What is your favourite version of Chip?

11  2014-08-04 by ChippyKasem

As do most others, I adore the anti-funny that is Chip. My personal favourite incarnations are: 1920's Chip Chipperson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqgiWzspTJU Chippy Kasem http://youtu.be/1dGD0XDX64w?t=25m Valley Chip http://youtu.be/RgFhkVXhdro?t=1m7s Dr Steve Chipperson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2dCh6b1b6E And I vaguely remember him doing a Ship Shipperson, although I cant find the audio. His catchphrase was ''tss tss I'm a ship or somethin" Please post your favourite and an audio link if possible.


Chipbacca...he's a sensation.


Cokelogic animation... Chipbacca! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM9fE0vZXpM

Lil' Chippy D in the Mafia.


Opie said, "I loved working for the Mafia. I worked for them legit. I worked for the mafia."

Then Lil Chippy D showed up to tell people how the mafia really operates, brotherman.

Chip Waldman


When Mean Chip went off on Sam it was amazing radio

Chip vs. Sam has to be one of the greatest moments in O&A history. So ridiculous.

Yup, Angry Chip is best Chip!

Asian Chip nigga.

Don't you mean "crip?" tss tss.

I'm personally quite fond of the version of Chip that gave useful tips on how to "up-kick" a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage. The more you know.

The Chip that shook a box of almonds every time he had a "home run" joke instead of doing the quick retard claps.

Chimp Chipperson

Chap Chapperson

Dr Chip

Valley Chip and Dr. Steve Chipperson are definitely my favorites. The first time I heard Dr. Steve Chipperson I was in tears laughing. I'll have to check out the others when I get home from work though, Chippy Kasem sounds hilarious.

Entertainment Tonight host Chip was pretty great.


Chippah lynde needs to make another appearance

Chip DeNiro

People here are really suffering Chip withdrawal.

"Go to break Chipperson" is my personal favourite.

Chippah bane

At the 19:10 point

Waited a long time to hear from him again.

Thank you. Never thought id hear this again


I've noticed that when pornstars are on the show chip was the funniest the best one was when they acted out chip going to Robert Kelly's house and the pornstar played Robert Kelly's mom who was hitting on chip. I always thought it would be great if someone animated the bit.

visual element of the bit from opies youtube channel (short clip of the long segment

full audio version

I just like stories of Chip's mother and Lamar fixing the floorboards

I love all Chips

I like mad chip - any version of mad chippa is a fawkn' win.


Whatever the version of Chip is the one that called Mars a spic is my favorite. I wish I could find that clip.