Getting The Anthony Cumia Show on your Roku

12  2014-08-04 by aronskylar

Is there a way to get Anthony's new show onto a Roku? Would prefer watching on my TV instead of a computer.


Contact the guy that runs this site.

He's made a ton of streaming channels (unofficial) for Roku. He could probably put one of these together, fairly quickly.

way cool! I've been thinking about giving up satellite TV, and that site would definitely push me towards going Roku-only

Look into a Fire TV. It runs android and you can sideload android apps on it (including XBMC and all its add-ons)

What video files does it play? I use a Wdtv now because it plays .avi and .mkv

Considering FireTV runs Android, it should be able to play any video file you throw at it.

EDIT: You'll probably need to use a 3rd-party player to support some file formats, though.

There's a way to get it to run files off of an external drive but it's a big pain in the ass since you have to mount the drive every time you plug it in.

The best way I found to play my files is to have another computer running Plex (it's server software that scrapes all the movie data to make it pretty like Netflix) and set up the XBMC add-on PleXBMC on my Fire TV. The add-on is actually better than the official Plex Fire TV app since it has more native codec support (which means everything direct plays instead of having to transcode)

I have a little underpowered Zbox Nano in a spare bedroom with all my hard drives plugged in and I can access my files anywhere in the house. I've even thrown giant 15 GB MKVs with no issue.

IMO, it's way better than the roku after you get everything set up. And some guy hacked together a program to take the pain out of sideloading stuff (

[But it's worth mentioning that XBMC is pretty much the only sideloaded Android app that works perfectly with the included remote. Everything else, like the Sirius XM app, needs a mouse]

hmm. my wdtv I plug in hard drive and it recognizes it all.

Yeah, it's not perfect but it seems like good middle ground between something like the WDTV, which is great for files, and the Roku, which is great for online services.

And I think there's some way to have XBMC to just see files on a network drive but I don't know shit about it.

You mention XBMC? Do you know of a way to get AnthonyCumia's show on that?

Chromecast... or buy an HDMI cable and just plug your laptop into your tv. Cheapest and fastest solution.

You'll be lucky to get it on the website.

Chromecast will solve your problem.

If you have an X-Box or PS, you can stream it through their online browser.

I tried it on my PS3. It doesn't look like the Flash plugin is compatible.

Maybe you need a Flash player update? It worked on mine.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I haven't used the browser much so that's probably it.

Anyway to listen to the show through a phone app?

I know I could just load the website. Wasn't sure if there was an app that could do it.

Any help is appreciated! Just subscribed today and ready to go!

Can you download the show? If so, WDTV all the way.

looks like you could watch it directly on your thing with this!details/29216/livestream you'd just need ant's channel name or whatever.

I know this isn't what you're asking for, but you could buy a long HDMI cable and connect your TV to your computer. That's how I watch NFL games.

A Google Chrome is literally $30

I wanna project it onto my big fawkin' peckah!

The show will be available through chromecast?

Chromecast can show what's on your browser, you open up the show on your laptop/desktop in Chrome, hit the Chromecast widget, and it sends the video over your network to the Chromecast dongle hooked to your TV.

That blows


I actually think that sounds really cool.

There's about 500 different ways to watch web content on your television.

You could even burn the show on DVD.

I prefer VHS

I only use BetaMax, maaaaaaaaan!

/u/TimTim3000 only backs winners!

way cool! I've been thinking about giving up satellite TV, and that site would definitely push me towards going Roku-only

I only use BetaMax, maaaaaaaaan!