point.


Because the concept that none of them work, none of them contribute, none of them are qualified, and all of those who have gotten jobs were only given them due to forced-diversity programs is beyond idiotic? "We would like to put your Nobel Prize to good use on this project, but 5 guys who share your skin color robbed an old lady on Worldstar in 2011."

Yep, I agree that it is idiotic. I'm speaking from Ant's perspective in the above.

Where I think we differ is that I think Ant knows it wasn't a purely fair, merit-based system back then, and that's the way he would like it to be now in his perfect world. Keep the nigs out. You'd have to be pretty ignorant of history (or I guess just pretty willing to warp reality), to imagine that blacks had a fair shot at high-ranking NASA jobs back then.

So then where are black space programs?

Please clarify your question.

Are you asking why Nigeria or other Black African countries haven't launched a space program? Or are you asking why American black people haven't launched their own space program with no support from the US government?

Do you realize how outright IGNORANT your question is?

I will restate.

Why does Ethiopia, for instance, not have a space program.

Why didn't the USA have a space program in the 1930s? Perhaps because we had a bunch of starving people and a 25% unemployment rate?

That's what Ethiopia had in the late 1980s, but their starvation rate and unemployment rates were much higher than Depression era USA rates.

No one had a space program in the 1930's. That's just a terrible analogy.

Lol, racist not knowing his history. What a surprise.



Section 1. Origins of article Soviet space program:

The theory of space exploration had a solid basis in the Russian Empire before the First World War with the writings of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), who published pioneering papers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and in 1929 introduced the concept of the multistaged rocket. Practical aspects built on early experiments carried out by members of the reactive propulsion study group, GIRD (founded in 1931) in the 1920s and 1930s, where such pioneers as Sergey Korolyov—who dreamed of traveling to Mars :5—and the German-Russian engineer Friedrich Zander worked. On August 18, 1933, GIRD launched the first Soviet liquid-fueled rocket Gird-09, and on November 25, 1933, the first hybrid-fueled rocket GIRD-X. In 1940-41 another advance in the reactive propulsion field took place: the development and serial production of the Katyusha multiple rocket launcher.

Interesting: Yuri Gagarin | Almaz | Vostok 1 | Russian Federal Space Agency

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None of those rockets ever reached the upper atmosphere = not a space program. I guess the Gaza rockets constitute a space program to huh...

The fact that the rockets failed doesn't mean the Soviets didn't have a space program.

The Germans and the Americans had many failed attempts. Gus Grissom, is one example.



Section 7. Death of article Gus Grissom:

Grissom was backup command pilot for Gemini 6A when he shifted to the Apollo program and was assigned as Command Pilot of the first manned mission AS-204, with Senior Pilot Ed White and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee. The three men were granted permission to refer to their flight as Apollo 1 on their mission insignia patch. Before its planned February 21, 1967 launch, the Command Module interior caught fire and burned on January 27, 1967 during a pre-launch test on Launch Pad 34 at Cape Kennedy, killing all three men. The fire's ignition source was never determined, but their deaths were attributed to a wide range of lethal hazards in the early Apollo Command Module design and conditions of the test, including a pressurized 100% oxygen pre-launch atmosphere, many wiring and plumbing flaws, flammable materials used in the cockpit and in the astronauts' flight suits, and an inward-opening hatch which could not be opened quickly in an emergency and could not be opened at all with full internal pressure. After the tragedy, NASA adopted a new flight numbering system for Apollo, and honored the crew by making Apollo 1 official. The spacecraft problems were corrected, and the Apollo program carried on successfully to reach its objective of landing men on the Moon.

Interesting: Apollo 1 | Edward Higgins White | Mercury Seven | Mercury-Redstone 4

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Way to miss the point.

The USA in the 1930s was experiencing many of the same problems that Ethiopia experienced in the 1980s. Years long drought and economic depression.

EDUCATE YOURSELF lest you make a fool of yourself.

Oops--too late for that!

Yes, because the US looked anything like Ethiopia during the depression...

Come tell me about how intelligent and capable Africans are when there is a population of successful non criminal ones... Until then, stfu with your excuses.

Maybe you should move into a majority black area and PROVE there are just the same instead of the lilly white suburb you live in now..

Haha you said prove in an angry voice in a context that has nothing to do with math.

hence i have my doubts about your Physics background.

I would still do you though so many feels and pseudo-logic turn me on.

I loves the stupid.

You don't have to use mathematics to prove everything...

How do you think biologists prove things?

As a published biologist I would say we don't prove things. We just propose hypotheses that fit the data and test those hypotheses. Sometimes not even that animals tend to ne uncooperative so we just observe them.

I am also published in applied mathematics in that realm I do prove things formally from axioms and whatnot. It is not utterly disconnected. I do modeling.

But enough about me.

Do you prove things from first principles in physics?

Are you a top or a bottom?

Do you prove things from first principles in physics?

Yes, I do. My desire is to be a theoretical astrophysicist.

Are you a top or a bottom?


I think I could make you a bottom.

In physics I assume a proof is only as good as its axioms.

Making a proof in physics not exactly the sa me thing as a truth or even a proof in mathematics. If an axiom turns out to faulty pow the most beautiful proof becomes bullshit. see M theory. I assume maths work the same in physics.

By the time we get to the social sciences, economics, politics, psychology or sociology the idea of proof becomes something only the deeply stupid even mention.

By the time we get to the social sciences, economics, politics, psychology or sociology the idea of proof becomes something only the deeply stupid even mention.

By saying this, then you must admit that you couldn't prove the "one race, the human race" theory which guilty anthropologist are trying to say.

I would say only idiots say prove in a social science context.

You say prove in that context

Look I did a little proof.

In social science, if we have a universal phenomenon, I would call that proof. Sex roles for example. We see sex roles between men and women in every time period, in every society in the history of the world. I would say that is proof in social sciences. Just because Einstein couldn't PROVE his theories at the time he created them, he still KNEW they were correct.

If you say so you are one with the physics partial degree.

But I would say that "universals" are a bit more slippery than you suggest.

Men and women may have different roles but the roles are not consistent cross culturally. In degree and type. I.e. there are women hunters and male gatherers out there.

Saying prove is not meaningful unless there are a shared set of axioms. Which there isn't.

This is also the reason that people who " Debate" on the internet are fucktarded. Find the axioms of culture and start proving shit until then all you are saying is feels tarted up in a party dress.

Men and women may have different roles but the roles are not consistent cross culturally. In degree and type. I.e. there are women hunters and male gatherers out there.

Very good point, but I still believe if you take the aggregate of black achievements and European achievements worldwide, any reasonable person should be able to make a case for white nationalism without being berated for it. Unfortunately, all white countries must open their borders.

I enjoyed our little exchange. Good luck in your biological research.

Not really because there is no such thing as white people or rather there is no genetically meaningfull definition of white that includes the Irish and Italians and excludes north Africans and Indians.

The problem with racists is that they believe not in too many races but in too few. Usually 5 right? There are at least five races in Africa alone the genetic difference between a oromo and a !kung is greater than that between a swede and a person from China.

Not really because there is no such thing as white people or rather there is no genetically meaningfull definition of white that includes the Irish and Italians and excludes north Africans and Indians.

Your using the genetic deviation argument. Most people who use that argument forget to include the fact that human beings are only one and one half percent from Apes. Seeing as we are only 1 1/2 percent, genetically, any reasonable person can realize that even a small genetic deviation can create substantial differences within a sub race. Different sub breeds of dogs are much more similar genetically than humans, yet we have no problem distinguishing between a Poodle and a Labrador. More so, we have no problem with keeping those breeds pure.

The problem with racists is that they believe not in too many races but in too few. Usually 5 right? There are at least five races in Africa alone the genetic difference between a oromo and a !kung is greater than that between a swede and a person from China.

You are correct, but is the genetic difference between a Swede and a German greater than that of a Swede and a Chinese? Of course it is not. The genetic difference between a Cambodian and a Korean is probably large, however I think that can be attributed to the size of the Asian continent. Europe is tiny compared to other continents, yet Europeans dominated the globe before out governments were subverted from within. I could careless about how many races are in Africa, that is for them to sort out.

I think you misunderstand the math it scales usng just the bit that is non chimp you are stroking your own cock to think White is biologically meaningful.

I guess if you went old school WASP perhaps but even then you have a race of mongrels. Occam's razor suggests to me that White is a social construct rather than a biofact. History backs this up Italians the Irish and Croatians were non white until about a week ago and now they dominate WN. At the rate they are going Stormfront is going to include Mexicans in their expanding umbrella of whiteness. (Not any real difference between them and Italians good food, close families, same range of skin tones.)

One day Black folks will be invited to the bigot party.

Whites include all Europeans, even though there is some credible data to justify distinguishing between Southern and Northern Europeans... "White" = European. European is biologically meaningful. The evidence is overwhelming. We're obviously going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Italians are European. Some Italians are lily white (the northern Italians.)

Sicilian Italians look like Anthony. They aren't WHITE by anyone's definition. They have a Mediterranean / olive skin tone.

Just to fuck w/ you further, there are a shitload of Italian Jews.

It seems you're incredibly ignorant. Educate yourself, you ignorant fuck!



Italian Jews:

Italian Jews can be used in a broad sense to mean all Jews living or with roots in Italy or in a narrower sense to mean the ancient community who use the Italian rite, as distinct from the communities dating from medieval or modern times who use the Sephardi or Ashkenazi rite.

Image i

Interesting: History of the Jews in Italy | List of West European Jews | Spanish and Portuguese Jews | Italy

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Italians are European. Some Italians are lily white (the northern Italians.)

Sicilian Italians look like Anthony. They aren't WHITE by anyone's definition. They have a Mediterranean / olive skin tone.

Southern Italy, Spain, and Greece has a large admixture because of wars fought against North African Arabs that they lost. I don't consider them white. They are Europeans, not white.

Just to fuck w/ you further, there are a shitload of Italian Jews.

All Jews are middle easterners. Their genetic code was made in Israel. Jews aren't anymore white than any Jordanian,Palestinian, or Lebanese.

It seems you're incredibly ignorant. Educate yourself, you ignorant fuck!

Please, just because I don't spout your liberal, Tim Wise talking points doesn't mean you're right. In fact, you still can't tell me where there is a population of successful Africans...

I'm done with you until you can actually use logic instead of emotion... You argue like a female.

I don't know who Tim Wise is, and you've refuted nothing I said.

Come back w/ some facts or STFU.

You said nothing...

You have to provide the facts, not me...

I provided you with facts. They can be checked with a simple google search.

You've posited that all Jews are middle easterners. Apparently you don't know that there are black Jews in Ethiopia.

You are the one who makes unsupported claims about the ancestry of various peoples. Provide facts, links, something to support your IGNORANT, emotional rants.

These are people of Jewish religion. Racial Jews don't consider Ethiopian Jews Jewish... That is why they forcible inject them with contraceptives when they arrive Israel.

That still fails to prove your point. You said that all Jews were middle eastern.

Also this:

READ, you ignorant fool. You might learn something.

Hey, dumb ass. All Jews originated in the Middle East. They migrated because the Roman Empire completely annihilated them... You are truly the dumbest person I've ever spoken to. There are whites in Africa, that doesn't make them Africans, they are Europeans. The Jewish race originated in Israel, therefore they are Middle Easterners. The reason you find them in Europe is because of migration.

Why don't you go down to St. Louis and mingle with some of your animal friends.. They are protesting by looting and causing amazing amounts of property damage that WHITE taxpayers and insurance policy holders will have to fix.

Hey, dumb ass. All Jews originated in the Middle East. They migrated because the Roman Empire completely annihilated them...

How does an "annihilated" race of people migrate anywhere? And your ignorant ass has the nerve to call ME a dumb ass?


To annihilate means to "destroy utterly; obliterate." How does an obliterated race (destroyed, wiped from the face of the earth) MIGRATE?

Why don't you go down to St. Louis and mingle with some of your animal friends.. They are protesting by looting and causing amazing amounts of property damage that WHITE taxpayers and insurance policy holders will have to fix.

Thanks for showing your racism AND your stupidity.

The evidence is absent no matter what your feels tell you. agree to disagree is a thing for peers or equals to say not for you to say to me.

Show yer "evidence" lil buddy and I will give you a list of pseudo-scientists.

Spoiler my list is just going to be the authors of the papers you present.

The evidence is absent no matter what your feels tell you.

Whether you want to admit it or not, universal phenomenon IS evidence. You can call it circumstantial, but evidence it is.

Are you really saying there IS an excuse worldwide for black failure? As I said before, any place you find a population of African, or people of African descent, you find that a plurality of this population are failures. Along with this widespread failure is an excuse for every single group of them. Now, can you point me to a population of "black" people where the plurality of them are successful? No you can't.

Further, if you take the aggregate of sub Saharan contributions to the world in any category, you see that it is remarkably small. While the people of Greece were building the Parthenon, sub Saharan Africans were making silly looking masks. Hardly comparable accomplishments.

agree to disagree is a thing for peers or equals to say not for you to say to me.

That's right, I don't use emotion when making my points. You are the epitome of a pseudo-scientist. You are not equal to me, I see that now. Thank You.

Show yer "evidence" lil buddy and I will give you a list of pseudo-scientists.

Spoiler my list is just going to be the authors of the papers you present.

Typical liberal "anti-racist" spiel. Anyone who doesn't quote Tim Wise talking points is a pseudo-scientist. Read the International Bell Curve. Really, read it. You might learn something. Pay special attention to the chapter reviewing the Japanese in Brazil who were indentured servants, and now practically run the country.

BTW a good list of pseudo-scientist; Tim Wise, Peggy McIntosh, every leader of the American Anthropology Association, Friedrich Tiedemann, Franz Boas, and Pierre Clastres.

Again though, find me the population of "blacks" where the vast majority don't commit crimes and are successful. Who are some of the utmost authorities in Biology from sub Saharan Africa.

Tldr I like my stupid smaller bites.

Now let me ask you a question.

To what do you attribute the lack of development in cultures which evolved in hotter climates. I.E. Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, Middle East. It seems that Asian and European cultures have been dominant since the industrial revolution, you can't reasonably hypothesize this could be due to evolutionary biology?

Not really there has not been evolutionary time since the industrial revolution.

If one takes in the whole of history the dominant cultures have usually been a bit on the dusky side aztecs, mayans, greeks, Egyptians, Babylon, Persians etc.

Prehistory is mostly the story of people coming out of Africa and replacing the groups that came out earlier suggesting that Africa produces fitter humans.

Those empires were dominant at a time when the determining factor on how successful your empire would be was entirely based on it's number of fighters. Since the industrial revolution the determining factor has been almost entirely science and technology, with the sole notable exception of Nazi Germany which had superior science and technology, but just got over run. Higher science and technology requires higher intelligence, which is why Asian and European societies are much more advanced than the rest.

I think Nazi's had inferior technology.

I restored a Dunsenberg straight 8(with a much wealthier friend) and have a firm testimony that Germany engineering of that era is nearly moronic.

Nazi's were pretty much shit at everything. Top to bottom.

They made the best weapons. Their general purpose machine guns were the first general purpose ones to be invented. Huge advancements in maritime technology. V rockets, Panzers, there were even experimenting with stealth technology then. American scientists found a small model of a weird looking plane in a German lab in Berlin. This weird shaped plane would eventually be created into the B-2 Spirit bomber. Germany had very advanced scientists, just lacked the industry that the Soviet Union and US had.

And it had a deeply stupid and incompetent government don't forget that.

I guess you missed the part where the Nazis LOST the war?

You're right about one thing--Germany greatly underestimated the industrial capacity of the USA.

Maybe you should move into a majority black area and PROVE there are just the same instead of the lilly white suburb you live in now..

Maybe I worked in the inner city and dealt with trash of all races for 6 or 7 years. Maybe YOU should shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, because the US looked anything like Ethiopia during the depression...

Yes, the Oklahoma dust bowl in the 1930s was very similar to Ethiopia in the 1980s. You don't have to like it, but it's true. READ, you ignorant fuck!

Maybe I worked in the inner city and dealt with trash of all races for 6 or 7 years. Maybe YOU should shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're talking about.

Working and living are two separate things you dishonest fuck. LIVE amongst them...

Yes, the Oklahoma dust bowl in the 1930s was very similar to Ethiopia in the 1980s. You don't have to like it, but it's true. READ, you ignorant fuck!

That doesn't explain why the are STILL filled with poverty and disease... It's been over 20 years since the 80's. In the 50's, 20 years after the dust bowl, OKC was a pretty nice city. No where near the crime and poverty in Oklahoma in the 50's than there is in Ethiopia now...

Working and living are two separate things you dishonest fuck. LIVE amongst them..

I spent more time at work than I spent at home with my family & neighbors (all white). How is that NOT "living with them?" Who is the dishonest one here? Not me, you jackass. Don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

It's been over 20 years since the 80's. In the 50's, 20 years after the dust bowl, OKC was a pretty nice city. No where near the crime and poverty in Oklahoma in the 50's than there is in Ethiopia now...

There's plenty of poverty in the USA, and plenty in OK. Especially on the reservations. There's plenty of poor white trash in Appalachia, sucking up the welfare & living on whatever they can get selling hillbilly heroin (percs, roxys, dilaudid, other prescription opiates). Plenty of crime & poverty there, and those people are 99% white.

Perhaps because they were once a colony of Italy?

Why doesn't Italy have a successful space program?


They never paid for shit.

I'm saying that Africa probably would have been better off had white people never found (and colonized) the continent.

For 5 years... How terrible.

Italy DOES have a space program.

Tell me, where might I find a successful population of Africans.

Your daughter's bedroom I hope.

I guess you missed the "successful" part of Italy's space program. Has Italy put a man on the moon? NO.

A wop space program?

How does it work? Do they use skin grease as fuel or do they just steal rockets?

A bigga meata ball ... looks der Tony we inna de space justa lika whita man we musta be whita men now tony even though we looka like de monkeys.

Your post made me laugh, but it also exposed your ignorance.


In other words, a 19th or early 20th century Italian immigrant to the US who presented no papers at Ellis Island.

None of this has anything to do with the (failed) Italian space program.

So are You saying spaghetti wogs don't turn wop til they get to America?

Look it up you pedantic prick. Your folk etymology does not hold shit.

Do you have anything other than your blather to refute my "folk etymology"?

Your answer awaits

Are You an Itai cuz you sure are coming off as a gui-tard.

No, I'm a fucking white cracker mick kraut. And your link is pretty fucking lame.

Hey dumb cunt... THERE'S ONLY BEEN 1 COUNTRY TO PUT A MAN ON THE MOON! ONE! Really, how low can the logic in your arguments get before you just admit you're wrong...

All feels all da time?

"Me angry me type big and use swears"

Maybe people would buy your product if you did not rage like a puppy.

So cute.

Umm...Thanks for proving my point? YOU FUCKING MORON!

Tell me, where might I find a successful population of Africans.

You might have found them in any country in Africa had whitey (my people) not colonized Africa.

There are successful African people all over the globe. African immigrants to the US really don't like American blacks. They see them as lazy, just as you do.

Again, other than a small 5 year stint during WW2 under the Italians, Ethiopia had never been colonized. Where are the huge achievements there.

The ones who work their way up to that level would be ones who do follow the laws, assimilate to the culture, who work and contribute to the nation. The only difference is that now they come from varied ethnicities and genders. Nobody is plugging people who don't meet those standards into NASA just for the sake of diversity.

Edit: Somebody please explain why this would be downvoted. I can only assume you didn't read Ant's whole statement and don't know what I'm talking about. Or do you really think that people who don't assimilate the culture, follow the laws, work and contribute are being plugged into NASA just to reach a diversity goal?

Just listened and this is some ignorant bullshit for example the host was just arguing that things were better for black people 50 years ago. sureeeeeeeeeeeee

In some ways, yes. Today the black illegitimacy rate is much higher than it was during the days of state-sanctioned racism. Progressive policies have done more to destroy the black family than racism ever did.

And what progressive policies are those? Because the mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug offenses - which are the cause of a HUGE number of single-parent homes - are not "progressive" in any way...

Nor are the problems in the legal justice system where blacks and Hispanics are more likely to receive tougher charges and longer sentences than whites, even when they have the same exact prior history and committed the same exact offense...

I don't support mandatory minimums because a judge should be able to take all factors into account during sentencing, but I don't think there is a huge problem with significant numbers of blacks going to prison just for simple drug offenses. I think we overlook enhancements, priors and ancillary charges in those discussions.

There are also differences in behavior. I read a study once ( where researchers found that black marijuana users take more risks when buying weed. That is, they are more likely than whites to buy from strangers, buy in public and buy in areas they aren't familiar with. Since the density of police coverage in urban areas is more intense than the whiter suburbs, they are more likely to be arrested.

That being said, marijuana should be legal to buy/sell/distribute to adults. It's just a waste of time to go after this shit. But that would be one less thing to blame black underachievement on.

It's great that you don't support mandatory minimum sentencing... but the point is that those laws aren't "progressive" in the least, and yet they are a huge problem. We don't even have to stop at mandatory minimum sentencing... we can look at any law regarding non-violent drug offenses, and you'll see the huge impact those have.

Being arrested isn't even the beginning of the problem. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to receive tougher charges and longer sentences than whites, even when they have the same criminal backgrounds and committed the same crimes.

P.S. The study you referenced showed they are more likely to engange in those behaviors, but does not show how much the risk of being arrested increases by engaging in them. That's the key question.

You seem to be knowledgeable on this subject. Is it true that black politicians, during the height of the crack epidemic, played their part in urging Congress to do something about it by passing those laws?

That's what I heard.

Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to receive tougher charges and longer sentences than whites, even when they have the same criminal backgrounds and committed the same crimes.

Is that 100% true? Are those studies corrected for priors, enhancements and ancillary charges?

When you have a database of defendants, their offenses and their sentences, I imagine there is a column for drug offense. So you run the statistics and find that blacks are more likely to get more jail time than whites for "drug offense." But do they also control for a gun enhancement, or an assault charge connected with that drug offense?

I admit I have trouble finding this information.

P.S. The study you referenced showed they are more likely to engange in those behaviors, but does not show how much the risk of being arrested increases by engaging in them.

It would be logical to assume that people who are more likely to buy marijuana in public are more likely to be arrested, especially when you consider that blacks tend to live in areas with higher population densities, which means a denser coverage of law enforcement. But you are technically right. That's speculation on my part, but speculation I stand behind.

But then again, blacks doing drugs is not something I even care about. Drug use is not an inherently violent act. Blacks are disproportionately represented in crime statistics in more than just simple possession.

You seem to be knowledgeable on this subject. Is it true that black politicians, during the height of the crack epidemic, played their part in urging Congress to do something about it by passing those laws? That's what I heard.

I honestly don't know who was urging Congress to pass these laws. But that's besides the point. I'm not trying to blame any particular group or person for those laws, just pointing out how silly it is to blame "progressive programs" when in fact laws that are playing a humongous role on the creating of single-parent homes are not progressive in the least. Progressives are against such laws, and in fact are in favor of decriminalizing most drugs.

Is that 100% true? Are those studies corrected for priors, enhancements and ancillary charges?


  • "The San Jose Mercury News report discussed above revealed consistent discrepancies in the treatment of white and non-white criminal defendants at the pretrial negotiation stage of the criminal process. During 1989-1990, a white felony defendant with no criminal record stood a 33% chance of having the charge reduced to a misdemeanor or infraction, compared to 25% for a similarly situated black or Hispanic. Between 1981 and 1990, 50% of all whites who were arrested for burglary and had one prior offense had at least one other count dismissed, as compared to only 33% of similarly situated blacks and Hispanics. Blacks charged with a single offense received sentencing enhancements in 19% of the cases, whereas similarly situated whites received such enhancements in only 15% of the cases. 39

    Statistics from other jurisdictions confirm that prosecutorial discretion may result in disparate treatment of minorities and whites. The state of Georgia has a “two strikes, you’re out” law, under which a life sentence may be imposed for a second drug offense. Under the Georgia scheme, the state’s district attorneys have unfettered discretion to seek this penalty. As of 1995, life imprisonment under the “two strikes” law had been imposed on 16% of eligible black defendants, while the same sentence had been imposed on only 1% of eligible white defendants. Consequently, 98.4% of those serving life sentences under Georgia’s “two strikes, you’re out” law are black.40"

Ronald Weich and Carlos Angulo. Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System.

In fact, this phenomena applies to the military as well:

  • "[In all aggravated assault charges heard in Army courts in this 6-year period] White defendants are more likely to have a pretrial agreement (i.e. plea bargain) than are Blacks (69% vs. 51%), and hence, Whites are more likely to plead guilty (87%) than are Blacks (72%). These same patterns are found when all courts-martial, regardless of offense, are analyzed for the same 6-year period. Once a defendant enters the Army courts-martial system, there is no statistical evidence of discrimination. If discrimination occurs in this processes, it will occur where commanders have greater discretion."

Naomi Verdugo. Crimes and Punishment: Blacks in the Army's Criminal Justice System. 1998. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff or Personnel. Department of the Army.

It would be logical to assume that people who are more likely to buy marijuana in public are more likely to be arrested, especially when you consider that blacks tend to live in areas with higher population densities, which means a denser coverage of law enforcement. But you are technically right. That's speculation on my part, but speculation I stand behind.

It's not just whether it's reasonable to assume that there is an increase in likelihood... the entire argument rests on the magnitude of that increase. If the magnitude of that increase does not come close to explaining the observed discrepancy in arrests, then discrimination cannot be removed as a variable.

So sure, I agree that there is likely to be an increase... but to say that the increase just so happens to be the exact same one necessary to explain the discrepancy in arrests %... is not something I would accept without evidence.

If the magnitude of that increase does not come close to explaining the observed discrepancy in arrests, then discrimination cannot be removed as a variable.

Absolutely true, and those on the other side also use that argument.

An entire industry in the law schools now dedicates itself to flushing out prosecutorial and judicial bias, using ever more complicated statistical artillery. The net result? A few new studies show tiny, unexplained racial disparities in sentencing, while other analyses continue to find none. Any differences that do show up are trivially small compared with the exponentially greater rates of criminal offending among blacks. No criminologist would claim, moreover, to have controlled for every legal factor that affects criminal-justice outcomes, says Patrick Langan, former senior statistician for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Prosecutors and judges observe the heinousness of a defendant’s conduct, for example, but a number-crunching researcher has no easy way to discover and quantify that variable.

They also make a good point that the federal laws for meth are the same as crack.

A good piece of evidence for debunking "same crime, different sentencing" comes from the "escape clause" built into federal drug sentencing guidelines.

Here is an article from 1991 talking about the initial problem.,1946079

The judge didn't want to send this 19-year-old to federal prison for 10 years, but his hands were tied. Basically, first-time offenders who were non-violent were over-sentenced. This so-called safety valve was eventually enacted and here are the rules:

A person is convicted of selling 28 grams of crack cocaine. The federal mandatory minimum sentence for this offense is five years. However, the person meets all five requirements of the federal safety valve: (1) no one was harmed during the offense, (2) the person has little or no history of criminal convictions, (3) the person did not use violence or a gun, (4) the person was not a leader or organizer of the offense, AND (5) the person told the prosecutor all that he knows about the offense. The court will use the sentencing guidelines and give the person a sentence below the mandatory minimum – for example, three years in prison instead of five.

This was enacted in 1994. Based on 2006 statistics (, 15.4% of crack defendants qualified for the safety-valve. 48.4% of cocaine defendants were qualified. This suggests that people who distribute crack are more likely to harm someone, have a history, used a gun, was the leader or organizer and lied about it. I think the drug war needs to be abolished altogether, but I think it's clear where the greater danger lies if you're going to play that game. Dealing in crack is comparatively more serious than dealing in cocaine.

Also of note:

The charge for possession of a weapon under section 924(c) is applied to 14.0 percent of crack cases, 9.9 percent of methamphetamine cases, and 6.3 percent of powder defendants.

A good piece of evidence for debunking "same crime, different sentencing" comes from the "escape clause" built into federal drug sentencing guidelines.

Yet that still doesn't even begin to address the evidence I provided. I provided direct evidence of bias against Hispanics and Blacks even when considering the same exact crime, and the same circumstances (e.g. criminal history). Those links deal with sentencing for different crimes and or different criminal history, so as to not qualify for the "safety valve".

So what you posted may be true, and yet it still does not invalidate the evidence of a significant discrepancy in the criminal justice system, even when we control for the same crime and circumstances.

This suggests that people who distribute crack are more likely to harm someone, have a history, used a gun, was the leader or organizer and lied about it. I think the drug war needs to be abolished altogether, but I think it's clear where the greater danger lies if you're going to play that game. Dealing in crack is comparatively more serious than dealing in cocaine.

Well, it suggests they did one of more of those things; you are disqualified if any one of those is true. So it doesn't suggest they are more likely to have all of them, only at least one of them.

Anyways, see above. This may be true yet it still doesn't invalidate the evidence that was posted.

Absolutely true, and those on the other side also use that argument.

I don't see how they use that argument in the segment you quoted. Anyways, they are welcome to use it as long as it makes sense... and it makes sense when pointing out how the fact that doing riskier buys may increase likelihood of getting caught isn't enough information.

In response to that segment you quoted:

  • That they would dismiss the differences found by the studies I provided - and many others that exist - as "tiny" is ridiculous. A 15% chance of getting a much tougher sentence (or of even being sentenced in the first place) is huge.

  • They dishonestly pretend that the greater crime rate amongst blacks explains the grievances people have in regards to discrimination in the justice system when that is clearly not the case. It may explain the greater percentage of arrest... but as you know I'm not arguing about rate of arrest. I'm arguing about pleas and sentencing which ARE significantly different, and they provide no evidence to the contrary. The quotes they prove consistently deal with arrests.

The author is absolutely talking about setencing:

A 1990 study of 11,000 California cases found that slight racial disparities in sentence length resulted from blacks’ prior records and other legally relevant variables. A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases from the country’s 75 largest urban areas discovered that blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution following a felony than whites did and that they were less likely to be found guilty at trial. Following conviction, blacks were more likely to receive prison sentences, however—an outcome that reflected the gravity of their offenses as well as their criminal records.

And again, the crack-cocaine stuff I posted deals with sentencing. There are differences in the nature of the crime.

Going back to the study you posted:

Blacks charged with a single offense received sentencing enhancements in 19% of the cases, whereas similarly situated whites received such enhancements in only 15% of the cases. 39

Like with risky marijuana purchases, it could be the case that it's easier to pin an enhancement on a black defendant than a white defendant because the black defendant may engage in riskier behavior, which means there is more evidence.

I would also like to know why these disparities exist in liberal anti-racist cities/states and not just the red, racist states/counties/cities. California's numbers aren't exactly great:

The author is absolutely talking about setencing:

You are right that they mention sentencing, however the brunt of their "refutation" comes in quotes like criminologists Robert Sampson and Janet Lauritsen, or Michael Tonry... yet the quotes they provide are talking about how higher crime rates explain the levels of incarceration - ignoring that the other issues aren't addressed by higher crime rates.

Note how the closest they get to addressing sentencing is mentioning this "survey" from 1994... and yet provide no quote from it or even a citation so that someone may look up the survey's findings.

And again, the crack-cocaine stuff I posted deals with sentencing.

Yes, but not of the same crimes and the same circumstances, which is what I said. I did not say the first "evidence" you posted didn't deal with sentencing. I said it didn't address what I said.

The evidence I provided remains 100% true regardless of the existence of "safety valves" or higher chance of crack offenders to be disqualified by the "safety valve" criteria...

This is what I mean, though. From your link:

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentenc- ing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: an average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with re- gard to nondrug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony of- fenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weap- ons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as com- pared to 58 months for blacks.

There are so many other variables that must be addressed. Just because the crime is "felony drug offense" or "violent felony offense" does not mean they are inherently equal. Factors taken into account could include the severity of the offense, the age of the victim, whether a weapon was used, the defendant's lack of remorse, gang activity, and so on.

I have a hard time believing a judge is thinking, "This guy is white, he deserves less time."

I could believe that different states have different laws, and that people who live in white states may have less severe punishments. If Bumfuck, OK doesn't have a gang problem or a gun violence problem, they are less likely to have those local enhancements than Chicago.

I have a hard time believe that the same court in the same city will give a black defendant a harsher penalty than a white one for the same crime, same circumstances, same attitude and so on.

There are so many other variables that must be addressed. Just because the crime is "felony drug offense" or "violent felony offense" does not mean they are inherently equal.

That's not the extent of the analysis in the studies I provided. You're making a strawman. I didn't say that all the research on this subject have analyzed all possible variables. I'm saying the research I quoted in specific, did address the issue of the same crime, circumstances and criminal history.

Factors taken into account could include the severity of the offense, the age of the victim, whether a weapon was used, the defendant's lack of remorse, gang activity, and so on.

And yet we observe the same pattern in courts-martial as was shown in the other study I provided... where military men and women are not part of gangs, or in any way similar to thugs on the street.

I have a hard time believing a judge is thinking, "This guy is white, he deserves less time."

First of all, that's not the only way one can discriminate; the discrimination can be more subconscious.

Second of all, your incredulity isn't an argument. There is evidence that this is the case. Take for instance the multiple studies that have been done with resumes/CVs or candidates with ethnic-sounding names. When the resumes/CVs are made identical except for the name, the only explanation is discrimination. Whether the person was saying "This guy has a white sounding name, so I'll hire him" or whether it was more subtle than that, the fact remains that the discrimination could only be tied to their prejudices.

So the judges are racist, even in liberal states like California and New York?

Did I say that? No. But even if I had, are racists magically not allowed in California and New York? The LAPD must be the pinnacle of racial harmony just because California votes democrat?

If this is what your argument has been reduced to...

The LAPD is racially diverse and more than ever represents the communities it patrols. Yet there are still problems with Hispanic police officers, who patrol Hispanic neighborhoods, "discriminating" against Hispanic suspects.

I remember reading some activist's article about racist LAPD officers in East LA. The article showed a picture of some Mexican kids on the sidewalk in handcuffs or something. I pointed out that the officer standing over them was Hispanic himself, and wondered how that could be racist. They said something about how the officer must be brainwashed or something.

The LAPD is racially diverse and more than ever represents the communities it patrols. Yet there are still problems with Hispanic police officers, who patrol Hispanic neighborhoods, "discriminating" against Hispanic suspects.

Yeah, I don't care about the LAPD. The point, which you haven't addressed, is that the fact that California votes democrat does not mean that judges from California are magically unable to be racist or have biases. The LAPD - regardless of how diverse it may be - is notorious for having problems with minorities, despite coming from "liberal California".

I remember reading some activist's article about racist LAPD officers in East LA. The article showed a picture of some Mexican kids on the sidewalk in handcuffs or something. I pointed out that the officer standing over them was Hispanic himself, and wondered how that could be racist. They said something about how the officer must be brainwashed or something.

Neat, but I'm not interested in your anecdotes.

By the way: Maybe mandatory minimums keep racist judges out of the process entirely!

I'm glad we both agree that the evidence does in fact suggest that there is discrepancy amongst sentencing, even when comparing similarly situated cases.

The LAPD - regardless of how diverse it may be - is notorious for having problems with minorities, despite coming from "liberal California".

But how does a diverse police force have problems with minorities because of their race? Why would a Hispanic police officer treat a Hispanic suspect harshly?

Could it not be that blacks and Hispanics are targeted by law enforcement because that is where most of the crime is coming from?

It's not an anecdote at all.

Today, as that recent roll call suggests, the 9,314-officer LAPD is a different place. Like the city, it is less than half white; one in five officers is a woman, and Hispanics make up roughly a third of the department, with their representation even greater in the lower ranks, reflecting more recent hiring.

"Fifteen years ago, this department was dominated by white males," Mack said. "That picture clearly has changed dramatically."

And yet they still target blacks and Hispanics.

The force is less than half white!

But how does a diverse police force have problems with minorities because of their race? Why would a Hispanic police officer treat a Hispanic suspect harshly?

Again, I'm not interested in the LAPD. That wasn't the point. It was an example to show the idiocy in trying to argue that judges couldn't possibly be biased or racist just because they are from California. A point you have STILL failed to address.

It's not an anecdote at all.

Yes it was an anecdote. You told a story. You posted an actual article now which is nice except it's not relevant. I'm not getting roped in to argue about LAPD statistics when it was just a throw-away example to make a bigger point which you haven't addressed. See above.

The military stuff is new to me. I have trouble understanding military stuff in general. I'll have to research it.

I typed "military punishment black" into Google and there aren't many articles about. I'll try again with different keywords after the baseball game.

Another study.

Black judges and white judges impose harsher sentences on black defendants.

My running theory is that you have these high crime areas. Prosecutors (some who are elected) want to get reelected by being seen as tough on crime. Judges (some of whom are elected) want to be seen as tough on crime in their sentencing.

So when blacks commit crimes in high crime areas, there is a desire among the justice system to be viewed as doing something about it. Therefore, the prosecutor will elect to charge the defendant with a crime that carries a minimum penalty. The county prosecutor over in White Land may no elect to do that if their district is not seen as having a crime problem. Therefore they don't have the incentive to be tough on crime. No, they don't let it go, but aren't pressured to throw the book at someone.

Going back to when I asked about whether or not black politicians asked for stronger punishments to fight the crack epidemic. Charles Rangel did. Why? He had an incentive to be viewed as tough on crime because a crack epidemic indeed existed.

Cocaine has always been around amongst whites. I will never deny that whites love their fucking cocaine. But where was the incentive to be tough on cocaine? Was it ever a "problem?" I mean a problem you can see. Whites were good at doing cocaine, dare I say, in that you could be a high priced lawyer who was blitzed off his ass half the time but still be raking in the dough. Drug abuse is indeed a problem among lawyers even today, with mandatory seminars that lawyers have to go through to keep their licenses (my wife had to attend one). But crack was seen as destroying black neighborhoods. So something had to be done about it in the eyes of politicians, lawyers and judges. As Rangel himself said:

But speaking with WNYC, Rangel, now 83 years old, stuck by his long support for the drug fight. He said it's important to remember that the heroin and cocaine epidemics were a horror for families in his Harlem district.

“People were absolutely in panic that the drug dealers had taken over the street,” Rangel recalled. “Break-ins and burglaries were prevalent and there was an all-time high in fear of how far this would go.”

In his memoir published in 2007, Rangel maintained that America's 40-year drug war did help clean up many black neighborhoods, arguing that "a lot of the drug-related bleeding was staunched."

So I hope you've enjoyed my Internet argument and salaikum salam to all.

My running theory is that you have these high crime areas. Prosecutors (some who are elected) want to get reelected by being seen as tough on crime. Judges (some of whom are elected) want to be seen as tough on crime in their sentencing.

That theory doesn't explain the studies showing biases in hiring employees with black/ethnic sounding names. It also doesn't explain why we would see these biases in positions that aren't hired, or in military officers handing out punishment to black soldiers.

Oh, there is definitely bias in with ethnic sounding names. If I can't pronounce at least the first name, I'm not hiring you. This says nothing of the people who are hired with "normal" sounding names and are black or otherwise non-white.

I knew a lot of my Asian friends growing up had their Asian name and an "American-sounding" first name. I think it was part of their family's strategy to assimilate and be successful in America.

By the way:

That racial gap has widened since the Supreme Court restored judicial discretion in sentencing in 2005, according to the Sentencing Commission's findings, which were submitted to Congress last month and released publicly this week.

Maybe mandatory minimums keep racist judges out of the process entirely!

Yeah right, Cliven Bundy, you've definitely made a convincing argument supported by evidence that the Civil Rights Act destroyed the black family. If only there was state-sanctioned racism again!

Poor black families are broken for the same reason poor white families are (Republican-led red states are the poorest states in the nation). That's what poverty does.

I don't support state-sanctioned racism. For the same reason I believe a business owner has a right to discriminate, a business owner also has the right to not discriminate. Those business owners who defied Jim Crow laws are courageous too, and sometimes I think that fact is lost.

I wasn't talking about the Civil Rights Act, but a welfare system that incentivizes a culture of dependency on the state. If we want to provide assistance, look at systems like the EITC, which do the least damage to the work incentive.

The poor black families in the liberal cities aren't doing so hot either.

For the same reason I believe a business owner has a right to discriminate, a business owner also has the right to not discriminate.

I mentioned the Civil Rights Act because that was 50 years ago. Private businesses don't have the right to discriminate, because they are doing business with the public, and such discrimination is a violation of a citizen's civil rights.

The poor black families in the liberal cities aren't doing so hot either.

That's poverty for you. It hurts everyone. To take the social darwinistic stance of doing nothing, while crowing about how great rich people are for being rich, hasn't worked.

Private businesses don't have the right to discriminate, because they are doing business with the public, and such discrimination is a violation of a citizen's civil right to participate in the economy.

The problem I have with that is when a business has something like a dress code, and then special interest groups say that dress code is racist. I would not support a "no blacks allowed" sign, but I do support policies that help businesses mold the kind of clientele they desire. So if you don't want 50 Cent's crew in your business, ban the kinds of clothes people like that wear.

To take the social darwinistic stance of doing nothing

I never, ever said do nothing. I said that we should focus on programs like the EITC.

The problem with the EITC is that it's a tax credit, so it's not part of a person's monthly budget, and people qualify for it based on earned income, so it's a subsidy for corporations that underpay employees.

The point is that it phases out at a lesser rate than it phases in, so you avoid some of that welfare cliff effect that traditional programs have.

Didn't say it was perfect.

I think the best program would be a negative income tax as Friedman advocated. But this would only work if you abolished all traditional forms of welfare. I think that if you shut down that massive bureaucracy, we could pay for it and at the end of the day I think it would be more efficient. This is also similar to Gary Johnson's fair tax.

It would also have the pleasant side effect of giving people the freedom to speak without being worried of losing their source of income.

A more viable solution is to raise the minimum wage and reduce healthcare costs. Friedman's alternative welfare system of vouchers and work-free credits is too unpopular to see the light of day.

This is what happens when Keith books you on shows.

Oh Boyee

Ant's going all in I guess bc he's basically unhirerable at this point

Exactly why I will be listening to his new show via torrent or other I won't pay for means.

I think I can see how someone like Anthony is made, despite having a sharp wit and being somewhat intelligent. I think he has just surrounded himself by one stream of argument and opinion due to his isolation and the internet and now his life is one big confirmation bias mess where anecdotal observations are used as proof which he then basis opinions on. Most of those anecdotal and subjective observations aren't even his own, just things he observed on a screen and remembered. Eventually he only seeks out information to confirm his bias and only raises a critical eyebrow to information that doesn't agree with some general premise (which leads him to seek out more information to confirm his bias and disprove that original information, the cycle continues).

Its somewhat ironic though because we could all suffer the same fate if we can't learn to tolerate diverse opinion (and evaluate it with a high standard of proof), including unsavoury opinions. The NASA statements someone posted here definitely show some weak logic and no self correcting mechanism in the line of thought which is the same thing you see from the social justice warrior cunts. Racists and social justice warriors even share the same raging need to convince everyone they can of their "truth" so they can change the unwritten rules of society.

TLDR: When you take away the swastika's and the rainbow flags, social justice warriors are basically the same type of asshole who have some sort of us vs. them thing going on and they think you're too stupid to see through their, or the other sides bullshit. I'll hear 'em out (they can't be wrong on everything, even a broken clock is right twice a day) but for the most part, fuck 'em both.

He's a 50-something Long Island Guinea. There's no great mystery.

Nassau county. Let's not disparage all of Long Island. Ok disparage almost all of Long Island.

"I sure as hell didn't see any of Those People in the OR while they installed my stents or my individual follicles placed artistically in the direction of my hair's natural growth!"

It was a momentary loss of verbal coordination, a few extra words per second per second.

He'd just come home from work, the little BASTARD had thrown his Nazi propaganda all over the floor...

My girls, sir, they didn't care for Stormfront at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches, and tried to burn it down. But I "corrected" them sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I "corrected" her.

and that was FOUR GODDAMN WEEKS AGO. . .

I mean I saw his point on black and hispanic violence levels (its objectively a reality) but neo Nazis? Jesus. Not sure I want my name attached to a subscription to his show now.

Jesus Christ Anthony.

Shaking my head while saying the same thing.

I skimmed through the interview, seemed like same old Anthony. What's the big deal here?

HAHAhaaaa nothing more hilarious than O&A fans trying to defend this cunt.

Oh Anthony...

I paid 60 dollars for this? Jesus. - Ronnie B

This isn't unexpected at all, but Ant never really said anything that he hadn't said previously so I don't get the big deal... I always thought if Ant was a straight up ignorant racist, it would be more along the lines of pro white, rather than Anti-black if that makes sense to anyone else. Oh, I'm not defending that Edwards cunt either, it's kind of fucked up to hate an entire race based off individual actions. My uncle was killed in a car accident by a woman driver but I don't hate all women because of that. I hate all women for a completely different reason.

Lack of dick?

I should have seen that coming. Kudos, my friend.

I've been an O&A fan since WNEW. Never agreed with Anthony's politics but I think he's a funny fucker. I'm a paid member for SiriusXM and subscribed to I just listened to this interview and I'm cancelling my subscription to Anthony's show. Being on this show, with such a piece of shit host, and the things he was saying I've realized I'm not going to find his new show fun. Based on this interview it sounds like Anthony is done with an O&A style show (for now). I wish him the best but I won't be re-uppping my subscription after this month.


The real questions is whether Ant is racist or racial?

Racist, racial or retarded.


I wonder if the shark even noticed.

This freaking sucks. It manages to throw out everything right that Anthony was saying because he associated with this dude

Ant's a fuckboy. Good riddance to the pockmarked piece of white trash.

Living around whites and Asians is pretty nice.

As long as Anthony supports Israel he is safe.

he contributes to the israeli weapons industry every time he buys a desert eagle. hes such a good goy

Found a link to the audio:

i've never heard of something described as "pro-white".

That's my stance on the eggs I eat.


When Anthony said he wasn't doing anything wrong I came on here and told you collection of losers that he was taking creep shots. When you bitch boys were claiming he was just mad not a racist I laughed even harder.

Truth hurts you fools....Sirus was right to fire him.

Oh and the passive aggressive racists in here trying to post their sub.....I still laugh cause when I took it to all your little white power subs you dudes bitch up real quick. Bunch of pussies only brave typing from your dorms.

Why was he taking creepshots of a black woman if he is a racist?
I'm sorry, what I'm thinking, please continue to not employ logic in your fake outrage. sad ass dudes still in here trying to defend the man. Completely believed the dude got attacked and best up by a woman but never once showed a picture of any injuries.

You keep rationalizing and I'll keep laughing.

Answer my question, please.

Listen fuckface, you can think Anthony is a racist all you want. But you bringing up all these others things just to support your case, doesn't hold any truth.

He wasn't taking creep shots, he wasn't going to report a WOMAN at 5am assaulted him when he wasn't even physically hurt. You're just lumping all of this in with your opinion of him being racist.

Think whatever you want of the guy, but you aren't some clever person, or any different than how he would have reacted. Maybe worse.

You wouldn't be out at 5AM in Times Square taking creepshots, even if that was your thing. You also wouldn't report a woman assaulting you to the police, especially if she fucking manhandled you - let alone just flailed at you for a few seconds.

So stop pretending like you'd do any different. Your blackness is seeping through the internet.

You sound mad.

Who hurt you???

You sound black.

Who hurt you??

Good. I like sounding that way.

Probably why no one listened to your nonsense the first time.

Yet here you are, trying you're hardest, and failing, to get under my skin.

You should try harder.

Make up more excuses, it's what you guys do best

And still you're trying. Its like watching a bird beat itself to death against a window.

And you're still replying. Guess you got the best of me huh?

no you don't understand his racism is just a bit anhluagluagluagluag

Goddamn I love Ant.

"Cumia was clearly found of Edwards."

Hard hitting journalism

Did you even listen to the show? With all the ball washing and Anthony remarking on how he just wanted to have a beer and hang out after hearing Edwards talk his political bullshit? He sounded like a teenager who found a new best friend

Can you read?

They were pointing out a typo in the article. I noticed it too.

Media Matters are cunts.

They are, but that doesn't change the story one iota . . . unless you're going to suggest that this has all been made up.

I'm sure it's true. But only assholes like Media Matters care.

No, that's where you're wrong.

No, if you care, you're a social justice asshole.

No. Only a retarded scumbag with the moral compass of a child molester (if the shoe fits . . . ) would think being opposed to racism is some kind of extreme left dogma. For the rest of the world it's called being human.

Who is supporting racism here, you dunce? I'm just saying I don't give a fuck what Anthony Cumia thinks about black people. Certainly not enough to rat him out to "gotcha" cunts like Media Matters.

Spoken like someone who has never been anywhere outside of their hometown, let alone in the 'rest of the world'

ITT: racist pieces of shit trying to defend a racist piece shit but failing because ultimately, he's a racist piece of shit.

ITT: the "racist pieces of shit" are getting shouted down by regular members of this subreddit already. We don't need you mouth-breathers from the default subreddits to come in here and point out the obvious. Fuck off.

Were you linked here by another subreddit?

Out of curiosity

someone posted this thread on /r/subredditdrama.

The only people offended by shows like this are white.

Way to take a quote and completely use it out-of-context people.

He's chastising the unruly black gangstas and spoiled criminals that can't adhere with social rules with that quote about not being in the NASA Control Center, not the ENTIRE black race.

CUMIA QUOTE: When you watch any of the footage of any of the Apollo programs over the years and you look at the control room of mission control, what do you see? Do you see diversity there? Honestly, let's be honest. You're seeing white males smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee at the console and putting people on the moon. How is this a horrible thing? How is this something to look at and say, "We need to change this by injecting people that do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation"? Why is this a good thing to then add these people into the formula to make this a great country? Diversity for the sense of just diversity is not a good thing. And when I talk about race and try to be open and honest about it in this day and age, you're chastised, you're looked at as the racist.


Because I love to see black hoodlums with no education on science launch people to the moon because the social justice warrior culture of society today demands that diversity be injected to all forms of the workplace to feel less guilty.

"Diversity" is a nonsense scary word that riles up the old people. Keep taking your heart pills, you'll be dead soon enough.

Way to take a quote and completely use it out-of-context people.

Nobody is taking the quote out of context. What he said was dumb.

Yes black hoodlums with no education on science would be disastrous for NASA. And? Nobody is suggesting that black hoodlums with no education on science should work for NASA. That's not the sum total of "diversity".

For example, someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson would introduce diversity into the program and would not be a "white male smoking cigarettes" (Ant's view of what made the Apolli program great) and yet would make great contributions to NASA... In fact, he did since he worked for NASA in the past. The program wasn't a failure just because there was a black guy now in the same room as these white males smoking cigarettes...

But it's an explanation for why Tyson is unique in his field, and why you don't see many like him at NASA.

And even if blacks were 13% of NASA scientists, that still wouldn't seem like much.

First of all, unique in his field? Not really. NASA has about the same percentage of minorities as the USA population (a little less Hispanics, but that may be do to how Hispanics are counted). Where NASA lags more is actually in gender.

Second of all, what does this have to do with what I said? The point is that Ant's comments were ridiculous as diversity does not mean having black hoodlums work at NASA, nor does it mean having the quality of NASA suffer.

I think NASA is too important for the powers that be to force diversity on it without regard to merit. Well, maybe important is the wrong word since the budget was cut. I think every technical position at NASA was filled by a person who was qualified for the job, including the black employees. I don't think you can say the same for the TSA or the post office.

But there are examples of organizations suffering under the banner of diversity (diversity meaning no or few whites).

Again, I have no problem with diversity if it happens naturally where everybody is judged by the same standards. What I have a problem with is when shysters sue a company like In-N-Out, claiming they practice discrimination when all they are doing is having hire standards than the usual fast food joint.

And since neither you nor Ant have any evidence that anybody is "forcing diversity on NASA without regard to merit", Ant's point is complete and utter garbage. I'm glad we agree.

There are plenty of places where diversity is being forced.

Which changes absolutely nothing of what I said. We're talking about Ant's comment on NASA.

Me: "Bob didn't kill Alice"

You: "There are plenty of people who have killed someone named Alice".

I've already said that I don't think that was going on at NASA in the technical position. It doesn't go on at Twitter or Facebook or Google in the technical positions either. It probably does in administrative or otherwise non-technical positions. It probably happened at my old job based on what I know about the head recruiter.

I know you already said that... which is why I said I am glad we both agree that Ant's comment was utter garbage. Unless you have something else to add that is relevant to Ant's comment on NASA... I believe our discussion here is done, don't you think?

I realize you really, really want to defend Ant, but you're not going to do that by ignoring what Ant's comment dealt with in specific...

I've already said I disagree with that specific example. Perhaps there could be a radio show where two or more people could debate and go back and forth on this topic.

Yeah, again, I know you said that... which is why I'm surprised you're still talking. The discussion ended in our agreement: Ant's comment was dumb.

If you want to discuss the idea of "diversity" in general, you can do it with someone else. I'm talking about Ant's ridiculous comment, which we both agree was wrong.

If the discussion is over why does it persist? Are you taking account of your role in its continuation?

Because I love to see black hoodlums with no education on science launch people to the moon because the social justice warrior culture of society today demands that diversity be injected to all forms of the workplace to feel less guilty.

Please go back & review those films of the Apollo launches. Do you see ANY uneducated hoodlums of ANY race there? I don't. I see a bunch of incredibly bright science nerds who a) earned their position and b) didn't have artificial barriers placed in front of them because of their skin color.

Name one problem with taking a bunch of violent, uneducated gang bangers out of lock up and slotting them straight into mission control? Anything? Yeah, didn't think so.

Is this your job application for Gawker?

Keep the fake outrage coming, boys!
Show us you're fans of a show that was strongly against this kind of behavior.

Asia for Asians, Africa for African, White country's for everyone. ANTI-RACIST is a code word for White Genocide.

you mean England? or america that had the native americans here?

You feathers suck,YOU ARE nomads;you had no land.the land you had,you traded for trinkets.Sucks for you, you got gyped. But that's you're fault. I'm not sorry. What about Palestine. Israel not sorry.

not native american, btw, but lame feathers gag, should be "redskins" if you had balls. but you indicated a white country. it's not a white country by origin so stop pussyfooting around it.

Why all the hate, for the truth? That's right reddit home of the mo.

Shows reddit are full of self hating, White guilt assholes.You mo's must be libtard or republethugs .Think for yourself weird O's.White guilt assholes.

Do you really think Media Matters is a fan of Opie and Jim? They are at the very least guilty by association, and Opie would be racist for any number of the racial jokes he's made over the years. Jimmy would be racist for calling out the media for not reporting the race of suspects.

Don't worry, if they thought you were important, they would find something racist or sexist about you.

You don't see a distinction between someone unreasonably being portrayed as a racist and what Anthony is saying?

Spokker has been defending Anthony and his white nationalist views in general. He doesn't see a distinction.

Because he's a racist fucking twat, like so many others in this thread.

At least it's all out in the open now and Ant's sycophants have nothing to hide behind.

He doesn't like diversity, just like most people prove through their actions.

Diversity is given a lot of lip service, but even today we are more segregated than ever. Do you think that's just a coincidence? Through the independent actions of millions, we have a situation in which neighborhoods remain divided by race, culture and ethnicity.

Considering that the white nationalist crowd is barely a blip on the radar, it has to be more than outspoken racists doing this.

Part of this segregation is political in nature. It's like a paradox. Liberal politicians, for example, talk about diversity, yet want their districts gerrymandered and full of one racial demographic that will vote for them. But when whites do the same thing, cut up the districts so that whites vote for them, it's racist.

Liberal politicians, for example, talk about diversity, yet want their districts gerrymandered and full of one racial demographic that will vote for them.

What the heck are you babbling about? Tea Party Republicans controlled the redistricting process after their wins in 2010. In fact, a court just ordered them to redraw Florida after they separated minorities and college voters into special districts where they'd have less impact on elections.

So gerrymandering is a strictly conservative phenomenon now?

In my county, there was one city where some people wanted to abolish citywide voting for city council and move to a district based system. They wanted to do this because there were not enough Hispanics on the city council for their liking.

The idea is that if you carve up the city into districts, a Hispanic candidate would win in the Hispanic district. While this achieves the goal of diversity, it does carve the city up more solidly along racial lines. Now there is an incentive to keep the white districts white and the Hispanic districts Hispanic to maintain power for those individual city councilmen.

Where I lived at the time, we had district voting in my city, and it was solidly carved up with some districts for Hispanics, some for Vietnamese and some for whites.

While everybody screams about diversity, there is a political incentive for having segregated areas, that is, to keep getting voted in by your group. It means that if you're Vietnamese and you run in the Vietnamese district, you can rest well knowing that at least a Vietnamese person will get in regardless of merit.

I'm not saying this is good or bad. Here's an article about it:

Gerrymandering is a multi-party, multi-cultural activity. ALL politicians want to tip the votes in their favor. But Republicans are really good at getting caught at it.

So you're saying that Ant didn't go on this podcast; that Media Matters is making it up?

you're fuckin delusional

If I went on a white nationalist radio show and said crazy shit, yeah, they'd probably call me racist. Great point.

Damn. I like Ant even more now

did this thread get posted on Niggermania or something? what's with all the white supremacists in this thread.


Alot of white people feel disenfranchised and to speak out is career ruining. So when someone has the balls to say how they feel its refreshing

A lot of whites feel their failure in life is because of minorities and not their own innate inability to succeed.

And blacks blame their failures on racism. Who cares?

Like ant? Whites just want to be left alone and not lectured, not constantly inundated with white guilt by idiots.

If you're being inundated you're trying too hard. Guess I'm privileged because I've never had that issue.

Why can't I call them niggers in peace? :( Quit lecturing me you white guilt having idiots.

Nice strawman. Or should I say watermellonman? lel

Just a joke, Jethro.

You suck at comedy.

I'm not joking. I'm addressing a serious issue. Fuck off.

You fuck off SJW cunt.

It's a joke, you dumbass. Get a sense of humor.

I have a sense of humor, you arent funny.

I'm not joking. I'm addressing a serious issue. Fuck off.

You fuck off, SJW cunt.

It's a joke, you dumbass. Get a sense of humor.

Anthony is such a racist, I love it.

Alot of white people feel disenfranchised


most of the people in this room and all of media matters have way to much white guilt. Its hilarious...

I'm kinda curious. How does being disgusted at racist shit equal white guilt?

Well, you're guilty there were no blacks in the control room at NASA, aren't you?

I am?

People who drop the "white guilt" are almost always barely white.

Why else would you care?

Because I'm a human being?

We got to the moon, didn't we? Sheesh.

Eh, I was more disgusted with Ant's comment...since it kinda implies that everybody who isn't white "do not pay attention to the laws of this country, do not assimilate to the cultures, do not work and contribute to this nation" which is a pretty fucked up thing to say.

I think there are a lot of black people that don't want to be apart of American society, which they see as white society. There are a lot of Mexicans who don't assimilate, and many that do. My family, for instance. I am so assimilated (fourth-generation) I am practically WASP.

Then again, even if Asians don't assimilate, they don't cause much problems other than protest Jimmy Kimmel.

What I'm saying, there are upsides to diversity but also downsides. One of those downsides is conflict. Look at the Middle East.

But it seems to me that it's only ever a problem when whites are in conflict with another group. It's not even that whites are in conflict with blacks anymore. It's like whites are doing their own things, living in the suburbs, working, raising families and shit. The average white person doesn't even interact with blacks on a daily basis. It's a non-factor, but if someone catches wind that you haven't hired enough blacks or Hispanics (In-N-Out), watch out for a lawsuit.

But when blacks and Hispanics are killing each other in South Central, no one cares. Blacks have used the same rhetoric against illegal alien invaders that Tea Party whites have. I don't see why they don't get together and have a meeting on how to repel wetbacks.

We got to the moon, didn't we?

Yes we did. That really has nothing to do with this debate, as black Americans were shut out of educational opportunities that would have allowed them to compete w/ their white counterparts in engineering school in the 1950s and 1960s.

Can they compete now?

Yes. NdGT would be a prime (and easily researched) example.

Do you believe black people are genetically inferior to other races?

No, but I believe the dominant culture in the black community does not prioritize education as much as whites, Asians and Jews. Therefore, you're not going to have too many black astrophysicists.

I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean I agree.

Asians, Jews, and white Americans have never been held in bondage in this country (though we did place some Americans of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps in WWII). "Concentration" meaning that everyone in the camps was of Japanese ancestry, nevermind that they were American citizens. FUCK their constitutional rights, those dirty Japs bombed Pearl Harbor! Really? Would YOU like the US Government to treat YOUR family like that? Praise Jeebus! God Bless 'Merica!

Given our history of oppressing/enslaving black people, it should come as no surprise that there are fewer black astrophysicists than those of other races.

I don't agree with slavery or Japanese internment, but for Christ's sake something has to change. You can't just keep blaming the past forever. Enough with the grievances. Africans participated in the slave slave and slavery or something close to it is still practice in Africa today.

And I don't blame blacks for not making up a large proportion of astrophysicists. I'm simply explaining why there aren't many when the race hustlers go snooping around for grievances.

thanks to everyone getting me to my -300 milestone...

Indeed sir. Unless you kiss the ass of black people you are a white supremacist, racist. It's nauseating that these people believe they are "tolerant" to.

I'm starting to believe this guy is just Anthony himself, not an "Ant Fan".

No. You are a white supremacist if you think all black people are inferior to all white people.

I know lots of horrible shitheel welfare grubbing people. Most of them are white.

Most of them are white.

Yep, there is a huge problem in the white community.

No shortage of poor white trash committing crimes. We should clean up our own house before we worry about someone else's.

Awwww, little white liberal boys only want "whites are evil" media. Go fuck yourselves.

It's just a tattle-tale web site.

It took three people to post a link to a YouTube video apparently.

So what? The point is that Ant went on a White Nationalist radio show and espoused ideas that are ignorant even by his standards. Fuck him.

How is it ignorant? Even the U.N. says that the average I.Q. in Africa is lower than white and Asian I.Q.'s. THE UN

Uh, you realize that IQ is a measure of a certain definition of intelligence, that requires an adequate educational foundation to be useful, right? Africa doesn't have that.

When normal people see those UN statistics, they say "Shit, Africa's educational infrastructure is broken. This needs to be fixed to help future generations." When idiots like you see the same statistics, you go "Lol black ppl r so dum"

Wow, and whose fault is it that their education system is broken? Don't even say white imperialists.

I try not to talk about these things with people who are so ignorant of historical context. Take a history class sometime.

You mean the "it's all white peoples fault" class. Have you seen pictures of Germany or Japan after WW2? They were almost completely annihilated. There doesn't seem to be an educational problem there. Africa wasn't completely annihilated, they were in a much better position after imperialism than before, and you know that. Go a head down vote it you liberal white guilty roaches.

Germany and Japan were developed countries that were never subjected to imperialism.

Japan itself had a brutal history of imperialism in the early 20th century, right up to the end of WWII, and American involvement in Japan post-WWII was not traditional imperialism by any standard definition. You don't even know what the word imperialism means, you just use it as a weasel-word that you associated with a vague concept of bleeding heart liberalism.

You're a moron, go away.

Actually, you're a moron.

From Websters.

im·pe·ri·al·ism imˈpi(ə)rēəˌlizəm/ noun noun: imperialism

a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
"the struggle against imperialism"

Now, give me your white guilty definition, since your definition is more credible than Websters.

Also, since you know your "history", Ethiopia was never colonized by European powers, what's their excuse? Every black society has one for failure, so what's theirs?

Again, US involvement in Japan was not traditional imperialism, as the concept is defined when discussing undeveloped societies. You can use the word, but it refers to a completely different practice in the case of an post-war Japan, a pre-existing nation state with a national identity, than in the case of tribal peoples connected only by gerrymandered borders.

Regarding Ethiopia... that's cute, is that a Stormfront talking point? Do you have any understanding of the fact that Ethiopia was successfully colonized by Italy and that it was itself, for a time, a developed regional power that exercised its own imperialism over neighboring cultures?

Anyway, I'm done. I have a BA in history and you're just some idiot who reads too much Niggermania. You can take the last word— you clearly need it after the public humiliation you've just received. Why not end with those statistics on black crime in China/Korea that you never got around to presenting when I called your ass out on them? :)

Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

1. The key word you said was "tribal". Europe wasn't "tribal" for thousands of years before that.

2 Even though Ethiopia was a "regional power" in Africa, they were still way behind Italy. If Ethiopia just fended off Italy, Italy would've attacked and taken them over during the dark ages.

3 Only been to niggermania once, I sort of don't get it.

4 I will have my Bachelor's in Physics in May from Tennessee Tech, and just recently got accepted to the University of Maryland. (One of the most prestigious science schools in the country btw). I'll put that up against your BA in History anytime.

5 I don't have the exact link, but here is a response from a white liberal columnist in response to the article I was referring to.

By "foreigners" the original article referred to South Asians and Africans.

Also, this white liberal journalist says non-Koreans in Korea actually have lower crime rates than ethnic Koreans. Conveniently throwing the Japanese and Chinese rate in there when the original article clearly was referring to South Asian and African workers. Nice little liberal trick there.

6 If public humiliation was received by anyone, it was you. The Ethiopian Empire was miniscule when compared to European empires. In fact, I think it only conquered one or two of it's neighbors. Having a BA in History you should probably know that though...

i love it when they start with the numbered lists. It's a foolproof way to sniff out an idiot such as yourself

Instead of calling me an idiot, actually go point by point and defeat me. Oh, you can't? Well, that's why you name call...

I'm insulting you, not "defeating" you. You would understand the difference if you weren't an idiot lmao

Well insult me all you want. As long as you understand I'm much more intelligent that you will ever be "lmao"

whoa nice typical neckbeard response!

I'm clean shaven actually... Nice try though, next time actually try to have an adult conversation.

whoa another dead ringer lmao you're on fire


I was imagining you clean shaven. So are you a top or a bottom?

Way to sidestep literally every point I just made. I love how you try and act like a degree in physics is even slightly relevant to a discussion about flippin' history!

I know I said I'd give you the last word, but honestly I'm just kind of in awe about how you managed to use eight paragraphs to refute literally nothing I just owned you on, just to raise totally separate points that might actually be worth discussing on their own had you not proven yourself to be an utterly disingenuous, dishonest twat who has to try and bullshit your way through subjects you have no real knowledge of just to feel vindicated in your racist ideology.

From what you said about your educational background, I can assume you're in your early 20s. That's a little bit later than I went through my white nationalist phase, but I still think there's hope for you. When you grow out of this, hit me up and we can grab a beer or something. I'm stationed in Maryland and will remain so for the next few years. :)

What points did you make? You had one miniscule fact about Ethiopia being a regional power, as to say that the reason Italy didn't colonize them was because Ethiopia was to strong for them. That is simply ludicrous. While Italy had colonies in Africa, Ethiopia went through different stages of being strong and weak. However, that wasn't even my original point. It was said that the reason Africa's education system is so bad now is because of imperialism. My point was, Ethiopia was never colonized, so why is their educational system so bad? IF there is no genetic difference between Africans and Europeans in respect to intelligence, and Ethiopia was never colonized, then theoretically Ethiopia should be just as advanced as European society. They should at least be by far the dominate power in Africa, which they are not. You are being the disingenuous, dishonest twat.

I need nothing to vindicate (again you're using emotion here) "racist" ideology. Nature is doing that on it's own. I've been a white nationalist for 5 years, it's not a phase.

You had one miniscule fact about Ethiopia being a regional power, as to say that the reason Italy didn't colonize them was because Ethiopia was to strong for them.

Wasn't the point I was making. Your response to my point was a non-sequitur. Everything else you just wrote on the subject is bullshit too, but utterly irrelevant to the point I was making.

Ethiopia WAS eventually colonized by Italy and I'm not sure where you got the idea that it wasn't. Read about the Second Italian-Ethipoan War and it's aftermath.

IF there is no genetic difference between Africans and Europeans in respect to intelligence, and Ethiopia was never colonized, then theoretically Ethiopia should be just as advanced as European society. They should at least be by far the dominate power in Africa, which they are not. You are being the disingenuous, dishonest twat.

/r/BadEverything lol

I've been a white nationalist for 5 years, it's not a phase.

In other words, you're a kid, and you were a WN when you were an even younger kid. And like every kid you think there's absolutely no way it isn't a phase... until it is. You're the epitome of an above-averagely intelligent young person who falls into second-option bias opinions because it makes you feel edgy and rebellious to be contrarian.

When you get older and stop being surrounded by the young super-liberal college kids who probably inspired you to fall into second-option bias, I'm almost certain you'll start to grow out of this. You'll probably be a pretty cool guy. Good luck at university.

Read about the Second Italian-Ethipoan War and it's aftermath.

That colonization lasted 5 years... Give me a break... Ethiopians didn't suffer anything that the Japanese and Germans didn't suffer. They suffered the least of the three, in truth.

The fact is, wherever there is a large group of black inhabitants there is a plurality of failure and excuses for it to. Black failure is a universal phenomenon, people are so emotionally invested in diversity, and brainwashed from cradle to grave that white nationalism is evil, that they will refuse to look at it as the reality that it is...

Wanting more white people around is horrible. Just look at what they do to their neighborhoods.

Just look at what they do to their neighborhoods.

Yeah, just look!


Alorton Il
Black alone - 1,951 (97.5%) crime rate==>2000.3 National Average 319 most corrupt city

Birmingham Al
Black alone - 155,258 (73.2%)
crime Index==>839.2 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

Detroit MI Black alone - 575,321 (81.4%)
White alone - 57,010 (8.1%)
crime Index==>1023.9 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

Black alone - 872,286 (32.4%)
White alone - 854,717 (31.7%)
Hispanic - 778,862 (28.9%)
crime Index==>719.2 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

Black alone - 644,287 (42.2%)
White alone - 562,585 (36.9%)
crime Index==>579.7 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

Camden NJ
Hispanic - 38,302 (49.6%)
Black alone - 33,055 (42.8%)
White alone - 3,170 (4.1%)
crime Index==>1178.9 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

East St Louis
Black alone - 26,559 (96.8%)
White alone - 385 (1.4%)
crime Index==>2085.5 NATIONAL AVERAGE: 319

Boulder CO,



White alone - 214,739 (83.1%)
Hispanic - 16,182 (6.3%)
Asian alone - 9,711 (3.8%)
Black alone - 9,541 (3.7%)
Two or more races - 6,114 (2.4%)
American Indian alone - 1,611 (0.6%)
Other race alone - 353 (0.1%)  
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 128 (0.05%) 

Read more:

Boulder, Colo.

White alone - 80,873 (83.0%)
Hispanic - 8,507 (8.7%)
Asian alone - 4,558 (4.7%)
Two or more races - 2,064 (2.1%)
Black alone - 828 (0.9%)

Read more:

Burlington-South Burlington, Vt.

White alone - 15,876 (88.7%)
Asian alone - 961 (5.4%)
Black alone - 337 (1.9%)  

Read more:

Orem, Utah

White alone - 68,433 (77.5%)
Hispanic - 14,224 (16.1%)
Two or more races - 1,913 (2.2%)
Asian alone - 1,688 (1.9%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 856 (1.0%)
Black alone - 524 (0.6%)

Read more:

Fort Collins-Loveland, Colo. n

Hey, idiot! Literally everyone acknowledges these statistics, it's not like you're privy to some secret truth that everyone except you and your /r/GreatApes buddies are oblivious to. The rest of us just understand the historical and socio-economic factors behind those stats that shitheads like you always plug your ears and scream "NA NA NA I CANT HEAR YOU" to. That's why you'll never be taken seriously.

People like me actually work to change those statistics someday. People like you just go "lol black ppl"


As well as posting to /r/GreatApes, I see you like troll around in /r/TwoXChromosomes. I'm sorry you're so bitter about women— it must be really hard being a racist virgin. :(

Hey, idiot! Literally everyone acknowledges these statistics, it's not like you're privy to some secret truth the rest of us are oblivious to. The rest of is just understand the historical and socio-economic factors behind those stats that shitheads like you always plug your ears and scream "NA NA NA I CANT HEAR YOU" to.
People like me actually work to change those statistics someday. People like you just go "lol black ppl" Edit: As well as posting to /r/GreatApes, I see you like to post sexist rhetoric to /r/TwoXChromosomes. I'm sorry you're so bitter about women— it must be really hard being a racist virgin. :(

top kek

A nigger, a Jew, and a grossly obese Mexican man walk into a gay bar. They approach a cum-gargling faggot with a 2-inch long, always-flaccid penis using a laptop at a table.

"You wanna come back to our place?" the nigger asks the faggot. "You can toss my Mexican friend's rancid herpes-and-shit-covered salad and jerk my Jewish friend's Wart-and-pimple-covered penis while I ram my giant unlubed nigger-cock into your gaping oft-fucked asshole."

"Literally nothing in the world would make me happier," says the faggot. "But first I need to tell reddit about my feels... It will just take a moment."

Huh? Are you trying to shock me or something? Intentionally offensive humor was around when I was growing up too, kiddo. Most people get pretty desensitized to it when they get out of high school.

Also I'm pretty sure anyone saying "top kek" without a hint of irony is a reclusive, sexually-frustrated neckbeard. I feel really bad for you.

Also I'm pretty sure anyone saying "top kek" without a hint of irony is a reclusive, sexually-frustrated neckbeard. I feel really bad for you.

Dont. No need. I just fucked your mom up the ass with my elephant dick. She moaned like a whore and told me i was WAY bigger then her daddy.

That was really lame. :(

That was really lame. :(

Your telling me..her snatch smelled like rotting meat

I love you. actually impressed..i didnt know this. Cool :) I dont know why people are downvoteing him.

Yeah, it's a fucking war zone!


Oh cool, a racist RedPill 4chan user.

What's it like being 17 and a virgin?

It's really funny how you think that statistics more or less everyone on both sides of this debate acknowledge pass as an argument! You're not really proving anything except the fact that impoverished, disenfranchised people are more likely to be violent. But keep throwing around imgur links instead of actually having to use critical thinking to mount an actual argument that incorporates those neutral statistics.

Blacks are only 2.7 times as likely to be in poverty. If you were to create some sort of crime/poverty index, in which crime rates are adjusted for poverty, they would still be way more likely to commit crime.

There are almost twice the number of white people below the poverty line as black people in the US. Using the numbers found on Wikipedia, there are about 9.6 million black Americans below the poverty line and 19.2 million white Americans below the poverty line. So, if "irrespective of race, [poor areas] have an increase in violence" then whites would be committing violence at a race twice that of blacks.

Poverty rates are insufficient to explain the differences in crime rate. There are more whites than blacks at every level of income (in absolute numbers), there are twice as many whites in poverty as blacks and yet blacks commit more murders than whites (in absolute numbers).

So we can say with relative certainty that when it comes to crimes like rape and murder which are not committed for economic gain that poverty is not a sufficient explanation.

The link between the two isn't even that particularly strong.

For the years 2006-2011, the Census-ACS provides estimates of the Mean Income, Median Income, and Poverty Rates for each urban center, and we can easily perform the same calculations we did in the racial case. The correlations between the Mean Income and Median Income levels and the various crime categories generally fall in the range of -0.40 to -0.60, being moderately rather than strongly negative. Even the correlation between Poverty Rate and crime—supported by the obvious truism that most street criminals are poor—is hardly enormous, falling between 0.50 and 0.70, and usually well below our racial figures.

This is why when we look at places like Kentucky, home to a population that has the second highest white poverty rate in the nation (yet a violent crime rate that is 40 percent lower than the national average)

We see horrible rates of poverty, yet the crime that plagues Detroit, Norfolk, Richmond, Birmingham, St. Louis, Atlanta, Memphis isn't found.

Just stop, you're humiliating yourself. All you seem to be able to do is paste imgur links and copypastas. I could do that too, you know, except I generally prefer to actually engage other human beings in discussion. All of these points have been debunked many times, but I'm not going to respond to someone who can't even think for himself and construct his own arguments.

Wow that is sad. If all of these points have been debunked then please provide a link or rebuttal of your own so I can evaluate it.

Wow, are you really believing what your saying? You can make statistics say anything you want them to, and your logic belongs in the 50's . These ideas have been shot down by most all modern theories on crime rates.

If your looking for a reason as to why black seem to commit more crime, you should look into the rampant racism among our police forces.

I ain't even gonna go the generic route Hopefully the homeboys you love so much can have a proper send off for you when you're pulled out of the vacant tomb you lay in.

Anthony isn't your typical brainless cross burning racist with unreasonable genocidal hate. More like the 'new age' hard hitting facts about disproportionate amount of violence from the black community and statistical racist. Which isn't politically correct, so that automatically makes him the bad guy I suppose.

"Hard hitting facts" while conveniently ignoring the structural forces responsible for those statistics, instead choosing to blame it all on inferior black genes (have you really forgotten the infamous eugenics break?)

The racism apologia among O&A fans is sickening. Why can't you guys start your own subreddit for the Anthony Cumia Show? You make the rest of us just looking for funny radio look bad.

So then why do they commit these crimes at the same rates in countries where they were never institutionally discriminated against? China and Korea for instance.

...they don't.

Of course they do. You just said that, and have never once looked at the crime stats of Africans in Korea and China.

If you had those statistics, you'd be throwing them around left and right. Stop bullshitting.


Can you give me the name of a country which isn't 'institutionally racist', whatever that's supposed to mean?

there is tons of research showing that blacks and whites use drugs at around the same rate but blacks are much more likely to be arrested for doing so

Cause white guys take drugs and sit together in a room mumbling to themselves.

Black people take drugs and go rape chicks and rob houses.

Its not always the drugs that correlate to them being arrested. It's what they do after taking them.

Yeh man, white people never do meth. They're all super chill stoners watching Adventure Time.

You sound like a younger guy. When I was growing up racist meant actively hating someone, denying someone a job, assaulting someone because of their race, etc, etc.

Today, the definition has shifted into anyone that doesn't harbor your apologist mentality. No one brought up inferior genes throughout, just like no one brought up the fact that Anthony was assaulted for what amounted to no reason. Anthony didn't handle it correctly, well no shit. He has no one to answer to anymore, why exactly shouldn't he go on White Nationalist? So that you can feel better about your emotional response instead of thinking it through logically?

When I was growing up racist meant actively hating someone, denying someone a job, assaulting someone because of their race, etc, etc.

I know. It's a good thing that definitions of complex concepts become more nuanced the more our society progresses.

You mean the excuses have to be changed to justify their lack of achievements.

I like how you made an account just to defend this guy. Pretty sad.

More like the 'new age' hard hitting facts about disproportionate amount of violence from the black community and statistical racist. Which isn't politically correct, so that automatically makes him the bad guy I suppose.

Ant is a smart guy, but he cherry-picks which statistics to report. There are many other statistics that would argue against his claim that there is no institutional racism or discrimination, but he doesn't provide or even discuss those. He stops the conversation as soon as it gets to "disproportionate crime".

So you're just going to go full on racist? Not even going to hide it?

OK you 'race realist' racist. You're racist, just so you know. I don't know if anyone ever just straight up told you so I am making sure you understand this best I can.

You are a racist.

Are we good now? Do you understand it? You're a racist.



So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy with tiny shoes comin' through! Better get outta his way!


This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

He also has a link to his site in his Stormfront sign line, so he's covered just about everyone.

It is odd that groups of people who weren't even allowed to apply for NASA positions from 1958 to 1964 didn't work their way up to mission control positions in time for the early Apollo missions. Good point, Ant!

The ones who work their way up to that level would be ones who do follow the laws, assimilate to the culture, who work and contribute to the nation. The only difference is that now they come from varied ethnicities and genders. Nobody is plugging people who don't meet those standards into NASA just for the sake of diversity.

Edit: Somebody please explain why this would be downvoted. I can only assume you didn't read Ant's whole statement and don't know what I'm talking about. Or do you really think that people who don't assimilate the culture, follow the laws, work and contribute are being plugged into NASA just to reach a diversity goal?

Obviously some self loathing in that plugged head of his.

Wanting more white people around is horrible. Just look at what they do to their neighborhoods.

Anthony isn't your typical brainless cross burning racist with unreasonable genocidal hate. More like the 'new age' hard hitting facts about disproportionate amount of violence from the black community and statistical racist. Which isn't politically correct, so that automatically makes him the bad guy I suppose.

Huh, it's almost like wealthy, successful people live in safe, upscale neighborhoods, and poorer people don't.

You're a fucking idiot. Go away.

The so-called racists aren't honest because they constantly deny being racist and try to play the victim. I do agree that people at the top of those companies would happily point to someone like Ant as a "bad person doing bad things", but then turn around and be reluctant to disclose their hiring practices. The answer is they're both full of shit.


It's a hair system.

This isn't a designated safe space. /r/OpieAndAnthony is a hive of scum and villainy, it's okay to be a bit shitty here because everyone knows what to expect. I'm fine with slurs, just not literal racism apologism.

Oh, right they just weren't given the opportunity. So where was the majority black space program at? Anywhere in the world, was there one? Of course not.

How is it ignorant? Even the U.N. says that the average I.Q. in Africa is lower than white and Asian I.Q.'s. THE UN

Why don't these people put their money where their mouths are and really immerse themselves in diversity?

Like all the taxes they pay?

Not true. He's said in the past that he likes going to Indian doctors. You can't be a racist and be ok with Indian people grabbing your naked balls. You just can't!

You seem to be knowledgeable on this subject. Is it true that black politicians, during the height of the crack epidemic, played their part in urging Congress to do something about it by passing those laws?

That's what I heard.

Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to receive tougher charges and longer sentences than whites, even when they have the same criminal backgrounds and committed the same crimes.

Is that 100% true? Are those studies corrected for priors, enhancements and ancillary charges?

When you have a database of defendants, their offenses and their sentences, I imagine there is a column for drug offense. So you run the statistics and find that blacks are more likely to get more jail time than whites for "drug offense." But do they also control for a gun enhancement, or an assault charge connected with that drug offense?

I admit I have trouble finding this information.

P.S. The study you referenced showed they are more likely to engange in those behaviors, but does not show how much the risk of being arrested increases by engaging in them.

It would be logical to assume that people who are more likely to buy marijuana in public are more likely to be arrested, especially when you consider that blacks tend to live in areas with higher population densities, which means a denser coverage of law enforcement. But you are technically right. That's speculation on my part, but speculation I stand behind.

But then again, blacks doing drugs is not something I even care about. Drug use is not an inherently violent act. Blacks are disproportionately represented in crime statistics in more than just simple possession.

But... Statistics!

he contributes to the israeli weapons industry every time he buys a desert eagle. hes such a good goy

You had one miniscule fact about Ethiopia being a regional power, as to say that the reason Italy didn't colonize them was because Ethiopia was to strong for them.

Wasn't the point I was making. Your response to my point was a non-sequitur. Everything else you just wrote on the subject is bullshit too, but utterly irrelevant to the point I was making.

Ethiopia WAS eventually colonized by Italy and I'm not sure where you got the idea that it wasn't. Read about the Second Italian-Ethipoan War and it's aftermath.

IF there is no genetic difference between Africans and Europeans in respect to intelligence, and Ethiopia was never colonized, then theoretically Ethiopia should be just as advanced as European society. They should at least be by far the dominate power in Africa, which they are not. You are being the disingenuous, dishonest twat.

/r/BadEverything lol

I've been a white nationalist for 5 years, it's not a phase.

In other words, you're a kid, and you were a WN when you were an even younger kid. And like every kid you think there's absolutely no way it isn't a phase... until it is. You're the epitome of an above-averagely intelligent young person who falls into second-option bias opinions because it makes you feel edgy and rebellious to be contrarian.

When you get older and stop being surrounded by the young super-liberal college kids who probably inspired you to fall into second-option bias, I'm almost certain you'll start to grow out of this. You'll probably be a pretty cool guy. Good luck at university.

Ant was never an AC repair man. He was a tin knocker. He installed duct work.

Go to Edinburgh. Scotland is far from ideal. However, with the upsurge of nationalism in Europe, it's only a matter of time before it comes to America.

Gerrymandering is a multi-party, multi-cultural activity. ALL politicians want to tip the votes in their favor. But Republicans are really good at getting caught at it.

The LAPD is racially diverse and more than ever represents the communities it patrols. Yet there are still problems with Hispanic police officers, who patrol Hispanic neighborhoods, "discriminating" against Hispanic suspects.

I remember reading some activist's article about racist LAPD officers in East LA. The article showed a picture of some Mexican kids on the sidewalk in handcuffs or something. I pointed out that the officer standing over them was Hispanic himself, and wondered how that could be racist. They said something about how the officer must be brainwashed or something.

No. You are a white supremacist if you think all black people are inferior to all white people.

I know lots of horrible shitheel welfare grubbing people. Most of them are white.

By the way:

That racial gap has widened since the Supreme Court restored judicial discretion in sentencing in 2005, according to the Sentencing Commission's findings, which were submitted to Congress last month and released publicly this week.

Maybe mandatory minimums keep racist judges out of the process entirely!

Yes. The installers installed the indoor and outdoor units & he ran the duct work.


Like ant? Whites just want to be left alone and not lectured, not constantly inundated with white guilt by idiots.

I'm starting to believe this guy is just Anthony himself, not an "Ant Fan".

And blacks blame their failures on racism. Who cares?

I'm not joking. I'm addressing a serious issue. Fuck off.

I'm sorry all I hear is " 卐 卐 卐 卐 8==D~~ 卐 卐" when you talk. At least have the balls to admit you're a white NATIONAL SOCIALIST since you just called me a nigger lover in effeminate doublespeak.


Well insult me all you want. As long as you understand I'm much more intelligent that you will ever be "lmao"

yeah...some folks tried that once. People did not really want to follow along. In fact, they fucking destroyed them. And those same folks that didn't like it then have thousands of nuclear weapons now. Good fucking luck.

You use bullshit phrases like "safe haven for whites" and "pro-white" government" but most of Europe is a statistically safe place, go travel, see for yourself. And by "pro-white government" you mean "people I don't like can't be here". But white people never lost sovereignty over any of our lands. Our countries invited folks in, if you don't like that, tough shit.

someone posted this thread on /r/subredditdrama.

Ehhh, I go to the jobsite, all my coworkers are white and we yell the N-word at a bunch of teenagers walking by and I'm happy. Whadda I know?

Most of them are white.

Yep, there is a huge problem in the white community.



maybe a little.


If we hadn't let them back in the south would look like Haiti.

Yeh man, white people never do meth. They're all super chill stoners watching Adventure Time.