The Difference Between Opie and Anthony

69  2014-08-04 by majestik6

When the show blew up a month ago, the first thing that Opie did was schedule every single comedian he could find, and we had a few weeks of great radio. Honestly, I didn't think the Opester had it in him, but the show has been far better than I'd expected.

The first thing that Ant did? Find a bunch of guests to discuss race with.

Opie and Anthony are nearly polar opposites; Opie is funny in spite of having no talent. Basically his talent is finding good people to bring the funny. Ant is funny, but his politics continuously sabotage the funny. Basically he has inate talent, but he'd rather talk politics.

I'm starting to realize that this is why the show worked; they're yin and yang, it's no wonder they're not even friends. But as coworkers, they complement each other.


So, isn't this great?

OK, terrific


Is that you, Jonathan?

Not at all. After looking I'm still not sure what that even is.

Canadian public radio. Jonathan Goldstein or Goldman or some jewish name that starts with Gold.

The general reaction to my post has been "Anthony is great, Opie sucks."

Before this thread is downvoted into oblivion, I'm going to make a prediction: The Anthony Cumia show will be virtually the same as LFTC. In a few months the show will be nothing but Ant ranting about blacks to a frustrated audience of true believer O&A fans.

I'd say that's an accurate prediction . . . but in fairness he hasn't really promised anything else.

I think even us Anthony fans realize this. This will be an extremely small niche show that 1-2K people are really into.

Ant would kill to have 1/20th of the loyal listeners that Rush has. Not even near same level.

Like rush Limbaugh? How many listeners does that blowhard have?

Yes i realise he's not an internet subscription show

Yeh its no surprise when you're comparing probably one of the wittiest, on the spot funny persons in show business. As Patrice said about Ant "he can access funny quicker than anyone I know". Ant's a ridiculous talent. I hope his show turns into the right-wing version of the Daily Show as Ronny B suggested. I still like Opie but no one who has ever appeared on the show or in any form of radio/podcasting/non-scripted form of entertainment makes me laugh more than Ant.

How would it not be the same as LFTC? The only difference is that he'll have a bit more time to prepare.

Somehow, I hoped he'd bring the funny. LFTC was always a train wreck.

Please don't say "bring the funny" ever again.

I did enjoy the MST3K type reality show episodes....

.. but that's about it.

you misspelled "more time to drink."

Damnit! I hate it when that happens!

The difference between Anthony fans and Opie and Anthony fans: Anthony fans think that Anthony's rants are honest and refreshing and tend to agree with his opinion on black people, while Opie and Anthony fans just want to hear a funny show.

I've listened to O&J more in the past month than I did of O&A in the past year. I was so sick and goddamn tired of the broken record rants. I turned on O&A to laugh, not to hear the same arguments I hear all day long in my shop at work.

The rants did get old quick. They were almost daily. I miss Anthony a lot, but the show is much more enjoyable without the super angry political campaign.

Agreed. Now if they could eliminate Sam Roberts, I'd never mute my radio at all!

I miss Ants humor too, the guy is a razorblade of wit

Generalise much? - Tell me more about why I laughed with Anthony, and I'll tell you more about how wrong you are.

Here's the difference: Anthony Cumia is a sharp imaginative witty comedic mimic, Gregg Hughes is a stupid boring man ... so it turned out to be just that simple. It wasn't actually a deep mystery that we needed your assistance with, and there was in fact zero requirement for you to needlessly overcomplicate things with banal inaccurate assumption. Did this help you any?

Opie's had one month of live shows with tons of guests coming in, that are friends of the show.

Anthony's had to put together a show quickly.

Opie's had a show for the last month. Anthony hasn't. Hardly fair to draw any kind of comparison among the two shows when one show hasn't even started yet.

He's also had the backing of a company whereas Ant is paying from his own backpocket.

And that's how it's going to stay if Ant does the kind of show he's promising to do.

He got in a Mangrate plug in the last test show, so it looks like he will at least have some sponsors.

ant also does it from his own studio he owns... Opie walks into an office building

Anthony's had to put together a show quickly.

Anthony doesn't have to do anything at this point. He could take years to plan his show if he wanted.

It's not like Opie or Roland booked those guests to just do O&J. They were already coming through SXM and Roland booked them some time on the show. Keep it in perspective.

You're crazy if you think all those comics were already scheduled pre-O&J. You know damn well there was a serious lack of comics coming in this year.

I should have clarified. I meant Gervais and Pete Rose more than the friends of the show like Florentine, Vos, Bobby, and Soder.

Please god, can we call a moratorium on the phrase "bring the funny?" Please stop.

That and referring to a comic as a "funnyman".

But then who will bring the funny?

We deliver FUNNY! We deliver FUNNY!

You queers debating whether they are "work friends" or "real friends". My god.

It's that time of the month. They're all bleeding together.

I think they're super besties!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Anthony responsible (directly or indirectly) for a majority of the classic funny moments of the show?

He brought impersonations, stories and jokes with him. Politics was virtually a fraction of what he brought to the show. And, even his view on that was better than Opie- who contributed intelligent political commentary such as "O-bama!"

Anthony is smarter than to make his show solely about race and politics. You make it sound like he's leading a klan rally. Let him find his groove, find chemistry that works and create appealing content.

In fairness, Opie did take the phrase "your boy (insert politician's name here)" from that viral Pat Buchanan video, claim it as his own, then run it into the ground for the better part of a year any time a politician was discussed. So that was good.

No you're wrong and there's more to a show than just having a funny guy on.

Do a simple YT search for O&A's classic moments. How many of those moments revolve around Opie? Zero.

I don't see how I'm wrong for basically saying give Anthony time to find his rhythm and create solid content. That seems like a rational approach.

I get it, you're anti- everything guy on every thread. Your schtick is getting old fast. Hope this wasn't too much for you to read.

Several actually or many things happened because of him. Who do you think was bringing on Bobo and other idiots on, or thought to make comedians regular guests? It wasn't Anthony.

Goddamn, what a genius. Who would have thought that regularly having comedians on a comedy radio show was a good idea? A true trailblazer, that Gregg Hughes.

Opie's main contribution to the show is that his name is Opie, which is very useful for branding. You give him too much credit.

Yep that's why Anthony credit Opie for the initial direction of the show by knowing when to push back against management and just start talking and doing bits instead of just spinning records. It's not like the show started out like this you dope. Anthony was just happy to be on air. He was also smart enough to fight for Anthony and Jimmy when mangement wanted neither one. He's responsible for the show. I can even find audio of Anthony saying everything I just did if you'd like. And yes the show handles comedians very differently than most shows and for awhile they didn't want to have any comedians on because they just did bits. The atmosphere they have now where comedians can just come in and talk is unique to the show. That's why comedians prefer o&a over Howard and any other morning show. It's why almost every podcast with comedians has used the same format. Rogan credits Opie and Anthony all the time. Just shut up. Opie may not be as funny as Anthony but if it wasn't for Opie knowing radio and making certain moves there would be no God damn show. There's more to radio than just having a funny guy on. Early on Anthony was just happy to not be knocking tin. Without opies hand guiding him Anthony would be a nobody and Jimmy would still be a middle of the road opener for dice clay or some shit. I'll take Anthony and jimmys word when they credit Opie for a career over anything you have to say.

Couldn't he have done all of that as a producer? None of this changes the fact that he doesn't belong on the radio. The show would have been all that and better if he didn't participate, which is why so many people hate him.

Yes he's hated so much he's managed to make a 20 year career out of it. Plus most people like Opie. This disenfranchised sub full of fat losers hardly represents the rest of us. Also you can't have a bunch of funny people on a show and think it'll be good. Look at most podcasts. Without having Opie there to move things along the show would suck. Not everyone on the show needs to be fucking funny.

"You kids shouldn't play so rough; somebody's gonna start crying." - Mr White

Mr white?

Fuckin Reservoir Dogs, man. Cmon.

Meh. I've purposely never seen it at this point.

You're so hip, dude.

If the best you can come up with is Bobo, then I rest my case. Anthony gave us Quantum Dice, Bowling for Behave, the Jill Nicolini Saga. All radio classics that he created.

I don't hate Opie. I enjoy hearing some of his stories (real or otherwise.) But, he just isn't funny.

Um bringing people like Bobo has made for hours of radio gold dummy. Up down game, David and Bobo show, Bobo gets banned from the show, Bobo vs Oscar. So many classic bits you dummy. Are you really saying that stuff wasn't funny? I suppose you'd rather hear Anthony rant about blacks or interview George Zimmermans brother two times? Yeah that shit was just hilarious. What a dummy you are. Even Anthony says Opie was responsible for the direction of the show. And I used Bobo as an example when referring to the shows retards which have inevitably added hours of comedy to the show. Don't be stupid.

Do you think he's a dummy?

The difference between Opie and Anthony is that if they were both to tell the same story, Ant would make it funny and interesting, Opie would not.

Anthony would make it funny and interesting, Opie would find someone funny to tell the story.


I love Opie, but I am afraid that you are right. I think that he'll make it through August but the closer we get to October, the harder it will be for him to continually ask for favors (the comedians don't get paid) before his deficiencies become more apparent. I agree with OP though that Opie's job wasn't as much to be funny, but rather steer the ship, which was Anthony's deficiency. The important item to note is that you can't learn to be naturally funny, and Anthony has that.

I don't know why everyone thinks they won't bring in a new co host under contract if they re sign. Opies not stupid, he knows his role.

I just pray to God it's not Vos. I can't take another "here's the thing".

Me either, believe you me...


I would hire someone like Dan Soder to be a third mic until October or something

I would too, but how much is that shit-hole nickel and diming the show? They've been notorious assholes to anyone wanting money unless you:

  1. Are an "A List" celebrity and
  2. Have no business being on the radio

They'll handcuff O&J and then use the low ratings to give them less money come negotiation time.

I have a feeling we're gonna be hearing a lot more Vos and Bob Kelly over the next few months. Those guys need the plugs so they'll come on the show every chance they get.

I may be in the minority but I actually like listening to Anthony's political rants and find them funny in a different way from dick jokes and fart humor. He makes good points from time to time and is honest about his feelings. Then again, I like politics and whatnot in general anyway.

Big fan of whatnot, too.

I liked listening to them when jimmy was in there to bring another point of view and counter his points. Ant is pretty much never funny when he goes on these rants it takes the funny right out of him, Jim would throw jokes in between quite often that anthony would then riff off of and that would make it funny.

I think its gonna be an extreme bore listening to him and all his right wing pals jerkk each other off.

Jimmy doesn't have a point of view.

The one's he does have are really safe,and will not come back to really hurt him (I think he learned his lesson bashing Steve Martin and Lindsey Lohan,and there were repercussions). His most consistent rant is on the media--and usually non-specific ones at that.

It's not that they're not friends; they hung out for ~25 hours a week for the last 20 years. I wouldn't want to spend more time than that with anyone. Add in the fact that Opie has 2 small kids and Anthony loves booze and has a gun under every couch and no wonder they don't hang much anymore. Diverging interests.

Are they not friends at all? I thought they were kind of work friends, having been closer friends in the past.

I don't think they are, they never hang out together when its not work related. Pretty much everyone else from the show has been to the compound parties except for Opie.

The were closer in the past, but as they've gotten older, their lives have taken different paths.

Also, not being good friends with your work partner is not uncommon at all.

Well when you work with someone every single day and then see them after work too it gets a little much, i'm sure it's just like that.

It would be almost as bad as working with your wife.

Oh now, c'mon guys! Let's not get too crazy.

Come on guys, be nice!

Yeah exactly I don't ever hear of Howard and Robin doing much together outside of the stern show. They seem to keep rather separate lives. This tends to be how radio works. I think it makes for a better show honestly.

I remember them saying that's part of the reason the three of them rarely hangout outside of the show.

Also, not being good friends with your work partner is not uncommon at all.

Like the Mythbusters dudes.

Or Penn & Teller.

I'm sure they're friends, but they spent 4 or 5 hours a day together, Monday through Friday for 20 years.

Same with Penn & Teller - they're friends, but Penn says they rarely hang out when they aren't working.

Just look at penn and teller. They never do anything together

I've got a feeling the anthomy cumia show is going to be pretty tough to listen to unless you share exact political beliefs with Ant.

listening to people who dont share my exact beliefs is pretty tough

The problem is, against true political intellectuals, Anthony would get his ass handed to him. This is why his show will be a walled garden with no opposing viewpoints, more than likely.

true political intellectuals

I'm not even sure what this is.

That's a solid point actually.

A really long way to spell "liars".

Came here expecting butthurt faggots complaining about Anthony's rants. Wasn't disappointed.

"Bunch a slack jawed FAGETS running around in here! This stuff will make you a got-damn sexual Ty-ranosaurus!" (Predator)


Opie is funny in spite of having no talent.

Opie is talented despite not being funny.

FTFY shit.


You lost me at "Opie is funny."

Anthony is an awful person. It's a shame because he truly is talented and can be absolutely hilarious. But I can no longer support someone like that. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when he was attacked last month. But it's becoming very clear that his new found freedom from XM has given him the courage to display just how truly racist and disgusting he is. I can't even follow him on twitter anymore. The filth and hate that he is spreading should not be encouraged by anyone with morals. Fuck him, fuck his new show.

are you a supporter of words hurt you pansy

When someone doesn't happen to like a person's viewpoint, claim they are a 'words hurt' it! Maybe the dude just thinks Anthony's an asshole without being hurt by what he says. Maybe he just thinks Anthony's a fucking moron because his mouth isn't permanently affixed to his cock?

"The filth and hate that he is spreading should not be encouraged by anyone with morals" is not an "I don't happen to like his viewpoint" statement. It's a "words hurt!" statement. There's nothing immoral about Ant expressing his opinion. And anyone who believes that it's harmful to "spread filth" by talking is a faggot.

Did Anthony send you that response through an email newsletter, or are you just this good at mimicking his bullshit at this point?

And yes, it IS an "I don't like his viewpoint" statement. In that guy's opinion, and in the majority of many other rational, non sycophantic people's viewpoint, Anthony is a racist. And if you're someone who is of the viewpoint that racism is abhorrent, you may feel that it shouldn't be encouraged.

The guy went on a fucking White Nationalist podcast over the weekend, and there are people STILL trying to deny what he is. It's fucking laughable!

Hell, I think for some of you, you'd actually need to see Anthony lynch a black man for 'eyeballin'' a white woman before you'd come to terms with it. Because surely if you just saw him at a Klan rally in full regalia, you'd still rationalize it as a 'bit'.

I get disagreeing with him and not finding it entertaining, but to act like he is "spreading filth and hate" by criticizing violent black culture and political correctness, and that he is preaching to anyone but the converted sounds like a Christian group protesting Marilyn Manson for delivering kids' souls to Satan. The shit he says is no more harmful to those who listen to it than gangsta rap or heavy metal.

He's an awful person for noticing.

Opie is funny in spite of having no talent. Basically his talent is finding good people to bring the funny.

Colin Kane

Tom Papa

Stop saying "bring the funny"

Why do you faggots listen to this show if you hate ant's politics so much?

It's a comedy show first and foremost, why do you listen to a comedy show?

To talk politics? Of course

You guys overthink the show too much

inate, tsss why doesn't he just eat outside or somethin

Word play yumah

Keep one thing in mind. Ant had a show to put together on his own. Opie relies on other to do the work for him. How many times over the years did we hear Opie say we gotta do this and do that. And nothing ever comes from it. Do you expect Erock to get all this shit done himself ?

Opie is essentially the hack he calls others. Can we go a day without hearing him how long he has done radio for ? We get it , you're old !!

Jimmy loves talking politics too. Don't act like Anthony was the only one doing it.

Opie is fucking awful stop it...Ant is going to have a tranny on his show today waxing a man's ass...hilarity will ensue

I personally love the new show. Ant is a rally funny dude but I'm really enjoying Opie and Jimmy.

For everyone saying opie is calling in favors to get comedians on the show, do you all realize that comedians get a benefit from being on the show as well? A lot of comedians would be more than happy to be in the show.

I get the impression that management was discouraging them from having comedians on. O&A had mentioned that management didn't want comedians plugging gigs, because they considered the plugs 'advertising' and the comedians should have to pay for that.

So the recent change in attitude towards guests is likely an F U to management.

Then again, their management was canned the same month that Ant was.

How is Opie getting credit for the comedians who temporarily sat in Ant's chair being funny?

Who do you think invited them?

It sure wasn't that fat fuck Roland.

There's a possibility it was Jimmy, but he's been buried with work lately.

I think the last month of O&J shows have been a testament to Opie's talent as a programmer and host. Anthony is the greatest radio comedian I've ever heard, but he isn't a solo-artist, he really needs a co-host, his show has devolved into LFTC which does nothing for me. I really hope October brings them back together.

I think that saying any found a bunch if guests to discuss race with oversimplifies. Ant now had an outlet to talk about what happened, which he couldn't do in the days prior. Following that the news blew up with all the racial issues he is known to have controversial opinions on. His hardcore fans salivate at the chance to hear him speak his mind on those topics in particular. Opie on the other hand would be a fool today into the racial topics at sirius xm of all places. In addition, opie never really dove into the racial issues too passionately when ant was on the show. Unfortunately, I really feel that opie can't carry the show only with jimmy at his side the way ant could. This was always pretty clear when opie or ant would go on vacation and the remaining person would do the show with Jim. They are going to need to get a talented 3rd person to give jimmy someone to work off of.

Hey DAE think Anthony's show sucks even though there hasn't been a single episode yet?

well put

Ope talks music Ant and Jim talk movies and TV.

We got two days of good radio, the rest has been shit, barring the odd gem like Penn who always brings the goods.


"no talent" yet he knows what works and what doesn't, who to have on the show and who not to have on the show. He's just flying blind

This has already been discussed.

If you've read that, read it again because you obviously missed the point of the post.

I absolutely agree with you. Most people are quick to bash opie. But he is the genius that reigns in anthony and keeps him on track. I will go on hiatus from listening to the shows until they get back together. Which they will when anthony realizes money isn't as good from working separately.

They need to be together. They're the ying to each other's yang. It's like separating Master Blaster. (They're a unit; they even share the same name.)

Anthony rules and Opie sucks a dick.

You can't expect a miner to find the gold vein on his first day of work.

Not exactly Ant's first day of radio. If all the celebrities and comedians that came out in his defense, his first show will be talking about free speech and racial tensions. Lovely.

is it his first show as 1st mic, with set time, suscription based, scheduled guests etc?

Yes, it is, which is why he could have scheduled a guest people heard of and would want to listen to on the air.

A reporter nobody heard of who got fired for saying something Anthony believed. Compelling radio. I'm sure thousands of people will want to listen to him and Ant agree with each other on a topic nobody gives a shit about.

He should have called it the "Listen to Anthony bitch and try to make a point about topics the majority of people dont give a shit about show"

Maybe tomorrow he can get some rich socialite to come in and they can complain about the tax rate on millionaires.

Sign me up!

does he have a booking department?

do you enjoy opie talking about 80's music or dumb youtube videos?

do you fuck little children? (only judging by your username)

How you do get fucking children from "cardinal"? It's a bird you retard.

Figures your brain would go right to that. Sorry our uncle did that to you, but don't lay your hangups on me

you have the brain of a child, that's why you don't know many things, including good comebacks.

Says the person who keeps using the retarded line over and over


Opie's FUNNY? AND he "brings the funny"? Ugh. JIMMY is the comic-contact. Please stop using the term "the funny".

Opie calling himself out at the end of the Wayans interview wasn't funny?!

that shit was hilarious, opie's funny in a non traditional sense, and hes cringe worthy a lot of times too.

Such groveling


I'm conservative and everyone is out to get me!


"Ant's politics sabotage him..."

"Opie knows talent and finds comics who bring the funny..."

"The show has been better than expected..."

I'd love to see an original thought in one of these threads. It's honestly like you people are copy and pasting.

Sounds like many cares have been given.

You're the first person to make that joke.


But the reason people keep saying those things is because they're mostly true.

It's very similar to rock bands. For instance, the Smiths made some great records, but when the group blew up, the solo material was never as strong. Basically the same forces that contribute to great music also contribute to the band breaking up. (Morrissey and Marr constantly bickered about the direction of the band; Morrissey is gay and wanted to do show tunes, Marr is straight and wanted to do guitar rock. The straw that broke the camel's back was a show tune called "work is a four letter word" and the band blew up because Marr was sick of Morrissey's shit.)

Meanwhile, you'll listen to Ant's show with regurgitated points from The Blaze and Niggermania. Cool.

Yeah I'd much rather listen to Opie interrupt every guest to tell them whatever talent they have isn't being utilized and should be directed into a reality show or web series. Much more entertaining.

Anthony is hilarious and pretty smart and Opie isn't. I love all the lefty retards who now gloat like Opie is anything but boring and whiny. When sirius XM cancels Prole Greg and Catchphrase Boy I wonder how you'll rationalize it.

A couple of months ago, I would've agreed, I seriously thought that Opie wasn't just the weakest part of the show, I thought he was so bad that we basically just getting in the way of Ant and Jim.

But after seeing the guest lineup for the Anthony Cumia show, it's obvious that SOMEONE needs to tell Ant that nobody gives a shit about his political opinions

So I'm a lefty now because I don't think that "Opie is...boring and whiny".

Anthony is...pretty smart

I honestly feel bad for you if you believe this. Anthony is a high school drop out who gets his knowledge from History Channel documentaries and reading articles on The Blaze.

Opie calling himself out at the end of the Wayans interview wasn't funny?!

Such groveling



Damnit! I hate it when that happens!

Yeah I'd much rather listen to Opie interrupt every guest to tell them whatever talent they have isn't being utilized and should be directed into a reality show or web series. Much more entertaining.