Anthony's guest on wednesday is the reporter who got in trouble for commenting on the anti cop mentality in the black community

46  2014-08-04 by [deleted]


hate to say it but im happy i didnt sign up for Ants podcast right away.

I'm waiting to hear all the subscribers come back to bitch. "uaagghhh it was nothing like O&A! There was too much political shit!"

Opie and Jim balanced him out well. He would go off on his ideals but would be cut off by his co-hosts. With no differing viewpoints it will be constant rants about the 2nd Amendment/liberals/race. Everybody loves him for his quick wit and humor, but this show will be very different.

People like to laugh after a hard day at work, we don't really give two shits about "race war" or the attack on "whitey".

He never brings up Jewish people which is weird bcause he goes after any minority in America.

What reason does he have to go after the jews?

Most conservatards like Ant also buy into "the Jewish conspiracy" or at least the fact that Jews push their agenda in the media


4 teens in Israel get captured, it's national news everywhere despite this kind of thing happening every else daily, it's used as a pretense to war, there is some manipulation there and to deny it is ignorant.


Jesus Joe...

They control a lot of aspects of the government through AIPAC, they drummed up the Iraq war through lobbying.

They have spied on the US government

Some Jews in America serve Israel first and America second.

There is a lot of things you can talk about if you want to generalize and be a racist like Ant is regarding blacks or other minorities. Like with all the stereotypes there is some degree of truth behind it.



AIPAC espionage scandal:

The Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal (also known as the AIPAC espionage scandal) refers to Lawrence Franklin's scandal of passing classified documents regarding United States policy towards Iran to Israel through American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Franklin, a former United States Department of Defense employee, pleaded guilty to several espionage-related charges and was sentenced in January 2006 to nearly 13 years of prison, which was later reduced to ten months house arrest. Franklin passed information to AIPAC policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman, who later were fired by AIPAC. They were later indicted for illegally conspiring to gather and disclose classified national security information to Israel. The case against them eventually was dismissed.

Interesting: Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal | American Israel Public Affairs Committee | Franklin (surname) | Kenneth M. Pollack | T. S. Ellis, III

Parent commenter can toggle NSFW or delete. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. | FAQs | Mods | Magic Words

So, uh, what options does Anthony have right now? What would you have him do? Would you prefer he just retired? But then what would everyone here do without something to bitch about. It's worse than my ex wife. I used to pass my own house and chug as many beers as I could in order to listen to that silver back gorilla storm around the house like the floor was luggage. I almost have to be drunk now to click this subreddit. Good god it makes me sick the amount of hatred and loathing that drips out of this place.

Coming Thursday to the Anthony Cumia Show: mikelp1973, to tell stories about his wife, drinking, and the differences between drywall in Centerport and Maspeth.

How about humor and shock jockery? You know, the thing he made his name doing.

You must be a delight at dinner parties.

How often do you equate the world around you to your failed marriage? Cheer up you sad sack of shit

Actually I think I equated you to that woman and you know that. It's why you reported to childish name calling. A behavior I left on the playground. When I graduated grade school.

Yeah, giving Anthony almost $7 for a show you didn't like would have been terrible.

Everybody should sign up for a month, then if the show isn't their cup of tea, they should cancel before the month is up.

Anthony will notice and feel massive withdrawn support far more than a complete lack of support from the beginning, and he'd be more inclined to change content to win back that support.

But I'll let you get back to your paper route.

This shouldn't be downvoted. The people on this sub are such negative cunts. God forbid you support the guy from the show you love.

Thanks, that's sweet of you.

It's very difficult to get a read on this sub. Being a former Stern fan was easy; (just about) everybody hated what he had turned into, and just piled on.

But this.........this is wacky. Anthony didn't change; peoples' reactions towards him did, and opinions have splintered off in a dozen different directions.

And there's this weird undercurrent of indignation going on, where a lot of people actually seem offended that he's charging for his new show. But I think a lot of that is people just hiding their cheapness behind a pseudo-indignation.

They don't need to shell out the $7 if they've already convinced themselves that the show will be nothing more than the drunken ramblings of a racist gun-nut, with smatterings of talentless leeches and hangers-on sprinkled in.

But I think that's really selling Anthony short. It may very well be/become that, but after so many years of shits 'n giggles, I think it's sad that more people aren't willing to give him the $7 benefit of the doubt.

It's again hilarious to see so many fans of Antony or the people on this sub come out as liberal faggots who hate what he says the minute he gets his own show.

"liberal faggot" because i want to laugh at his imitations / quick wit and not a constant screaming about the "race war of america" GIVE IT A REST. YEEESHHHh

PS i like how you phrase it as "come out" as if i was hiding something. is there anything you want to "come out" as? you seemed to have some repressed sexual confusion to get out of ya.

PSS. my cousins a closeted homosexual who totes around to be a "love yer guns and race" white guy too. maybe you can both blow each other and cry about minorities.

Wow you're definitely right at home here on reddit. Of your completely inaccurate description of me, I think it's funniest that you think I'm white. The gay thing is just you projecting, but I have no clue why you think I'm white.

Go'fuck yerself WilliamTellAll.

This guy is gonna be so funny and interesting.............. ....... .......

Ant was only really funny when he and Jimmy fed off each other. I'm sure there will be done great moments on his new podcast when the right guests are in, but 99% of the time it will be a rant-fest

Anthony was funny on the radio back when jimmy was opening for Levy.

The Anthony Cumia Show reminds me of Jordan quitting basketball to play for the Birmingham Barons. Hilarious comedian whose political skillset is on par with a shitty Double-A ball player.

I think this is more like when Tim Tebow stopped being an underwear model so he could become a football player.

Why the fuck is Ant doing this to himself? He can't be this stupid could he? His whole life revolves around race and guns and he expects to attract a big audience with that. It gets old pretty fucking quick. We get it, you hate blacks and like guns. Just be the loveable funny wop we all know and love

He's going the edgy Glenn Beck route. Beck makes a shit-ton of money doing an online show for a fringe crowd, who want their beliefs repeated back to them. Honestly...there's probably a market for a republican who says "cunt."

It works for beck because most conservatives are uptight about the word "cunt". If he goes this route I'm out. The rants were the least funny thing he ever did on air.

Those were always the parts of the show where I zoned out for. You can only listen to a 'dialogue' between Ant and callers that disagree with him so many times.

Because Opie isn't there to steer the ship. Same reason Ant got fired for something he said off the air; without a rudder Ant will blather on about blacks to anyone that will listen

It's sad to see, but I don't think he wants to be funny in any other context.

Well, there's always Keith the Cop and Brother Joe to provide the laughs.

Explain "laughs" in that context.

Those guys are Comedy Gold.

Let's all have a chew!

Gold, Jerry! Gold!

Lol that's the funniest troll that ive heard on this subreddit.

Brother Joe and Keith the Cop are real Knee slappers.


His whole life revolves around race and guns and he expects to attract a big audience with that.

Yeah, there is absolutely no market for that. What's he gonna try next, religion?

He's a comedic talk show host. He doesn't have the educational credits needed to be taken seriously by conservatives who don't know him from Opie & Anthony.

Yeah it's not like Glenn Beck was a radio shock jock or anything

You really think a guy who is on tape agreeing with eugenics and saying some races are inherently superior in intellect would get that popular? His beliefs aren't mainstream enough to obtain the massive audience Beck did.

Beck was controversial, but even he wouldn't touch race as brutally as Anthony does. Anthony shouldn't fence himself into this constant right wing talk. He's funnier and smarter than that and can do so much more to entertain

Yes to answer your question. There are plenty of bigots with their own show.

You missed my point. Of course he can have his own show. Anyway I'm too lazy to argue this early in the morning. Have a good-natured day

Your argument failed. Your point was proven wrong.

Millions of people are willing to tune into racist commentary and bigotry. Millions of people listen to an uneducated shock jock turned zealot. Fox news even gives war criminals their own shows. There is a giant market for Ants nonsense.

I think he's too late to the show with his current ideology. Now if he goes all out like Glenn beck or Alex Jones, he could be on to something.

Who gives a fuck what this guy has to say?

Anthony and Anthony alone.

Can someone count how many times Anthony says "Liberal white guilt" or "blame whitey" in the first week? I'm playing a drinking game but I don't think the liquor alotment required to keep up will allow me the extra $7 to actually get the show.

It's okay you'll die from poisoning

I am looking forward to Ant's show.

I am too, because we'll finally have something besides speculation to talk about.

He's just gonna be a white trash Sean Hannity

That's redundant.

Fuck man, I'm afraid this just isn't going to be the show I hoped it would be.

Sweet this will go as well as the interviews with George Zimmermans brother did. Ugh.

Anthony only cares about speech he agrees with. If this guy's editorializing had a different slant, Anthony wouldn't care that he got fired.

Damn, I had thought it might be Casey Anthony.

"I thought it was gonna be He Maannn..." (Ghostbusters 2)

To everyone who subscribed because they thought Anthony was so funny on O&A: you are in for a big surprise.

Prepare to listen to two hours of bitching every day. Politics, race, social commentary, women, taxes, NYC Government. Ooooh the laughs will be coming!!!

I won't even steal this show. The inside word is that he only has 2500 subs

Where do you get anything inside from ... you've never been inside anything ya' lonely oapedia reading queer.

Anyway, lets indulge your pretence for a minute, that's about twice what I was thinking would be reasonable, and therefore rockets the show straight into the top 1% for podcast profitability, and it hasn't aired yet.

Another "big fat, big-titted hit" for our new Howard Beale.

That many??

This is turning into a very expensive cable access show.

Maybe Scorch can have him on...

I've been wanting Anthony to become the new PFG sidekick since his firing. Mostly because I can see him laughing and clapping along with Scorch's bits completely unironically.

The problem is that Anthony's real numbers are going to pale in comparison to the fake numbers that radio likes to boast about. I don't think the numbers on Sirius were that great. The numbers for all entertainment are shitty since entertainment is so fractured now.

Inside word, you're a fucking creep.

Then how the F did you listen to it today to give us your amazing review in the other threads?


He'll be living back in Centerport and singing backup for 2u by Christmas.


2014-08-04 03:26:42 UTC

Wednesday's Anthony Cumia Show welcomes former News 12 reporter Sean Bergin to the studio to talk about free speech.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Here comes the funny!

The way things are shaping up I'd rather watch PFG TV than The Anthony Cumia Show.

I'm really not comprehending how some of you fellas seem surprised that Anthony is going to have guests like said reporter. He has his views on race, politics, etc that he stands behind 100% whether you agree with him or not. The show will most likely resemble the LFTC show he ran prior, if you aren't interested in hearing opinions you don't agree with then stick with O&J, it's fairly simple.

Good one, not wanting to be subjected to a 4 hour rant misinformed rant on race is being close-minded. This is the defense you have for a guy who is unable in any level to have a measured opinion, that isn't extremely right wing.

He doesn't advertise measured opinion. He advertises himself as the guy who says horrible shit.

Why are you guys so unable to understand the difference between humor and boring political opinions. And I don't mean interesting discussion that they had on the show. I mean the awful hour long rants that have no subtlety or cleverness.

Here are three examples of what I liked and what I sought out in terms of politics on Opie & Anthony:

Good enough for you?

Yeah I don't want Anthony Cumia Show or Opie & Jimmy, I want what I posted, but we can't have that anymore.

I'll likely never sign up for Ant's show. Ant needs guidance, not his own show.

I wouldn't dismiss this guy just yet, wait and see.

I have a feeling that Ant wanted an actual TV broadcaster for the show to act as a video/TV "Opie". If this guy's appearance rocks and they somehow had good chemistry, there's potential.

Even if you disagree with the guy, we shouldn't trash people who got fired for not being PC enough, because not only are they rare nowadays, they either have the balls or the lack of brains (or both) to not be PC for the mass media.

If this guy's appearance rock

Good point, expand on this more please



Of course it is...

These pre-complainers are smart; they're gettin' in early and avoiding the rush.

"My preconceived notions of the show completely suck!"

They sure do, Timmy.........they sure do.

>free speech

Oh god...

The only way this works is if his shit can be heard for free somewhere and he's able to attract new listeners.


Jesus Christ, don't you guys do anything else then to but bitch about anything???

Why are you even listening to the show(s), you don't seem to like them, Ant is a racist, Opie is an idiot that needs to die in an AIDS fire, Jimmy is a needing bitch, Roland is an fat fuck (which i agree with btw)

If you hate the show(s) and the guys so much why are you idiots still here?


Anecdotal evidence doesn't offset statistics. Unless there are data that show that false accusations are endemic enough to be explanatory of the fact that 12% of the population commits 50% of homicides, then you can't say "Patrice got treated bad so the stats are wrong".

On the contrary, citing statistics while ignoring decades-long mass incarceration specifically targeted at black population which followed Jim Crow, redlining, economic warfare, segregation, and many other factors is dishonest at best.

On the contrary, citing historical inequities while ignoring the piles of dead black children heaping up in our major cities is dishonest at best. I guess all those corpses I'm seeing are just my racism acting up.

Yeah, who needs pesky things like context and historical perspective?

the piles of dead black children heaping up in our major cities

Why, it's almost as if the two are somehow related! But then you'd have to look at dead black kids as something besides a club to beat minorities and liberals with, huh.

I'm addressing people that are claiming that these crimes don't even exist. I'm not saying history is irrelevant, I'm saying that people who claim that these murders stats aren't actually happening and are instead a result of over conviction, are fucking retarded. And historical racism isn't unique to blacks. Jews and Asians have been terribly abused and yet are the two most successful ethnic groups in the US, more than any white group. History counts but to say that Chicago gangs are due to Jim Crow and not 75% black illegitimacy and an anti-academic culture is myopic. But then you'd have to look at dead black kids as something besides a historical consequence and instead look at them as dead children who need people to actually admit that they're there.

Why would you kill other blacks if the white man is keeping you down? Shouldn't you be killing the white man?

So when do we stop letting people off the hook for shit that happened 100 years ago?? It is more important that these morons stop killing each other than it is to get whitey to stop talking about it. Concentrate your anger on the low IQ murderers.


I'd say the drug war is an area where the justice system is observably skewed. Blacks are convicted more often even though whites use at the same rate.

Yeah but who is dealing and who is using.

Disparity doesn't mean racism. Could be due to the fact that blacks are much more involved in gang activity. Or that blacks sell more recklessly than some dopey suburb white kids moving it out of their grandma's basement.

Or it could be that the black folks are poor and can't afford to lawyer up appropriately to beat the charges. The dopey white kid dealing bud has parents that think he's a good egg and will pay for lawyers. The poor black kid in the hood doesn't have such resources.

Our justice system is all about having enough money and time to defend yourself.

No, there are far more poor whites than poor blacks. Poverty would not explain the jump from 12% pop to 50% homicides.

I was talking about the drug war, not the homicides. Please stay on topic.

Then my earlier point still stands. If poverty is why blacks are more convicted then whites would still be much much greater, because there are far more poor whites than poor blacks by total. So your Lawyer Up argument doesn't reflect reality.

So, I googled "More whites in poverty than blacks". Some hits seem to back up your claim, while other hits don't. So I don't entirely believe the claim, I think people might be cooking statistics to support their worldview. But I don't have time to actually investigate right now. You may be right.

Personally, I was thinking of a report released by the local paper here where I live. Sadly, I can't find the actual 2 part series, it appears to have been stricken from the internet and I can't find it in But here's a reference to it that sums it up

In Cleveland, a reporter found that "...blacks arrested on first-time, drug-related violations “were 66 percent more likely to be saddled with a felony record than their white counterparts,". I don't know how to explain that other than either Bill Mason (the corrupt, shit dick cuyahoga county prosecutor) had a hardon for prosecuting blacks harder than whites, or blacks couldn't afford to navigate the legal system. Realistically, it's probably a bit of both.

It's a fact that there are more poor whites than blacks. There is no "cooking". 19 millions poor whites, that's double the amount of poor blacks. Fuck there are only 38 mil blacks in total, so I have no idea why you think otherwise. Maybe you just want to fit a narrative.

Reading more on it now, you're right, but you're talking in absolutes. There's more white people than black people in the US in total.

But when you get into a city like Cleveland, or NYC, the poor population skews to the brown people. Hence what I said.

Though I guess you could abstract it out to just simply, the poor can't afford good enough legal representation.

EDIT - This article describes what I was trying to convey. Though there are more total whites in poverty, it disproportionately hits the other communities harder.

What you're doing is speculating.


They are breaking the law more frequently man. 52% of homicides at 12% of the population is not explained away by over conviction. Unless you are implying that some sneaky neo-nazis are actually the ones shooting up Baltimore.



What you're saying is that facts indicate that there's an inherent lack of virtue in people with dark skin.

That is insanity.

That's what you said prior to your post deletion. I capped it so you can see I'm not putting words in your mouth-

I'm wondering, do you think we should just completely disregard statistics because they reflect poorly on a certain demographic? Are numbers racist in your eyes?

That seems to be far more insane.


He knows people outside of his fanbase are going to be paying attention to the first few shows, so he wants to get his side of the story and his points of view out as quickly as possible so he can attract like-minded potential listeners. I probably won't listen to it but it isn't a bad idea.

Doesn't make sense since only subscribers (supporters) will be able to watch. He'll be preaching to the choir mostly. I honestly don't know what his point is, or if he's thought it through carefully.

One thing I'll say is that it'll probably be easier to go from a closed subscription-based business model to an open one (paid for with ads) than it would to go the other way around.

True, but if he's smart he'll put up a good clip on youtube with this guy. Both of them were on the news recently and them defending themselves together will probably get some coverage.

I think in general he should start making highlight clips and post them to YouTube to try to get new viewers, but still, the people he wants to have a fight with will never subscribe. If he wants to fight with people he's going to have to open his show up to the public.

A month late.

Reading the comments to this tweet is just fantastic.

"Perfect guest. You guys really must have your shit 2gether."

  • Keith the Cop, apparently

Weird thing about me. Got burned contributing to too many politicians. And volunteering for Democratic politicians. Now, I am disenchanted and somehow this has freed me from fighting for a side. I've been loving watching the test shows, just to hear Anthony speak. So what if he wants to do a circle jerk his first week? I'm sure it will still be funny.

Obviously, as a female, I'm going to have to sit through a whole lot of naked female bullshit as well. So what? Anthony has talent. I'm glad I subscribed for a year. I owe that much in retrospect. I've been lmao to YouTube uploads long enough.

Go on. Flame and down vote me now.

Not until you show us your Twitter or IG and we make sure if you're cute or not first. ^

I'm cute as fuck. But I also have a corporate job that as I can see, I am not willing to lose over some off-hand comment on a website. See? Cute and smart. :p

show some pink or fuck off

What does people getting to see your Twitter have to do with your corporate job? Stop being a square.

Says someone in the Opie and Anthony sub.

It's WHAT she tweets, not "who looks at her account."

Not a one of us have heard the first show. How do you know what it will be?

Prejudice. You are no different than him. You're worse.

being worse would make em different you dumb fuck

That many??

This is turning into a very expensive cable access show.

The problem is that Anthony's real numbers are going to pale in comparison to the fake numbers that radio likes to boast about. I don't think the numbers on Sirius were that great. The numbers for all entertainment are shitty since entertainment is so fractured now.

Explain "laughs" in that context.

Where do you get anything inside from ... you've never been inside anything ya' lonely oapedia reading queer.

Anyway, lets indulge your pretence for a minute, that's about twice what I was thinking would be reasonable, and therefore rockets the show straight into the top 1% for podcast profitability, and it hasn't aired yet.

Another "big fat, big-titted hit" for our new Howard Beale.


Inside word, you're a fucking creep.

Lol that's the funniest troll that ive heard on this subreddit.

Brother Joe and Keith the Cop are real Knee slappers.

Wow you're definitely right at home here on reddit. Of your completely inaccurate description of me, I think it's funniest that you think I'm white. The gay thing is just you projecting, but I have no clue why you think I'm white.

Go'fuck yerself WilliamTellAll.

So, I googled "More whites in poverty than blacks". Some hits seem to back up your claim, while other hits don't. So I don't entirely believe the claim, I think people might be cooking statistics to support their worldview. But I don't have time to actually investigate right now. You may be right.

Personally, I was thinking of a report released by the local paper here where I live. Sadly, I can't find the actual 2 part series, it appears to have been stricken from the internet and I can't find it in But here's a reference to it that sums it up

In Cleveland, a reporter found that "...blacks arrested on first-time, drug-related violations “were 66 percent more likely to be saddled with a felony record than their white counterparts,". I don't know how to explain that other than either Bill Mason (the corrupt, shit dick cuyahoga county prosecutor) had a hardon for prosecuting blacks harder than whites, or blacks couldn't afford to navigate the legal system. Realistically, it's probably a bit of both.

Then how the F did you listen to it today to give us your amazing review in the other threads?